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MAG 22.3

RECORDS GROUP NO: ….22……CODE   ……MAG…22…………………………………………




RECORD CLASS NO:  …22/3…………….CODE……MAG…22/3…………………........................




RECORD SUB CLASS NO …………… CODE……………………………………………………….


RECORD SUB TITLE…………………………………………………………………………………..


DATE: ………………….


ACCESS: ……………….                


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG 22/3/1    Order in Council order No.4 of 1934.                                    1          1934


“         “      2    Ashanti Order No. 29 of 1935.                                   1          1935

“         “      3    An Ordinance to make provision for Appeals to        1          1935

                        the W/A Court of the Gold Coast.


“         “      4    Regulations made by the governor in council             1          1935

                        under section eleven of the mining rights



“         “      5    An ordinance to give statutory effect within the       1          1935

                        Gold Coast colony to the convention concerning

                        forced or compulsory Labour.


“         “     6     An ordinance amend the Roads Ordinance cap.149  1          1935


“         “     7     An ordinance to make provision for the control         1          1935

                        & regulation of the property revenues and

                        expenditure of the stools in the Asamankese



“         “     8     An ordinance to make provision for the control         1          1935

                        And regulation of the property, revenues and

                        Expenditure of the stools in the Asamankese



“         “     9     The Extradition Ordinance, 1935.                              1          1935




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG 22/3/10  The evidence (British and Foreign Document)           1          1935

                        Repeat Ordinance, 1935.


“         “    11    The Evidence (British and Foreign Document)          1          1935

                        Repeat Ordinance, 1935.


“         “    12    The Foreign Judgement (Reciprocal Enforcement)    1          1935

                        Ordinance, 1935.


“         “    13    The Foreign Judgements (Reciprocal Enforcement)   1          1935

                        Ordinance, 1935.


“         “    14    The Public Lands Amendment and Extension           1          1935

                        Ordinance, 1935.


“         “    15    The Public Lands Amendment and Extension           1          1935

                        Ordinance, 1935.


“         “    16    The Post Office Ordinance, 1936.                              1          1936


“         “    17    The Electricity Supply Amendment Ordinance,         1          1936



“         “    18    The Electricity supply Amendment Ordinance,         1          1936



“         “    19    The courts and Magistrates (Change of terms            1          1935

                        Ordinance, 1935.


“         “    20    The Marriage (Ashanti) Amendment Ordinance        1          1935



“         “    21    The importation of Plants Regulation Ordinance       1          1936



“         “    22    Ashanti order No.8 of 1936.                                       1          1936


“         “    23    The Pensions (non-European officers)                        1          1936

                        Amendment and Extension Ordinance, 1936.








REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG 22/3/24  By His Excellency, Sir ARNOLD WIENHOLT       1          1936

HODSON, knight commander of the Most

                        Distinguished order of Saint Micheal and Saint

                        George, Governor and commander-in-chief of the

                        Gold Coast Colony, etc.


“         “    25    The Kumasi Public Health Board Ordinance 1937    1          1937


“         “    26    The Cocoa Industry (Regulation) Ordinance 1937    1          1937


“         “    27    The Native administration Amendment                     1          1937

                        Ordinance, 1937


“         “    28    The European Officers Pensions (Amendment)         1          1937

                        Ordinance, 1937.


“         “    29    Made by the Governor in council with the sanction   1          1937

                        of the secretary of state under section 3 of the

                        European Officers Pensions Ordinance.


“         “    30    By His Excellency Sir ARNOLD WIENHOLT        1          1937

                        HODSON, knight commander of the most

                        Distinguished order of Saint Micheal and Saint

                        Goerge, Governor and Commander-in-chief of

                        the Gold Coast Colony, etc.


“         “    31    Made under the courts Ordinance 1935.                    1          1935


“         “    32    Made under the infections diseases ordinance.          1          1935


“         “    33    The co-operative societies ordinance, 1937                1          1937


“         “    34    Regulations made under the cocoa industry               1          1937

                        (regulation) ordinance, 1937.


“         “    35    Order made under the infections diseases                  1          1937



“         “    36    Rules made by the Govenor under section 20 of       1          1937

                        the Post Office Ordinance 1936.


“         “    37    An Ordinance to amend the Dangerous Drugs          1          1937

                        Ordinace, 1935.




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG 22/3/38  Regulations made under the cocoa industry               1          1937

                        (regulation) ordinance, 1937.


“         “    39    The customs (Amendment) ordinance, 1937.             2          1937


“         “    40    Order in council made under the Aliens                     1          1937

                        Ordinance, 1935.


“         “    41    Regulations made by the Governor under                  1          1937

                        Paragraph (4) of Article 23 of the Air Navigation

                        (Colonies, protectorates and mandated territories)

                        Order, 1937.


“         “    42    The native administration (Amendment) (No.2)        1          1937

                        Ordinance, 1937.


“         “    43    By His Excellency Sir ARNOLD WIENHOLT        1          1937

                        HODSON, knight commander of the most

                        Distinguished order of Saint Micheal and Saint

                        George, Governor and commander-in-chief of

                        the Gold Coast Colony, etc.


“         “    44    Supplements to the Gold Coast Gazette for the         1          1937

                        Second half year 1937.          


“         “    45    The widows and orphans pensions (James                 1          1937

                        Stewart Thain) Ordinance, 1934.


“         “    46    Order in Council made under the waterworks           1          1937

                        Ordinance, 1934.


“         “    47    The native Administration (Amendment) (No.2)       1          1937

                        Ordinance, 1937.


“         “    48    The Registration of Business Names Ordinance        1          1937



“         “    49    Togoland under British mandate.                               1          1937


“         “    50    ORDER MADE UNDER THE CONCESSIONS    1          1937



“         “    51    THE POST OFFICE (AMENDMENT) ordinance    1          1937




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG 23/3/52  THE POST OFFICE (AMENDMENT) ordinance    1          1937



“         “    53    ORDER IN Council made under the aliens               1          1937

                        Ordinance 1935.


“         “    54    Regulations made by the Governor under section      1          1937

                        92 of the minerals ordinance, 1936.


“         “    55    Order made under the concessions ordinance.           1          1937


“         “    56    By Hos excellency Sir ARNOLD WIENHOLT        1          1937

                        HODSON, knight commander of the most

                        Distinguished order of Saint Micheal and saint

                        George, Governor and commander-in-chief of

                        the Gold Coast colony.


“         “    57    Order made under the native administration              1          1937

                        (Southern section) ordinance, 1932.


“         “    58    Order made under the courts ordinance.                    1          1937


“         “    59    Rules of court made under the Authority of              1          1937

                        Article twelve of the West African Court

                        of appeal orders in council, 1928-1935,



“         “    60    Order made under the concessions ordinance.           1          1938


“         “    61    Regulations made under the Kola nuts export           1          1938

                        Duty (Togoland under British mandate) ordinance


“         “    62    The co-operative societies (amendment)                     1          1938

                        Ordinance, 1938


“         “    63    Order made under the infectious diseases                  1          1938



“         “    64    The Quarantine Amendment and Extension              1          1938

                        Ordinance, 1938


“         “    65    The water works Amendment ordinance.                   1          1938


“         “    66    Gold Coast Colony order                                           1          1938



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG 22/3/67  A proclamation by his Excellency Sir ARNOLD       1          1938

                        WIENHOLT HODSON, knight commander of the

                        Most Distinguished order of Saint Micheal and

                        Saint George, Governor and commander-in-chief

                        of the Gold Coast colony.


“         “    68    The Gold Mining Products protection                        1          1938

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1938


“         “    69    Rules made under the water works ordinance.           1          1938


“         “    70    The Gold mining products protection                         1          1938

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1938


“         “    71    The water works Amendment ordinance, 1938          1          1938


“         “    72    Proclamation by his Excellency commander of          1          1938

                        the most distinguished order of Saint Micheal

                        and Saint George, Governor and commander

                        -in-chief of the Gold Coast colony, etc.


“         “    73    Order made under the native authority (Ashanti)      1          1938



“         “    74    Order in council made under the mining health         1          1938

                        areas regulations.


“         “    75    Proclamation by his Excellency Sir ARNOLD          1          1938

                        WIENHOLT HODSON, knight commander of

                        the most distinguished order of Saint Micheal

                        and Saint George, Governor and commander-in

                        -chief of the Gold Coast colony, etc.


“         “    76    Order made under the concessions ordinance.           1          1938


“         “    77    The Gold mining products protection                         1          1938

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1938


“         “    78    The royal West African frontier force                        1          1938

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1938


“         “    79    Order in council made under the customs                  1          1938





REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG 22/3/80  Proclamation by his Excellency Sir ARNOLD          1          1938

                        WIENHOLT HODSON, knight commander

                        of the most distinguished order of Saint Micheal

                        and Saint George, Governor and commander-

                        in-chief of the Gold Coast colony, etc.


“         “    81    The Rivers Amendment Ordinance, 1938                  1          1938


“         “    82    Order in council made under the Aliens                     1          1938



“         “    83    Proclamation by his excellency Sir ARNOLD           1          1938

                        WIENHOLT HODSON, knight commander of

                        the most distinguished order of Saint Micheal

                        and Saint George, Governor and commander

                        -in-chief of the Gold Coast colony etc.


“         “    84    The Public Holidays (Amendment) ordinance           1          1938



“         “    84    Regulations made under the cocoa (control of           1          1938

                        Exportation) ordinance.


“         “    85    The tribunals process service and execution               1          1938

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1938.


“         “    86    Order made under the concessions ordinance                        1          1938


“         “    87    Order in council made under the Aliens                     1          1938



“         “    88    The tribunals process services and executions            1          1938

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1938


“         “    89    Order made under the courts ordinance, Cap 4          1          1938


“         “    90    Order in council made under the mining health         1          1938

                        areas regulations.


“         “    91    The oaths (Amendment) ordinance, 1938                  1          1938


“         “    92    Order made under the infectious disease                   1          1938





REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG 22/3/93  The customs tariff (Amendment) ordinance,1938      1          1938


“         “    94    Proclamation by his excellency George Ernest           1          1938

                        London, Esquire, Companion of the most

                        distinguished order of saint Micheal and saint

                        George, Acting Governor and commander-in-

                        Chief of the Gold Coast Colony, etc.


“         “    95    Proclamation by his excellency George Ernest           1          1938

                        London, Esquire, Companion of the most

                        distinguished order of saint Micheal and saint

                        George, Acting Governor and commander-in-

                        Chief of the Gold Coast Colony, etc.


“         “    96    The Rivers amendment ordinance, 1938                    1          1938


“         “    97    The native customs (colony) (amendment)                 1          1938

Ordinance, 1938


“         “    98    The towns (Amendment) ordinance, 1938                 1          1938


“         “    99    Proclamation by his excellency George Ernest           1          1938

                        London, Esquire, Companion of the most

                        distinguished order of saint Micheal and saint

                        George, Acting Governor and commander-in-

                        Chief of the Gold Coast Colony, etc.


“         “   100   The revised edition of the laws (Annual                     1          1938

                        Supplements) ordinance, 1938           


“         “   101   Proclamation by his excellency George Ernest           1          1938

                        London, Esquire, Companion of the most

                        distinguished order of saint Micheal and saint

                        George, Acting Governor and commander-in-

                        Chief of the Gold Coast Colony, etc.


“         “   102   The supply ordinance Amendment ordinance            1          1938



“         “   103   The 1937-38 Final supply ordinance, 1938                 1          1938


“         “   104   The 1938-38 final supply ordinance 1938                  1          1938





REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/105 The native Authority (Northern territories)                1          1938

                        Amendment ordinance, 1938


“         “   106   Order in council made under the cocoa                      1          1938

                        (control of exportation) ordinance, 1938


“         “   107   The native customs (colony) (amendment)                 1          1938

                        Ordinance, 1938


“         “   108   The Diamond mining industry protection                   1          1938

                        (extension and amendment) ordinance 1938


“         “   109   Order made under the infectious disease                   1          1938



“         “   110   Order in council made under the Aliens                     1          1938



“         “   111   The supply ordinances Amendment ordinance           1          1938



“         “   112   Order in council made under the customs tarrif         1          1938



“         “   113   The Native Treasuries ordinance, 1938                       1          1938


“         “   114   Order made under the concessions ordinance 1900   1          1938


“         “   115   Order made under the infectious diseases                  1          1938



“         “   116   Order in council made under the Aliens                     1          1938



“         “   117   Proclamation by his excellency Sir Arnold                 1          1938

                        Wienholt Hodson, knight commander of the

                        most distinguished order of saint Micheal and

                        Saint George, governor and commander-in-chief

                        of the Gold Coast colony, etc.


“         “   118   Order in council made under the mining health         1          1938

                        Areas regulations.





REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/119 Proclamation by his excellency Sir Arnold                 1          1938

                        Wienholt Hodson, knight commander of the

                        most distinguished order of saint Micheal and

                        Saint George, governor and commander-in-chief

                        of the Gold Coast colony, etc.


“         “   120   Commission by his excellency Sir Arnold                  1          1938

                        Wienholt Hodson, knight commander of the

                        most distinquished order of saint Micheal and

                        Saint George, Governor and comander-in-chief

                        of the Gold Coast colony, etc.


“         “   121   Order in council made under the mining health         1          1938

                        Areas regulations


“         “   122   Regulations made under the lighting control              1          1938

                        Ordinance, 1938


“         “   123   Order in council made under the mining health         1          1938

                        areas regulations.


“         “   124   Order in council made under the mosquitoes             1          1938



“         “   125   Order made under the concessions ordinance, 1900  1          1938


“         “   126   Order in council made under the Aliens ordinance    1          1938


“         “   127   Order made under the concessions ordinance, 1900  1          1938


“         “   128   The West African court of Appeal ordinance, 1935   1          1938


“         “   129   Order made under the courts ordinance                     1          1939


“         “   130   Proclamation by Sir Arnold Wienholt Hodson           1          1939

                        Knight commander of the most distinguished

                        Order of saint Micheal and saint George,

                        Governor and commander-in-chief of the

                        Gold Coast colony.


“         “   131   Proclamation by Sir Arnold Wienholt Hodson           1          1939

                        Knight commander of the most distinguished order

                        of saint Micheal and saint George, governor and

commander-in-chief of the Gold Coast colony.



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/132 Proclamation by Sir Arnold Wienholt Hodson           1          1939

                        Knight commander of the most distinguished

                        Order of saint Micheal and saint George,

                        Governor and commander-in-chief of the

                        Gold Coast colony


“         “   133   Supplements to the Gold Coast gazette for the          1          1939

                        The first half-year 1939


“         “   134   Order in council made under the pensions                 1          1939

                        (non-European offficers) ordinance


“         “   135   Order in council made under the ferries ordinance    1          1939


“         “   136   The children (care and reformation)                           1          1939

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1939


“         “   137   The concessions ordinance, 1939                                1          1939


“         “   138   The concessions ordinance, 1939                                1          1939


“         “   139   Order in council made under the mosquitoes             1          1939



“         “   140   The coroners (Amendment) ordinance, 1939             1          1939


“         “   141   Order made under the concessions ordinance            1900    1          1939


“         “   142   The prevention of crimes (Amendment)                     1          1939

                        Ordinance, 1939


“         “   143   The local forces ordinance, 1939                                1          1939


“         “   144   Order in council made under the customs                  1          1939



“         “   145   The local forces ordinance, 1939                                1          1939   


“         “   146   Order in council made under the concession              1          1939

                        Ordinance, 1900


“         “   147   The tribunals process service and execution               1          1939

                        (Ashanti) ordinance, 1939




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/148 Order in council made under the mining health         1          1939

                        areas regulations


“         “   149   Order in council made under the Aliens ordinance    1          1939


“         “   150   Rules made under the native courts (Ashanti)            1          1939



“         “   151   The 1939-40 supply ordinance, 1939                          1          1939


“         “   152   The local forces ordinance, 1939                                1          1939


“         “   153   Order by the chief commissioner                                1          1939


“         “   154   The Pawnbrokers Ordinance, 1939                             1          1939


“         “   155   Order made under the concessions ordinance                        1          1939



“         “   156   Order in council made under the marriage                 1          1939



“         “   157   Order made under the concessions ordinance 1939   1          1939


“         “   158   Order in council made under the Aliens Ordinance   1          1939


“         “   159   The medical practitioners and dentists registration    1          1939

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1939


“         “   160   Proclamation by his excellency Sir Arnold                 1          1939

                        Wienholt Hodson, knight commander of the

                        most distinquished order of saint Micheal and

                        Saint George, governor and commander-in-chief

                        of the Gold Coast colony


“         “   161   Proclamation by his excellency Sir Arnold                 1          1939

                        Wienholt Hodson, knight commander of the

                        most distinquished order of saint Micheal and

                        Saint George, governor and commander-in-chief

                        of the Gold Coast colony


“         “   162   Order in council made under the dangerous               1          1939

                        Drugs ordinance




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/163 Proclamation by his excellency Sir Arnold                 1          1939

                        Wienholt Hodson, knight commander of the

                        most distinquished order of saint Micheal and

                        Saint George, governor and commander-in-chief

                        of the Gold Coast colony


“         “   164   Order in council made under the concessions            1          1939



“         “   165   Order made under the defence regulation                  1          1939


“         “   166   The defence of the Northern Territories ordinance    1          1939


“         “   167   Proclamation by his excellency Sir Arnold                 1          1939

                        Wienholt Hodson, knight commander of the

                        most distinquished order of saint Micheal and

                        Saint George, governor and commander-in-chief

                        of the Gold Coast colony etc


“         “   168   The electricity supply (Amendment) ordinance          1          1939



“         “   169   Order made under the defence regulation                  1          1939


“         “   170   Proclamation by his excellency Sir Arnold                 1          1939

                        Wienholt Hodson, knight commander of the

                        most distinquished order of saint Micheal and

                        Saint George, governor and commander-in-chief

                        of the Gold Coast colony etc


“         “   171   The importation of textiles (Quotas)                           1          1939

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1939


“         “   172   Regulations made under the emergency powers        1          1939

                        (defence) Act 1939, as extended to the Gold

                        Coast by the emergency powers (colonial

                        defence) order in council, 1939


“         “   173   The Mosquitoes (Amendment) ordinance, 1939        1          1939


“         “   174   Rules made under the Defence regulations, 1939      1          1939


“         “   175   The Mosquitoes (amendment) ordinance 1939           1          1939




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/176 Regulations made under the emergency powers        1          1939

                        (defence) Act 1939, as extended to the Gold

                        Coast by the emergency powers (colonial

                        defence) order in council, 1939


“         “   177   Order by the chief commissioner made under the      1          1939

                        Native courts (Ashanti) ordinance


“         “   178   Order by the chief commissioner made under the      1          1939

                        Native courts (Ashanti) ordinance


“         “   179   Order in council made under the ferries ordinance    1          1939


“         “   180   CAP 9. Criminal code (Gold Coast)                           1          1939


“         “   181   Order by the chief commissioner made under the      1          1939

                        Native courts (Ashanti) ordinance


“         “   182   Proclamation by his excellency Sir Arnold                 1          1939

                        Wienholt Hodson, knight commander of the                        

                        Most distinquished order of Saint Micheal and

                        Saint George, governor and commander-in-chief

                        of the Gold Coast, etc


“         “   183   The native Treasuries Ordinance, 1939                       1          1939


“         “   184   Regulations made under the customs ordinance        1          1939


“         “   185   The native authority further Amendment                   1          1939

                        Ordinance, 1939


“         “   186   The Rifle clubs ordinance, 1939                                 1          1939


“         “   187   Proclamation by his honour, George Ernest               1          1939

                        London, Esquire, companion of the most

                        distinguished order of Saint Micheal and Saint

                        George, Deputy for the Governor of the Gold

                        Coast colony, etc


“         “   188   Order made under the trading with the enemy          1          1939

                        Ordinance, 1939


“         “   189   The money lenders ordinance, 1939                           1          1939




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/190Order made under the concessions ordinance 1939    1          1939


“         “   191   The workmen’s compensation ordinance 1939           1          1939


“         “   192   The import, Export and customs powers                    1          1939

                        (Defence) ordinance 1939


“         “   193   The local forces ordinance, 1939                                1          1939


“         “   194   Order in council made under the customs Tariff        1          1939



“         “   195   Order in council made under the waterworks                        1          1939



“         “   196   The local forces (Amendment) ordinance 1939          1          1939


“         “   197   The local forces (Amendment) ordinance 1939          1          1939


“         “   198   The local forces (Amendment) ordinance 1939          1          1939


“         “   199   Regulations made under the Royal West African      1          1939

                        frontier force ordinance


“         “   200   Rules made under the administration (Ashanti)         1          1939



“         “   201   The native law and custom (Ashanti Confedracy      1          1939

                        Council) ordinance, 1939


“         “   202   Regulations made under the weights and                   1          1939

                        measures ordinance


“         “   203   The Geneva and Gin (Restriction of Importation)     1          1939

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1939


“         “   204   Order made under the marriage ordinance                 1          1939


“         “   205   The native authority (Ashanti) (Amendment)                        1          1940

                        ordinance, 1940


“         “   206   The Native Administration (Southern section of        1          1941

                        Togoland under British Mandate) (Amendment)

                        ordinance, 1941



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/207 Order by the chief commissioner made under the      1          1941

                        native courts (Ashanti) ordinance.


“         “   208   Order in council made under the mining health         1          1941

                        areas regulations.


“         “   209   The legal practitioners (Amendment) ordinance         1          1941



“         “   210   Regulations made under the emergency powers        1          1941

                        (Defence) Act, 1939, as amended by the

                        emergency powers (Defence) Act 1940, as

                        extended powers (colonial defence) order in

                        council, 1939, as amended by the emergency

                        powers (colonial defence) (Amendment) order

                        in council, 1940.


“         “   211   The criminal procedure code (Amendment)               1          1941

                        (NO 2) ordinance, 1941


“         “   212   Order in council made under the Animals                  1          1941

                        (control of importation) ordinance.


“         “   213   Order made under the Defence regulations 1939       1          1941


“         “   214   The Gold Coast savings certificates ordinance           1          1941



“         “   215   The Pensions (European officers) (Amendment)        1          1941

                        No. 2 ordinance, 1941


“         “   216   The immigration restriction (Amendment)                 2          1941

                        ordinance, 1941


“         “   217   Order in council made under the concessions                        2          1941

                        ordinance, 1939


“         “   218   Order made under section 9(2) of the trading            1          1941

                        with the enemy ordinance 1939


“         “   219   The local forces (amendment) ordinance                    1          1941

                        (Retrospective Effect) ordinance, 1941





REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/220 Regulations made under the emergency powers        2          1941

                        (Defence) Act, 1939, as amended by the

                        emergency powers (Defence) Act 1940, as

                        extended to the Gold Coast by the emergency

                        powers (colonial defence) order in council, 1939

                        as amended by the emergency powers (colonial

                        defence) (amendment) order in council, 1940


“         “   221   The stool property protection (Amendment)              1          1941

                        ordinance, 1941


“         “   222   The Lunatic Asylums (Amendment) ordinance          1          1941



“         “   223   Order in council made under the concessions            1          1941

                        ordinance, 1939


“         “   224   The administration (Northern Territories)                   1          1941

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1941


“         “   225   Regulations made under the emergency powers        2          1941

                        (Defence) Act, 1939, as amended by the

                        emergency powers (Defence) Act 1940, as

                        extended to the Gold Coast by the emergency

                        powers (colonial defence) order in council, 1939

                        as amended by the emergency powers (colonial

                        defence) (amendment) order in council, 1940


“         “   226   Regulations made under the emergency powers        1          1941

                        (Defence) Act, 1939, as amended by the

                        emergency powers (Defence) Act 1940, as

                        extended to the Gold Coast by the emergency

                        powers (colonial defence) order in council, 1939

                        as amended by the emergency powers (colonial

                        defence) (amendment) order in council, 1940


“         “   227   Rules of court made by the chief justice with the      1          1941

                        approval of the Governor under the workmans

                        compensation ordinance, 1940 (No 52 of 1940)


“         “   228   The official secrets (protectorate) (Amendment)        1          1941

                        ordinance, 1941





REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/229 Order made under regulation 6 of the Defence          1          1941

                        regulations, 1939


“         “   230   The compulsory service ordinance, 1941                    1          1941


“         “   231   Order by thee chief commissioner made under          1          1941

                        the native courts (Northern territories) ordinance


“         “   232   The 1940-1941 Supplementary Supply ordinance      1          1941



“         “   233   The local forces (Amendment) ordinance                   1          1941

                        (Retrospective Effect) ordinance, 1941


“         “   234   Order in council made under the Aliens ordinance    1          1941


“         “   235   The wireless Telegraphy (Amendment) ordinance     2          1941



“         “   236   The Obuasi Sanitary Board (Amendment)                 1          1941

                        ordinance, 1941


“         “   237   Order by the chief commissioner made under            1          1941

                        the native courts (Ashanti) ordinance


“         “   238   Regulations made under the emergency powers        1          1941

                        (Defence) Act, 1939, as amended by the

                        emergency powers (Defence) Act 1940, as

                        extended to the Gold Coast by the emergency

                        powers (colonial defence) order in council, 1939

                        as amended by the emergency powers (colonial

                        defence) (amendment) order in council, 1940


“         “   239   The Military Units Ordinance, 1941                           1          1941


“         “   240   The stool property protection (Amendment)              1          1941

                        regulations 1939


“         “   241   Regulations made under the Beer ordinance              1          1941


“         “   242   Regualtions made under the Beer ordinance              1          1941


“         “   243   The stool property protection (Amendment)              1          1941

                        ordinance, 1941



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/244 Proclamation by his excellency Sir ALAN                 1          1941

                        CUTHBERT MAXWELL BURNS, knight

                        commander of the most distinguished order of

                        saint Micheal and saint George, Governor and

                        commander-in-chief of the Gold Coast colony



“         “   245   A proclamation by his excellency Sir ALAN             1          1941

                        CUTHBERT MAXWELL BURNS, knight

                        commander of the most distinquished order

                        of saint Micheal and saint George, governor

                        and commander-in-chief of the Gold Coast

                        colony etc.


“         “   246   Regulations made under the emergency powers        1          1942

                        (DEFENCE) ACT 139, as amended by the

                        emergency powers (DEFENCE) ACT 1940 as

                        extended to the Gold Coast by the emergency

                        powers (colonial Defence) (Amendment) order

                        in council 1940


“         “   247   Proclamation by his excellency Sir ALAN                 1          1942

                        CUTHBERT MAXWELL BURNS, knight

                        commander of the most distinguished order of

                        saint Micheal and saint George, Governor and

                        commander-in-chief of the Gold Coast etc.


“         “   248   The concessions (Amendment) ordinance 1942         1          1942


“         “   249   The 1940-41 further supplementary supply                1          1942

                        ordinance, 1942


“         “   250   The Pensions (non-European Officers)                       2          1942

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1942


“         “   251   A proclamation by his excellency Sir Allan                1          1942

                        Cuthbert Maxwell Burns, knight commander of

                        the most distinguished order of saint Maxwell

                        and saint George, governor and commander in

                        chief of the Gold Coast Colony etc.


“         “   252   Order in council made under the customs tariff         2          1942





REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/253 The native Administration (colony) (Amendment)    1          1942

                        ordinance, 1942


“         “   254   Regulations under the mining health and ordinance  1          1942


“         “   255   Order in council made under the native customs       1          1942



“         “   256   The 1942-43 Appropriation ordinance 1942               1          1942


“         “   257   The minerals (Amendment) ordinance 1942               1          1942


“         “   258   The 1942-43 Appropriation ordinance 1942               1          1942


“         “   259   The native Administration Treasuries                         2          1942

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1942


“         “   260   The native Administration Treasuries                         1          1942

                        (colony) (Amendment) ordinance 1942


“         “   261   Proclamation by his excellency Sir George                 1          1942

                        Ernest London, knight Bachelor companion of

                        the Most distinguished order of saint Micheal

                        and saint George, Acting Governor and

                        commander-in-chief of the Gold Coast colony



“         “   262   Proclamation by his excellency Sir George                 1          1942

                        Ernest London, knight Bachelor companion of

                        the Most distinguished order of saint Micheal

                        and saint George, Acting Governor and

                        commander-in-chief of the Gold Coast colony


“         “   263   Rules made under the courts ordinance                      1          1942


“         “   264   The 1940-41 Supplementary Supply ordinance          1          1942



“         “   265   Rules made under the courts ordinance                      1          1942


“         “   266   The Administration (Togoland under British             1          1942

                        Mandate) (Amendment) ordinance, 1942





REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/267 The Education (colony and Ashanti) (Amendment)  1          1942

                        ordinance 1942


“         “   268   Proclamation by his excellency Sir George                 1          1942

                        Ernest London, knight Bachelor companion of

                        the Most distinguished order of saint Micheal

                        and saint George, Acting Governor and

                        commander-in-chief of the Gold Coast colony



“         “   269   Proclamation by his excellency Sir George                 1          1942

                        Ernest London, knight Bachelor companion of

                        the Most distinguished order of saint Micheal

                        and saint George, Acting Governor and

                        commander-in-chief of the Gold Coast colony



“         “   270   Order in council made under the Births, deaths         1          1942

                        and burials ordinance.


“         “   271   Regulations made under the emergency powers        1          1942

                        (Defence) Act, 1939 as amended by the

emergency powers (Defence) Act 1940 as

extended to the Gold Coast by the emergency

powers (colonial defence) order in council 1939,

as amended by the emergency powers (colonial

defence) (amendment order in council, 1940


“         “   272   Proclamation by his excellency Sir George                 1          1942

                        Ernest London, knight Bachelor companion of

                        the Most distinguished order of saint Micheal

                        and saint George, Acting Governor and

                        commander-in-chief of the Gold Coast colony



“         “   273   Proclamation by his excellency Sir George                 1          1942

                        Ernest London, knight Bachelor companion of

                        the Most distinguished order of saint Micheal

                        and saint George, Acting Governor and

                        commander-in-chief of the Gold Coast colony


“         “   274   The Kumasi Public Health Board (Amendment)        1          1942

                        ordinance, 1942




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/275 The Police force (Amendment) ordinance 1942         1          1942


“         “   276   The Concessions (Amendment) ordinance 1942        1          1942


“         “   277   Regulations made under the emergency powers        1          1942

                        (Defence) Act 1939, As amended by the

                        emergency powers (Defence) Act, 1940, As

                        extented to the Great Coast by the emergency

                        powers (colonial defence) order in council 1939,

                        As amended by the emergency powers (colonial

                        defence) (amendment) order in council, 1940


“         “   278   Regulations made under the emergency powers        1          1942

                        (Defence) Acts 1939 and 1940, as extended to

                        the Gold Coast.


“         “   279   Index to the supplement to the Gold Coast               1          1942

                        Gazette for second half year, 1942


“         “   280   Regulations made under the emergency powers        1          1942

                        (Defence) Acts, 1939 and 1940 as extended to

                        the Gold Coast


“         “   281   Proclamation by his excellency Sir Alan                     1          1942

                        Cuthbert Maxwell Burns, knight commander

                        of the Most distinguished order of saint Micheal

                        and saint George, Acting Governor and

                        commander-in-chief of the Gold Coast colony


“         “   282   Proclamation by his excellency Sir Alan Cuthbert     1          1942

                        Maxwell Burns, knight commander of the most

                        distinguished order of saint Micheal and saint

                        George, acting governor and commander-in

                        -chief of the Gold Coast colony)


“         “   283   Order in Council made under the Births, Deaths       1          1942

                        and Burials ordinance


“         “   284   The 1940-41 further supplementary supply                1          1942

                        ordinance 1942


“         “   285   The concessions (Amendment) ordinance 1942         1          1942





REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/286 The native administration (Southern Section of         1          1942   

                        Togoland under British mandate) (Amendment)

                        ordinance, 1942


“         “   287   The Kumasi Public health Board (Amendment)         1          1942

                        ordinance, 1942


“         “   288   Order in council made under the Aliens ordinance    2          1942


“         “   289   Regulations made under the emergency powers        1          1942

                        (Defence) Act, 1939, as amended by the

                        emergency powers (Defence) Act, 1940, as

                        extended to the Gold Coast by the emergency

                        powers (colonial defence) order in council,

                        1939, as amended by the emergency powers

                        (colonial defence) (Amendment) order in

                        council, 1940


“         “   290   Regulations made under the emergency powers        1          1942

                        (Defence) Acts 1939 and 1940, as extended to

                        the Gold Coast.


“         “   291   The compulsory service (Amendment) ordinance      1          1942



“         “   292   Order in council made under the Births, deaths         1          1942

                        and burials ordinance


“         “   293   The concessions (Amendment) ordinance 1942         1          1942


“         “   294   The Pensions (widows and orphans)                          1          1942

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1942


“         “   295   Order in council made under the Aliens                     1          1942



“         “   296   Proclamation by his excellency Sir Alan                     1          1942

                        Cuthbert Maxwell Burns, knight commander

                        of the most distinguished order of saint Micheal

                        and saint George, Governor and commander-

                        in-chief of the Gold Coast colony






REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/297 Proclamation by his excellency Sir Alan                     1          1942

                        Cuthbert Maxwell Burns, knight commander

                        of the most distinguished order of saint Micheal

                        and saint George, Governor and commander-

                        in-chief of the Gold Coast colony


“         “   298   The war pensions ordinance, 1943                              1          1943


“         “   299   Proclamation by his excellency Sir Alan                     1          1943

                        Cuthbert Maxwell Burns, knight commander

                        of saint Micheal and Saint George, Governor

                        and commander-in-chief of the Gold Coast

                        colony etc.


“         “   300   The Kumasi lands ordinance 1943                              1          1943


“         “   301   Order by the chief commisioner made under the

                        native courts (Ashanti) ordinance.


“         “   302   Regulations made under the emergency powers        1          1943

                        (Defence) Acts, 1939 and 1940 as extended to

                        the Gold Coast


“         “   303   Order by the chief commissioner made under the      1          1943

                        native courts (Ashanti) ordinance


“         “   304   Proclamation by his excellency Sir Alan Cuthbert     1          1943

                        Maxwell Burns, knight commander of the most

                        distinguished order of saint Micheal and saint

                        George, governor and commander-in-chief of

                        the Gold Coast colony, etc


“         “   305   Order in council made under the native authority      1          1943

                        (Ashanti) ordinance


“         “   306   Order by the chief commissioner made under the      1          1943

                        marriage ordinance


“         “   307   Order in council made under the Aliens ordinance    1          1943


“         “   308   The military units (Amendment) ordinance, 1943      1          1943


“         “   309   The Kumasi lands ordinance, 1943                             1          1943




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/310 The compulsory service (amendment)                        1          1943

                        ordinance 1943


“         “   311   Arrangements of sections                                           1          1943


“         “   312   Order made under the native administration              1          1943

                        (Southern section of Togoland under British

                        mandate) ordinance


“         “   313   Order in council made under the Aliens                     1          1943



“         “   314   The West Africa Institute of Industries, Arts             1          1944

                        and Social Science Ordinance, 1944


“         “   315   Order in Council made under the Aliens                    1          1944

                        Ordinance, order No. 1 of 1944


“         “   316   Order in Council made under the Prisons                   1          1944

                        Ordinance, order No. 6 of 1944


“         “   317   The co-operative societies (Amendments)                  1          1944

                        ordinance 1944


“         “   318   Proclamation by his excellency Sir ALAN                 1          1944

                        BURNS on the time and place for the legislative

                        council of the Gold Coast No.3 of 1944


“         “   319   Order made under the courts ordinance order            1          1944

                        No. 8 of 1944


“         “   320   Regulations made under the emergency powers        1          1944

                        (defence) Acts, 1939 and 1940 as extended

                        to the Gold Coast order no.20 of 1944


“         “   321   Order in council made under the concessions                        1          1944

                        (Ashanti) ordinance 1940 order no.12 of 1944


“         “   322   Regulations made under the emergency powers        1          1944

                        (defence) Acts, 1939 and 1940 as extended to

                        the Gold Coast, regulations no.9 of 1944


“         “   323   Order in council made under the aliens ordinance     1          1944

                        order no.32 of 1944



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/324 The Kumasi Town Council (Amendment)                  1          1944

                        ordinance, 1944. No.19 of 1944


“         “   325   Proclamation by his excellency Sir ALAN                 1          1945

                        BURNS a commander in chief of the Gold

                        Coast Colony. No.1 of 1945.


“         “   326   Proclamation by his Excellency Sir ALAN                1          1945

                        BURNS  a commander-in-chief of the Gold

                        Coast Colony no.3 of 1945


“         “   327   The native customs (colony) (Amendment)                1          1945

                        ordinance, 1945


“         “   328   The courts (Amendment) ordinance 1945                  1          1945


“         “   329   An ordinance to provide for the preservation             1          1945

                        of monuments, relics and objects of archaeological

                        ethnographical or historical interest


“         “   330   The 1943-1944, Supplementary Appropriation          1          1945

                        ordinance, 1945


“         “   331   Order in council made under the customs tariff         1          1945

                        ordinance, order no. 10 of 1945


“         “   332   Order in council made under the aliens                      1          1945

                        ordinance, order no.7 of 1945


“         “   333   The valuation of premises ordinance 1945                 1          1945


“         “   334   The industrial schools and institutions                        1          1945

                        ordinance 1945


“         “   335   YOMBIA GRUNSHIE deportation order, 1945      1          1945

                        No. 24 of 1945


“         “   336   Proclamation by his excellency Sir ALAN                 1          1945

                        BURNS commander-in-chief of the Gold

                        Coast Colony. No. 9 of 1945


“         “   337   The native courts (colony) ordinance, 1944                1          1945

                        (No.22 of 1944), order no.20 of 1945




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/338 Arrangement of sections                                             2          1945


“         “   339   The water works (non-municipal water rate               1          1945

                        areas) (Amendment) order, 1945. No.28 of 1945


“         “   340   The YARO ZABRAMA alias BAZABRAMI          1          1945

                        deportation order, 1945. No.34 of 1945


“         “   341   The monuments and relics ordinance, 1945                1          1945

                        No. 34 of 1945


“         “   342   The Alimai Konkomba deportation order, 1945.        1          1945

                        No.35 of 1945


“         “   343   The pensions (widows and orphans) (excemption)     1          1945

                        ordinance, 1945


“         “   344   The fisheries ordinance, 1945                                     1          1945


“         “   345   The concessions (mining excemption) (no.3)              1          1945

                        order, 1945. No.42 of 1945


“         “   346   The Ayamdogo moshie deportation order, 1945        1          1945

                        No 48 of 1495


“         “   347   The emergency powers (defence) Acts, 1939 and      1          1945

  1. No. 31 of 1945


“         “   348   The labour ordinance, 1945. No. of 1945                   1          1945


“         “   349   Provision for more effective control of natives          1          1945

                        subject to this ordinance who are passengers

                        in ships


“         “   350   Arrangements of sections                                           12        1945


“         “   351   A bill intitutd an ordinance to provide for the           1          1945

                        preservation of monuments relics and objects

                        of archaeological, ethnographical or historical



“         “   352   The reinstatement in civil employment ordinance      1          1945





REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/353 The native authority treasuries (Amendment)            1          1945

                        rules, 1945. No. 1 of 1945


“         “   354   The repatriation of convicted persons ordinance        1          1945



“         “   355   The time determination (Amendment) ordinance       1          1945



“         “   356   The monuments and relics ordinance, 1945.               1          1945

                        No. 34 of 1945


“         “   357   The Immigrant British Subjects (Deportation)           1          1945

                        Ordinance, 1945


“         “   358   The native courts (Sekwa) order, 1945.                      1          1945

                        No. 20 of 1945


“         “   359   The native courts (Confederacy) (Variation)              1          1945

                        (no.3) order, 1945. No. 22 of 1945


“         “   360   The native courts (Confederacy) (Variation)              1          1945

                        (no.4) order, 1945. No. 23 of 1945


“         “   361   The native courts (Confederacy) (Variation)              1          1945

                        (no.5) order, 1945. Order, 1945. No. 25 of 1945


“         “   362   The native courts (ATWIMA-MPONUA AREA)     1          1945

                        order, 1945. Order no. 24 of 1945


“         “   363   The native courts (Bechem) order, 1945                     2          1945

                        No.15 of 1945


“         “   364   The native courts (AKROPONG) order, 1945           2          1945

                        No. 14 of 1945


“         “   365   The native courts (NSOATRE) order, 1945               1          1945

                        No. 18 of 1945


“         “   366   The native courts (NSAWKAW) order, 1945            1          1945

                        No. 19 of 1945


“         “   367   The native courts (KUNTANASE) order, 1945         2          1945

                        No. 16 of 1945



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/368 The native courts (NKWANTA) order, 1945             1          1945

                        No. 17 of 1945


“         “   369   The native courts (SUMA) order, 1945                      1          1945

                        No. 21 of 1945


“         “   370   The native courts (SEKWA) order, 1945                   1          1945

                        No. 20 of 1945


“         “   371   The native courts (NSAWKAW) order, 1945            1          1945

                        No. 19 of 1945


“         “   372   The native courts (NSOATRE) order, 1945               1          1945

                        No. 18 of 1945


“         “   373   The native courts (NKWANTA) order, 1945             1          1945

                        No. 17 of 1945


“         “   374   The native courts (Confederacy) (Variation)             1          1945

                        (no. 2) oder, 1945. No. 13 of 1945


“         “   375   The native authority (Confederacy) (Variation)         1          1945

                        (no.2) order, 1945. No. 58 of 1945


“         “   376   The clan native courts (cancellation) order, 1945       1          1945


“         “   377   The native courts (Kumasi division) order, 1945        1          1945


“         “   378   The monuments and relics ordinance, 1945                1          1945


“         “   379   A bill instituted an ordinance further to amend         1          1945

                        the customs ordinance


“         “   380   The native courts (Confederacy) (Variation)              1          1945

                        (no.5) order, 1945. No. 25 of 1945


“         “   381   The native courts (Atwima-mponua Area)                 1          1945

                        order, 1945 Order no. 24 of 1945


“         “   382   The native courts (Confederacy) (Variation)              1          1945

                        (no.4) order, 1945. No. 23 of 1945


“         “   383   The native courts (Confederacy) (Variation)              1          1945

                        (no.3) order, 1945. No. 22 of 1945



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/384 The Secondi-Takoradi town council                           1          1945

                        ordinance, 1945


“         “   385   An ordinance further to amend the Criminal              1          1945

                        code by ALAN BURNS, 1945


“         “   386   The prisons (ANKAFUL PRISON BUILDINGS)   1          1945

                        order, 1945. No.67 of 1945


“         “   387   The labour ordinance, 1945                                        1          1945


“         “   388   The towns (Amendment) ordinance, 1945                 1          1945


“         “   389   The native courts (Sekyere-mampong) (Variation)     1          1946

                        order, 1946. Order no.31 of 1946


“         “   390   Proclamation by his excellency Sir. ALAN                1          1946

                        BURNS commander-in-chief of the Gold

                        Coast colony No.15 of 1946


“         “   391   Proclamation by his Excellency Sir ALAN                1          1946

                        BURNS commander-in-chief of the Gold Coast

                        Colony. No.1 of 1946


“         “   392   The coroners ordinacne, 1946                                     3          1946


“         “   393   Proclamation by his excellency Sir ALAN                 1          1946

                        BURNS a commander-in-chief of the Gold

                        Coast colony, 1945. No. 4 of 1946


“         “   394   The emergency powers (defence) Acts, 1939             1          1946

                        and 1940. No. 3 of 1946


“         “   395   The radio active minerals ordinance, 1946                 2          1946


“         “   396   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80). Order No.12 of 1946


“         “   397   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80). Order No.1 of 1946


“         “   398   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80). Order No.2 of 1946




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/399 The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80). Order No.3 of 1946


“         “   400   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80). Order No.4 of 1946


“         “   401   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80). Order No.5 of 1946


“         “   402   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80). Order No.8 of 1946


“         “   403   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80). Order No.9 of 1946


“         “   404   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80). Order No.10 of 1946


“         “   405   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80). Order No.11 of 1946


“         “   406   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80). Order No.12 of 1946


“         “   407   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80). Order No.13 of 1946


“         “   408   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80). Order No.6 of 1946


“         “   409   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  2          1946

                        (Cap.80). Order No.7 of 1946


“         “   410   The Allien (Amendments) ordinance, 1946                2          1946


“         “   411   The legislative council electoral regulations                2          1946

                        (revocation) ordinance, 1946


“         “   412   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80). No. 27 of 1946


“         “   413   The importation of live stock ordinance                     1          1946

                        (Cap.205) No.6 of 1946




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/414 The 1944-1945. Supplementary Appropriation          1          1946

                        ordinance, 1946


“         “   415   Proclamation by his excellency Sir ALAN                 1          1946

                        BURNS a commander-in-chief of the Gold

                        Coast Colony. No.6 of 1946


“         “   416   Gold Coast Colony and Ashanti                                2          1946


“         “   417   The reinstatement in civil employment ordinance      1          1946

                        1946 (No.31 of 1945). No. 7 of 1946


“         “   418   The mineral oil taxation ordinance, 1956                    1          1946


“         “   419   The road transport licensing ordinance, 1946             2          1946


“         “   420   The Gold Coast Colony and Ashanti letters               2          1946

                        patent, 1946. No. 10 of 1946


“         “   421   The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     1          1946

                        No.39 of 1946


“         “   422   The nurshes ordinance, 1946                                      3          1946


“         “   423   The Takoradi Harbour ordinance (Cap.182)               1          1946

                        No.12 of 1946


“         “   424   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80). No.14 of 1946


“         “   425   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80) No. 17 of 1946


“         “   426   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  1          1946

                        (Cap.80) No.16 of 1946


“         “   427   The defence regulations, 1939 (No.25 of 1939)         1          1946

                        No.45 of 1946


“         “   428   The Gold Coast colony and Ashanti (legislative        1          1946

                        council) order in council, 1946. No.14 of 1946


“         “   429   The native authority (colony) ordinance, 1944           1          1946

                        (No.21 of 1944). No.56 of 1946



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/430 A bill instituted an ordinance to make provision        1          1947

                        as to the immunities, priveledges and capacities

                        of such international organisation of which his

                        majesty Government in the united kingdom and

                        foreign governments are members, and to confer

                        immunities and priveledge on the staffs of such

                        organisation and representatives of member

                        governments and in respect of premises and

                        documents of such organisation. No. of 1947


“         “   431   The temporary increase of pensions (non-                  5          1947

                        european officers) ordinance, 1947. No. of 1947


“         “   432   The native Authority (colony) (Amendment)             5          1947

                        ordinance, 1947. No.of 1947


“         “   433   The Prisons (Amendment) ordinance, 1947               1          1947

                        No.of 1947


“         “   434   The railways (Amendment) ordinance 1947               5          1947

                        No.of 1947


“         “   435   A bill intituted an ordinance relating to                      1          1947

                        immigration. No. of 1947


“         “   436   Arrangement of sections                                             4          1947


“         “   437   A bill instituted an ordinance to provide for the        5          1947

                        establishment of Gold Coast industrial

                        development corporation and to provide for the

                        establishment of new industries and the

                        development of existing industrial undertakings


“         “   438   The coroners (Amendment) ordinance, 1947             4          1947


“         “   439   A bill instituted an ordinance to amend the war        11        1947

                        pensions ordinance, 1943. No. of 1947


“         “   440   A bill instituted an ordinance to amend the radio      1          1947

                        Active minerals ordinance, 1946


“         “   441   The Native court (colony) ordinance, 1944                1          1947

                        No. 22 of 1944




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/442 The criminal code (Amendment) ordinance               4          1947

                        ordinance, 1947. No. of 1947


“         “   443   A bill instituted an ordinance relating to                    1          1947

                        immigration. No. of 1947


“         “   444   A bill instituted an ordinance to amend the               1          1947

                        diseases of animals ordinance. No. of 1947


“         “   445   A bill instituted ordinance further to amend              12        1947

                        the stamp ordinance. No. of 1947


“         “   446   The customs ordinance, 1947                                     1          1947   


“         “   447   The cocoa industry (Regulation) (Amendment)         3          1947

                        ordinance, 1947


“         “   448   A bill instituted an ordinance to amend the               1          1947

                        prevention of crimes ordinance. No. of 1947


“         “   449   A bill instituted an ordinance to repeat the                1          1947

                        cotteries ordinance, No. of 1947


“         “   450   A bill instituted an ordinance to amend the town      1          1947

                        and country planning ordinance, 1945. No of 1947


“         “   451   The diseases of Animals (Amendment) ordinance     3          1947

                        1947 (FIRST INSERTION) No. 30 of 1947


“         “   452   The diseases of Animals (Amendment) ordinance     5          1947

                        1947 (SECOND INSERTION)


“         “   453   The native authority (ASHANTI) ordinance              3          1947

                        (Cap.79). No. 28 of 1947


“         “   454   A bill instituted an ordinance further to amend the   1          1947

                        customs ordinance 1947 (FIRST INSERTION)


“         “   455   The native authority (ASHANTI) ordinance              1          1947

                        (Cap. 79) order No. 41 of 1947


“         “   456   The native authority (ASHANTI) ordinance              1          1947

                        (Cap.182) No. 30 of 1947




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/457 The Takoradi Harbour ordinance (Cap.182)               2          1947

                        No.30 of 1947


“         “   458   The census ordinance, 1947 (Second Insertion)         2          1947


“         “   459   The courts ordinance (Cap. 4). No.11 of 1947           1          1947


“         “   460   The supplies and services (Transitional powers)         3          1947

                        Act, 1945. No. 36 of 1947


“         “   461   The geological survey (facilities) (Amendment)         2          1947

                        ordinance, 1947, No. 19 of 1947


“         “   462   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1947

                        order no.42 of 1947


“         “   463   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance (Cap.80)   1          1947

                        No.42 of 1947


“         “   464   The public holidays ordinance (Cap.208)                   2          1947

                        No. 13 of 1947


“         “   465   The criminal code (Amendment) ordinance 1947      3          1947

                        No. 25 of 1947


“         “   466   The criminal code (Cap.9) No.84 of 1947                  2          1947


“         “   467   The native administration (Southern section of          3          1947

                        Togoland under British mandated ordinance

                        (Cap. 90) order. No. 83 of 1947


“         “   468   A bill intituted an ordinance relating to                      3          1947

                        immigration. No. of 1947


“         “   469   A bill instituted an ordinance further to amend         1          1947

                        the income tax ordinance, 1943. No. of 1947


“         “   470   The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No. 92 of 1947           1          1947


“         “   471   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  4          1947

                        (Cap.80) order no. 44 of 1947


“         “   472   The native courts (ASHANTI) ordinance                  4          1947

                        (Cap.80) order no. 43 of 1947



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/473 The bank holidays ordinance (Cap.207)                     1          1947

                        ordr no. 15 of 1947


“         “   474   The concession ordinance 1939. No 19 of 1939         1          1947


“         “   475   Proclamation by his excellency ROBERT SCOTT    1          1947

                        companion of the most distinguished order of saint

                        Micheal and saint George, officer administering

                        the government of the Gold Coast colony.

                        No. 16 of 1947


“         “   476   A bill instituted an ordinance further to amend the   4          1947

                        income tax ordinance, 1943. No. of 1947


“         “   477   A bill instituted an ordinance further to amend         4          1947

                        the lunatic Asylums ordinance. No. of 1947


“         “   478   A bill instituted an ordinance to amend the               4          1947

                        industrial schools and institutions, 1945

                        No. of 1947


“         “   479   A bill instituted an ordinance for the temporary        1          1947

                        increase of certain pensions granted under the

                        pensions (Non-european officers) ordinance

                        No. of 1947


“         “   480   A bill instituted an ordinance for making                   5          1947

                        Supplementary Appropriation for the public

                        services of the Gold Coast for the year ending

                        on the 31st day of March 1946. No of 1947


“         “   481   A bill instituted an ordinance to amend the               1          1947

                        concessions ordinance, 1939. No. of 1947


“         “   482   A bill instituted an ordinance further to amend         4          1947

                        the Obuasi Sanitary board ordinance No. of 1947


“         “   483   A bill instituted an ordinance to amend the Gold      2          1947

                        minning products protection ordinance. No of 1947


“         “   484   A bill instituted an ordinance for the services of        4          1947

                        the Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st

                        day of March, 1948




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/485 A bill instituted an ordinance to amend the               1          1947

                        prisons ordinance. No. of 1947


“         “   486   A bill instituted an ordinance to amend the               1          1947

                        prevention crimes ordinance. No of 1947


“         “   487   A bill instituted an ordinance further to amend         1          1947

                        the harbours and wharfage dues ordinance.

                        No of 1947


“         “   488   A bill instituted an ordinance further to amend         1          1947

                        the income Tax ordinance 1943. No of 1947


“         “   489   The Obuasi Sanitary Board (Amendment)                 1          1947

                        ordinance, 1947


“         “   490   The midwives (Amendments) ordinance, 1947          1          1947

                        No of 1947


“         “   491   Ghe radio-active minerals (Amendment)                    1          1947

                        ordinance 1947. No. of 1947


“         “   492   The income tax (Amendment) (No.2) ordinance        1          1947

  1. No. of 1947


“         “   493   The coroners (Amendment) ordinance 1947              1          1947

                        No. of 1947


“         “   494   The geological survey (facilities) (Amendment)         1          1947

                        ordinance, 1947. No. of 1947


“         “   495   The harbours and wharfage dues (Amendment)        1          1947

                        ordinance, 1947. No. of 1947


“         “   496   The diseases of Animals (Amendment) ordinance     2          1947

  1. No. of 1947


“         “   497   The Gold Coast Cocoa marketing board                    1          1947

                        ordinance, 1947. No. of 1947


“         “   498   The motor vehicles (Third party Insurance)                2          1947

                        ordinance 1947. No of 1947





REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/499 Prockmation by his excellency Sir ALAN                  1          1947

                        BURNS a commander-in-chief of the Gold

                        Coast, etc. No. 1 of 1947


“         “   500   Index to the supplements to the Gold Coast              1          1947

                        gazzete for the first half-year, 1946


“         “   501   The criminal code (Amendment) ordinance               1          1947

                        1947 (FIRST INSERTION)


“         “   502   The disease of animals ordinance (Cap.205)              1          1947

                        No. 29 of 1947


“         “   503   The native courts (colony) ordinance, 1944                3          1947

                        (No. 22 of 1944). No. 33 of 1947


“         “   504   The monuments and relics ordinance 1945                 2          1947

                        (No. 34 of 1945). No. 32 of 1947


“         “   505   The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No. 74 of 1947           2          1947


“         “   506   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 21 of 1947


“         “   507   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 22 of 1947


“         “   508   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 23 of 1947


“         “   509   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 24 of 1947


“         “   510   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 25 of 1947


“         “   511   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 26 of 1947


“         “   512   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       2          1947

                        order no. 27 of 1947


“         “   513   The Native Authority (Ashanti) ordinance                 1          1947

                        (Cap.79) order no. 39 of 1947



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/514 The Prisons (Amendment) ordinance, 1947               1          1947


“         “   515   The Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance)              3          1947

                        ordinance, 1947


“         “   516   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       4          1947

                        order no. 2 of 1947


“         “   517   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 7 of 1947


“         “   518   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 8 of 1947


“         “   519   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 9 of 1947


“         “   520   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 10 of 1947


“         “   521   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 11 of 1947


“         “   522   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 12 of 1947


“         “   523   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 13 of 1947


“         “   524   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 13 of 1947


“         “   525   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 14 of 1947


“         “   526   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 15 of 1947


“         “   527   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 16 of 1947


“         “   528   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 17 of 1947




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/529 The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1948

                        order no. 19 of 1948


“         “   530   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 23 of 1947


“         “   531   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 24 of 1947


“         “   532   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 25 of 1947


“         “   533   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1947

                        order no. 26 of 1947


“         “   534   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1948

                        order no. 28 of 1948


“         “   535   The Disease of Animals (Amendment) ordinance      3          1947



“         “   536   The Lotteries (Repeat) ordinance, 1947                     5          1947


“         “   537   The customs ordinance, 1947                                     9          1947


“         “   538   The Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment)             2          1947

                        ordinance 1947


“         “   539   The Criminal Code (Amendment) ordinance             1          1947



“         “   540   The War Pensions (Amendment) ordinance 1947      1          1947


“         “   541   The Town and Country Planning (Amendment)        6          1947

                        ordinance 1947


“         “   542   The Pensions (Widows and Orphans)                         5          1947

                        (Amendment) ordinance 1947


“         “   543   The Gold Coast Cocoa Marketing Board                   1          1947

                        ordinance 1947


“         “   544   The Rents (control) ordinance 1947                           4          1947




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/545 The Medical Practitioners and Dentists                      15        1947

                        Registration (Amendment) ordinance 1947


“         “   546   The Cocoa Insdustry (Regulation) (Amendment)      4          1947

                        ordinance, 1947


“         “   547   The Deputy Secretary for Native Affairs (Repeal)     4          1947

                        ordinance, 1947


“         “   548   The customs (Amendment) (No.2) ordinance 1948   1          1948


“         “   549   The Gold Coast Agricultural Development                1          1948

                        ordinance 1948


“         “   550   The Nurses (Amendment) ordinance 1948                 1          1948


“         “   551   Order by the Chief Commissioner Made under         11        1948

                        the Kumasi Town Council ordinance 1948


“         “   552   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       2          1948

                        order no. 6 of 1948


“         “   553   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       2          1948

                        order no. 7 of 1948


“         “   554   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       2          1948

                        order no. 8 of 1948


“         “   555   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       2          1948

                        order no. 9 of 1948


“         “   556   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       2          1948

                        order no. 10 of 1948


“         “   557   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       2          1948

                        order no. 11 of 1948


“         “   558   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1948

                        order no. 12 of 1948


“         “   559   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1948

                        order no. 13 of 1948





REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/560 The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1948

                        order no. 14 of 1948


“         “   561   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1948

                        order no. 15 of 1948


“         “   562   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1948

                        order no. 16 of 1948


“         “   563   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1948

                        order no. 17 of 1948


“         “   564   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1948

                        order no. 19 of 1948


“         “   565   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1948

                        order no. 115 of 1948


“         “   566   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       2          1948

                        order no. 20 of 1948


“         “   567   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       2          1948

                        order no. 21 of 1948


“         “   568   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1948

                        order no. 46 of 1948


“         “   569   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1948

                        order no. 168 of 1948


“         “   570   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       14        1948

                        order no. 24 of 1948


“         “   571   The Aliens ordinance (Cap. 43) No.94 of 1947          3          1947


“         “   572   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1948

  1. 29 of 1948


“         “   573   The Native Courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)       1          1948

  1. 30 of 1948


“         “   574   The pension (widows and orphans) (Amendment)     2          1947

                        ordinance, 1947 (Cap.31) no.6 of 1948

                        First Insertion



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/575 The pensions (widows and orphans) (Amendment)   1          1947

                        ordinance, 1947 (Cap.31) no.8 of 1948

                        Second Insertion


“         “   576   The Coroners Ordinance, 1946 no.5 of 1946             1          1946


“         “   577   The Labour Ordinance, 1947                                      1          1947


“         “   578   The Achimota School ordinance, 1948 no. of 1948   2          1948


“         “   579   The Achimota Teacher Training College                    3          1948

                        ordinance, 1948 No. of 1948


“         “   580   The education (Colony and Ashanti) (Amendment)  3          1948

                        ordinance, 1948 No. of 1948


“         “   581   The University of the Gold Coast ordinance 1948     4          1948

                        No. of 1948


“         “   582   The Nurses (Amendment) Ordinance 1948 No. 26    2          1948

                        of 1948


“         “   583   The Accra Town Council (Amendment) ordinance    1          1948

                        1948 No. 20 of 1948


“         “   584   The Post Office (Amendment) ordinance, 1948        1          1948

                        No. of 1948


“         “   585   The Courts Martial Validation ordinance 1948          1          1948

                        No. 23 of 1948


“         “   586   The Gold Coast Cocoa Marketing Board                   1          1948

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1948 No. of 1948


“         “   587   The 1948-49 Appropriation ordinance 1948               3          1948

                        No. of 1948


“         “   588   The Gold Duty ordinance, 1948 No.18 of 1948        2          1948


“         “   589   The 1948-49 Appropriation ordinance, 1948              1          1948

                        No of 1948


“         “   590   The advertisements Regulation (Rural Areas)            3          1948

                        ordinance 1948 No. of 1948



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/591 The Medical Practitioners and Dentists                      1          1948

                        Registration (Amendment) ordinance, 1948

                        No.25 of 1948


“         “   592   The Criminal Code (Amendment) ordinance             4          1948

                        1948 No. of 1948


“         “   593   The Cape Coast Town Council (Amendment)           3          1948

                        ordinance 1948. No. of 1948


“         “   594   The Public lands (Amendment) ordinance, 1948       1          1948

                        First Insertion


“         “   595   The advertisements Regulation (Rural areas)             1          1948

                        ordinance 1948 No of 1948


“         “   596   The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.3 of 1948               1          1948


“         “   597   The Accra Town Council (Amendment) ordinance    10        1948

  1. No of 1948


“         “   598   The Income Tax (Amendment) ordinance, 1948        4          1948

                        No of 1948


“         “   599   The trade Unions (Amendment) ordinance, 1948      2          1948

                        No. 30 of 1948


“         “   600   The Sekondi-Takoradi, Town Council                        2          1948

(Amendment) ordinance, 1948. No.22 of 1948


“         “   601   The Public lands (Amendment) ordinance, 1948       4          1948

                        No. of 1948


“         “   602   The Pensions (Increase) ordinance, 1948                    1          1948

No. of 1948


“         “   603   The Forest Trees and Timber Ordinance, 1948           3          1948

                        No. of 1948


“         “   604   The customs (Amendment) ordinance, 1948              3          1948

                        No. of 1948


“         “   605   The Medical Practitioners and Dentists Registration 2          1948

(Amendment) ordinance, 1948 No of 1948



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/606 The Criminal Code (Amendment) ordinance, 1948   1          1948

                        Second Insertion


“         “   607   The Criminal Code (Amendment) ordinance, 1948   1          1948

                        First Insertion


“         “   608   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1948

                        order No. 1 of 1948


“         “   609   The defence of the gold coast colony and Ashanti    1          1948

                        ordinance (Cap.49)


“         “   610   The criminal code (Amendment) ordinance 1948      1          1948

                        Second Insertion


“         “   611   The Forest (Amendment) ordinance 1948                  9          1948

                        No of 1948


“         “   612   The Gold Duty Ordinance, 1948 No of 1948                        1          1948


“         “   613   The Criminal Code (Amendment) (No.2)                   1          1948

                        Ordinance 1948. No of 1948


“         “   614   The customs (Amendment) (No.2) ordinance            1          1948



“         “   615   The Nurses (Amendment) ordinance, 1948                1          1948

                        No. of 1948


“         “   616   The Sekondi-Takoradi Town Council             1          1948

(Amendment) ordinance, 1948. No. of 1948


“         “   617   The trading with the enemy (Amendment)                1          1948

                        ordinance, 1948. No. of 1948


“         “   618   The defence regulations, 1939 (No.25 of 1939)         2          1948

                        No. of 1948


“         “   619   The defence of the Gold Coast colony and                3          1948

                        Ashanti ordinance (Cap.49) No.10 of 1948


“         “   620   The customs (Preventive service) regulation 1948      2          1948

                        No. 23 of 1948




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/621 The defence of the gold coast colony and                  4          1948

                        Ashanti ordinance (Cap.49) No.12 of 1948.


“         “   622   The police force ordinance (Cap.38) No.14 of           1          1948



“         “   623   The emergency (General) regulations, 1948               3          1948

                        No.16 of 1948


“         “   624   The customs ordinance, 1947 (No.40 of 1947)          1          1948

                        No.1 of 1948


“         “   625   The defence (Finance) (No.2) regulations, 1939        1          1948

                        (No.34 of 1939) No.18 of 1948


“         “   626   The customs ordinance (Cap.132) No.30 of 1948      2          1948


“         “   627   Proclamation No.7 of 1948                                         2          1948


“         “   628   The emergency (general) regulations, 1948                3          1948

                        (As amended from time to time) No.37 of 1948


“         “   629   The customs (Amendment) ordinance, 1948              1          1948

                        No.1 of 1948


“         “   630   The native authority (colony) ordinance 1944            2          1948

                        (No.21 of 1944) No.31 of 1948


“         “   631   The bank holidays ordinance (Cap.207)                     5          1948

No.10 of 1948


“         “   632   The labour ordinance, 1948                                        3          1948


“         “   633   The native administration (Southern section of          1          1948

                        Togoland under British mandate) ordinance

                        (Cap.90) No.6 of 1948


“         “   634   The emergency powers in council, 1939                     2          1948

                        No.23 of 1948


“         “   635   The native administration (Southern section of          2          1948

                        Togoland under British mandate) ordinance

                        (Cap.90) No.42 of 1948




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/636 The emergency powers in council, 1939                     2          1948

                        No.25 of 1948


“         “   637   The native treasuries ordinance (Cap.86)                    1          1948

                        No.22 of 1948


“         “   638   The town and country planning board No.26             2          1948

                        of 1948


“         “   639   The gold duty ordinance, 1948                                   1          1948


“         “   640   Gold Coast Proclamation No.48 of 1948                   2          1948


“         “   641   The customs ordinance (No.40 of 1947)                    2          1948


“         “   642   The criminal code (Amendment) (No.2)                     2          1948

                        ordinance 1948


“         “   643   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1948

                        No.27 of 1948


“         “   644   The motor vehicles (third party insurance)                 1          1948

                        ordinance, 1947 (No.28 of 1947) No.29 of 1948


“         “   645   The pharmacy and poisons ordinance, 1946               1          1948

                        (No.21 of 1946)


“         “   646   The post office ordinance (Cap.198) No.54 of 1948  1          1948


“         “   647   The defence (finance) (No.2) regulations, 1939         2          1948

                        (No.34 of 1939)


“         “   648   The ALIENS ORDINANCE (Cap.43) No.71 of      1          1948



“         “   649   The post office ordinance (Cap.198) No.29 of 1948  1          1948


“         “   650   The defence (finance) (No.2) regulations, 1939         2          1948

                        (No.34 of 1939) No.79 of 1948


“         “   651   The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     1          1948

                        No.78 of 1948


“         “   652   The Aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.80 of 1948           1          1948



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/653 The medical practitioners and dentist registration      11        1948

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1948. No. of 1948


“         “   654   The customs (Amendment) (No.2) ordinance, 1948  2          1948


“         “   655   The courts martial validation ordinance, 1948            11        1948

                        No. of 1948


“         “   656   The road transport lincensing (Amendment)              1          1948

                        ordinance 1948. No of 1948


“         “   657   The gold coast agricultural development ordinance   2          1948

  1. \no 27 og 1948


“         “   658   The education (Colony and Ashanti) (Amendment)  3          1948

                        (No.2) ordinance, 1948. No 19 of 1948


“         “   659   The 1946-47 supplementary appropriation                 16        1948

                        ordinance 1948. No of 1948


“         “   660   The road transport licensing (Amendment)                2          1948

                        ordinance, 1948. No. of 1948


“         “   661   The labour ordinance, 1948                                        1          1948


“         “   662   The bank holidays ordinance (Cap. 207)                    1          1948


“         “   663   The defence (finance) (No.2) regulations, 1939         1          1948

                        (No.34 of 1939) No.18 of 1948


“         “   664   The post office (Amendment) ordinance, 1948          2          1948


“         “   665   The customs (Amendment) ordinance, 1948              2          1948

                        No.1 of 1948


“         “   666   The gold duty ordinance, 1948. No. of 1948             10        1948


“         “   667   The forest trees and timber ordinance, 1948              1          1948

                        No. of 1948


“         “   668   The labour ordinance, 1948                                        2          1948


“         “   669   The native authority (colony) ordinance, 1944           1          1948

                        (No.21 of 1944) No.31 of 1948



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/670 Northern territories of the Gold Coast No. of 1948   1          1948


“         “   671   The industrial schools and institutions ordinance       3          1948

                        1945 (No.11 of 1945) No. 32 of 1948


“         “   672   The Aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.92 of 1948           2          1948


“         “   673   The Achimota school ordinance, 1948. No.70           3          1948

                        of 1948


“         “   674   Index to the supplements to the gold coast                1          1948

                        gazette for the second half year, 1948


“         “   675   The gold duty ordinance, 1948                                   2          1948


“         “   676   The immigration (Amendment) ordinance, 1948        2          1948

                        First Insertion


“         “   677   The immigration (Amendment) ordinance, 1948        2          1948


“         “   678   The Achimota school ordinance, 1948                       1          1948


“         “   679   The gold duty ordinance, 1948                                   2          1948


“         “   680   The native authority (colony) ordinance, 1944           3          1948

                        (No.21 of 1944) No. 110 of 1948


“         “   681   The Achimota school ordinance, 1948 (No.7 of         2          1948

                        1948) No.19 of 1948


“         “   682   The imports and exports restriction ordinance            2          1948

                        (Cap.134) No.22 of 1948


“         “   683   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         2          1948

                        No.12 of 1948


“         “   684   The native authority (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.79)    3          1948

                        No.115 of 1948


“         “   685   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         6          1948

                        No. 19 of 1948


“         “   686   The university of the Gold Coast ordinance 1948      1          1948


“         “   687   The trade unions (Amendment) ordinance, 1948       1          1948


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/688 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         4          1948


“         “   689   The public lands (Amendment) ordinance 1948         1          1948


“         “   690   The war pensions ordinance, 1943 (No.1 of 1943)     1          1948

                        No.42 of 1948


“         “   691   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1948

                        No.46 of 1947


“         “   692   The labour ordinance, 1948 (No.16 of 1948)             2          1948

                        No.23 of 1948


“         “   693   The trade Unions (Amendment) ordinance 1948       1          1948


“         “   694   The Achimota teacher training college ordinance       1          1948



“         “   695   The road transport licensing (Amendment)                1          1948

                        ordinance 1948


“         “   696   The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.24 of 1948             15        1948


“         “   697   The town and country planning board No.43 of        2          1948



“         “   698   Northern territories of the gold coast No.13, 1948    2          1948


“         “   699   The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.24 of 1948             1          1948


“         “   700   The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.13 of 1948             1          1948


“         “   701   The customs ordinance 1947 (No.40 of 1947)           1          1947


“         “   702   The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.13 of 1948             1          1948


“         “   703   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         2          1948


“         “   704   The motto vehicles (third party insurance)                 1          1948

                        ordinance, 1947 (No.28 of 1947) No.25 of 1948


“         “   705   The courts martial validation ordinance 1948 1          1948

                        First Insertion


“         “   706   The forest trees and timber ordinance, 1948              1          1948


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/707 The Unilicensed Guides (prohibition) ordinance        1          1948

  1. No.23 of 1949


“         “   708   The medical practitioners and dentist regulation        1          1948

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1948


“         “   709   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         13        1948

                        No. 26 of 1948


“         “   710   The customs (Amendment) (No.2) ordinance 1948   1          1948

                        First Insertion


“         “   711   Gold Coast Colony No.26 of 1948                            1          1948


“         “   712   The public holidays ordinance, 1948 First Insertion   1          1948


“         “   713   The Forest (Amendments) ordinance, 1948               2          1948

                        First Insertion


“         “   714   The Suppliers and Services (transitional powers)       1          1948

                        act, 1945 as applied to the gold coast by the

                        suppliers and services (transitional powers)

                        (colonies, etc) order in council 1948 and the

                        emergency powers (defence) acts, 1939 to 1945.

                        No. 48 of 1948


“         “   715   The criminal code (Amendment) (No.2)                     3          1948

                        ordinance, 1948. First edition


“         “   716   The 1948-49 appropriation ordinance, 1948               1          1948

                        No.5 of 1948


“         “   717   The gold coast agricultural development ordinance   1          1948

  1. No. of 1948


“         “   718   The criminal code (Amendment) (No.2) ordinance    1          1948

  1. First Insertion


“         “   719   The pensions (widows and orphans) (Amendment)   2          1948

                        ordinance, 1947


“         “   720   The waterworks (Amendment ordinance, 1948         1          1948

                        First Insertion


“         “   721   The public lands (Amendment) ordinance, 1948        1          1948


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/722 The advertisement regulation (Rural areas)                1          1948

                        ordinance, 1948


“         “   723   The criminal code (Amendment) ordinance 1948      2          1948

                        First Insertion


“         “   724   The defence of the gold coast colony and Ashanti    1          1948

                        ordinance (Cap.49) regulation 5 of 1948


“         “   725   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         3          1948

                        No.30 of 1948


“         “   726   The legal practitioners (Amendment) ordinance         1          1949

  1. No. of 1949


“         “   727   The native courts (colony) (Amendment) ordinance  9          1949

  1. No of 1949


“         “   728   The immigration (Amendment) ordinance, 1949        11        1949


“         “   729   The native courts (Ashanti) (Amendment)                 2          1949

                        ordinance, 1949, No.37 of 1947


“         “   730   The courts (Amendment) ordinance, 1949 No.36      1          1949


“         “   731   The pensions (Increase) (Amendment) ordinance      11        1949

  1. No. of 1949


“         “   732   The United Kingdom designs (protection)                 2          1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1949. No.41 of 1949


“         “   733   The rents (control) (Amendment) ordinance, 1949    9          1949


“         “   734   The native courts (colony) (Amendment)                   4          1949

                        ordinance 1949. No.26 of 1949


“         “   735   INDEX TO THE SUPPLEMENTS TO THE                                    1947

                        GOLD COAST GAZETTE FOR THE FIRST

                        HALF-YEAR 1947


“         “   736   The public collections (regulation) ordinance 2          1949


“         “   737   The immigration (Amendment) ordinance, 1949        1          1949


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/738 The native authority (Northern territories)                  1          1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1949


“         “   739   The criminal code (Amendment) ordinance, 1949     2          1949


“         “   740   The advertisements regulation (rural areas)                1          1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1949. No.25 of 1949


“         “   741   The unlicensed guides (prohibition) ordinance           1          1949

  1. No.23 of 1949


“         “   742   The Kola Nuts Export Duty (Togoland under            2          1949

                        British mandate (Repeal) ordinance, 1949

                        No.34 of 1949


“         “   743   The pensions (widows and orphans) (Amendment)   2          1949

                        ordinance, 1949. No.29 of 1949


“         “   744   The immigration (Amendment) ordinance, 1949        1          1949

                        No.27 of 1949


“         “   745   The courts (Amendment) ordinance, 1949                 1          1949


“         “   746   The pensions (widows and orphans) (Palestine          2          1949

                        ex-officers) ordinance, 1949


“         “   747   The criminal procedure code (Amendment)               2          1949

                        (No.2) ordinance 1949. No.33 of 1949


“         “   748   The pensions (increase) (Amendment) ordinance       2          1949

  1. No.31 of 1949


“         “   749   The Kola Nuts Export Duty (Northern Territories)    4          1949

                        (Repeal) ordinance, 1949. No.33 of 1949


“         “   750   The rents (control) (Amendment) ordinance, 1949    1          1949


“         “   751   The pensions (widows and orphans) (Amendment)   5          1949

                        ordinance, 1949. No. of 1949


“         “   752   The forest (Amendment) ordinance, 1949                  3          1949

                        No. of 1949


“         “   753   Index to the supplements to the gold coast gazette   1          1947

                        for the first half year, 1947


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/754 The Native courts (colony) (Amendment)                  1          1949

                        ordinance. No.26 of 1949


“         “   755   The native courts (southern section of Togoland        2          1949

                        under British mandate) procedure regulations 1949


“         “   756   The labour (Amendment) ordinance, 1949.                1          1949

                        No.43 of 1949


“         “   757   The forest (Amendment) ordinance, 1949.                 1          1949

                        No. of 1949


“         “   758   The Income tax (Amendment) ordinance, 1949         1          1949

                        No. of 1949


“         “   759   The Native authority (Southern section of Togo        1          1949

                        land under British mandate) ordinance, 1949


“         “   760   The courts (Amendment) ordinance, 1949                 1          1949


“         “   761   The Kumasi town council (Amendment) (No.2)        1          1949

                        ordinance, 1949


“         “   762   The forest (Amendment) ordinance, 1949                  1          1949


“         “   763   The native courts (Southern section) Togoland          2          1949

                        under British mandate) ordinance, 1949


“         “   764   The Kumasi town council (Amendment) (No.2)        1          1949

                        ordinance, 1949


“         “   765   The British Nationality fees (Amendment)                1          1949

                        ordinance, 1949. No.42 of 1949


“         “   766   The pensions (increase) (Amendment) ordinance       1          1949

  1. No of 1949


“         “   767   The public collections (Regulation) ordinance            3          1949

  1. No. of 1949


“         “   768   The Police force (Amendment) ordinance, 1949        1          1949

                        No.10 of 1949


“         “   769   The native courts (colony) (Amendment) ordinance  2          1949

  1. No. of 1949


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/770 The native courts (southern section of Togoland        3          1949

                        under British mandate) ordinance, 1949


“         “   771   The defence of the gold coast colony and                  2          1948

                        Ashanti ordinance (Cap.49). No.11 of 1948


“         “   772   The emergency (general) regulations, 1948                3          1948

                        (As amended from time to time) No. of 37 of 1948


“         “   773   The police force ordinance (Cap.38) No.14 of           1          1948



“         “   774   The defence (finance) (No.2) regulations, 1939         1          1948

                        (No.34 of 1939). No.18 of 1948


“         “   775   The customs ordinance (Cap.132) No.30 of 1948      1          1948


“         “   776   The native authority (colony) ordinance, 1944           1          1948

                        (No.21 of 1944) No.31 of 1948


“         “   777   Gold Coast Proclamation No.8 of 1948                     1          1948


“         “   778   The bank holidays ordinance (Cap.207)                     1          1948

                        No.10 of 1948


“         “   779   The emergency powers order in council, 1939           2          1948


“         “   780   The native treasuries ordinance (Cap.86)                    1          1948

                        No.22 of 1948


“         “   781   The town and country planning Board. No.26           1          1948

                        of 1948


“         “   782   Gold Coast Proclamation No.1 of 1948                     1          1948


“         “   783   The defence (finance) (No.2) regulations, 1939         1          1948

                        (No.34 of 1939) No.70 of 1948


“         “   784   The customs ordinance, 1947 (No.40 of 1947)          1          1948

                        No. 1 of 1948


“         “   785   The Aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.71 of 1948           1          1948


“         “   786   The post office ordinance (Cap.198) No.29               1          1948

                        of 1948


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/787 The defence (finance) (No.2) regulations, 1939         1          1948

                        (No.34 of 1939) No.79 of 1948


“         “   788   The Aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.80 of 1948           1          1948


“         “   789   The bank Holidays ordinance (Cap.207) No.13         1          1948

                        of 1948


“         “   790   The immigration (Amendment) ordinance, 1948        1          1948

                        First Insertion


“         “   791   The native courts (colony) ordinance, 1944                1          1947

                        (No.22 of 1944)


“         “   792   The gold duty ordinance, 1948, second Insertion      2          1948


“         “   793   The public lands (Amendment) ordinance, 1948        1          1948

                        No.41 of 1948


“         “   794   The Takoradi Harbour ordinance (Cap.182)               1          1948

                        No.41 of 1948


“         “   795   The Cocoa Industry (regulation) ordinance 1937       1          1948

                        (No.14 of 1937) No.40 of 1948


“         “   796   The Concession ordinance, 1939 (No.1 of 1939)       2          1948


“         “   797   The war pensions ordinance, 1943 (No.1 of 1943)     1          1948

                        No.42 of 1948


“         “   798   The emergency powers order in council, 1939           1          1948


“         “   799   The motor vehicles (third party Insurance)                 1          1948

                        ordinance, 1947 (No.28 of 1947) No.25 of 1948


“         “   800   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1948

                        No.24 of 1948


“         “   801   The emergency (general) regulations 1948. No.         1          1948

                        140 of 1948


“         “   802   The defence regulations, 1939 (No.25 of 1939)         1          1948

                        No.137 of 1948




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/803 The births, deaths and burials ordinance (Cap.58)     1          1948

                        No.44 of 1948


“         “   804   The fruits Industry regulation ordinance (Cap.164)   1          1948

                        and the fruit industry (Palm Kernels) regulations

  1. No.133 of 1948


“         “   805   The waterworks ordinance (Cap.55) No.132 of         1          1948



“         “   806   The forest trees and timber ordinance, 1948              1          1948

                        First Insertion.


“         “   807   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         6          1948

                        No.26 of 1948


“         “   808   The cinemaograph exhibitions ordinance                    2          1948

                        (Cap.218) No.144 of 1948


“         “   809   Diplomatic privileges ordinance (No.35 of 1947)      2          1948

                        No.143 of 1948


“         “   810   The towns ordinance, Cap.69. No.47 of 1948            2          1948


“         “   811   Proclamation No.26 of 1948                                       2          1948


“         “   812   The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of               2          1948

                        1939) No.145 of 1948


“         “   813   The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.149 of 1948           2          1948


“         “   814   The immigration ordinance, 1947 (No.7 of                2          1948

                        1947) No.148 of 1948


“         “   815   The concessions ordinance, 1947 (No.19 of               2          1947

                        1939) No.146 of 1948


“         “   816   The radio-active minerals ordinance, 1946                 2          1948

                        (No.4 of 1946)


“         “   817   The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.151 of 1948           4          1948


“         “   818   The public holidays ordinance (Cap.208)                   2          1948

                        No.27 of 1948



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/819 The bank holiday ordinance (Cap.207) No.28            2          1948

                        of 1948


“         “   820   The defence (finance) (NO.2) regulations, 1939        2          1948

                        (NO.34 of 1939) No.154 of 1948


“         “   821   The immigrant British subjects (deportation)             4          1948

                        ordinance, 1945 (No.26 of 1945) No.153 of 1948


“         “   822   The suppliers and services (transitional powers)         2          1948

                        act, 1945 as applied to the gold coast by the

                        supplies and services (transitional powers)

                        (Colonies, etc) order in council, 1948 and the

                        emergency powers (defence) acts, 1939 to 1945.

                        No.48 of 1948


“         “   823   The Achimota school ordinance, 1948 (No.7             2          1948

                        of 1948) No.157 of 1948


“         “   824   The customs ordinance (No.4 of 1947) No.50 of       2          1948



“         “   825   The Takoradi harbour ordinance (Cap.182)                2          1948

                        No.49 of 1948


“         “   826   The criminal code (Amendment) (No.2)                     1          1948

                        ordinance 1948. First Insertion


“         “   827   The alien ordinance (Cap.43) No.162 of 1948           2          1948


“         “   828   The criminal code (Amendment) (No.2)                     1          1948

                        ordinance 1948


“         “   829   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         15        1948

                        No.27 of 1948


“         “   830   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1948

                        No.28 of 1948


“         “   831   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1948

                        No.165 of 1948


“         “   832   The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of               2          1948

                        1939) No.167 of 1948



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/833 The motor vehicles (third party insurance)                 2          1948

                        ordinance, 1947 (No.28 of 1947


“         “   834   The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.166 of 1948          2          1948


“         “   835   The motor vehicles (third party insurance                   2          1948

                        ordinance, 1947 (No.28 of 1947) No.29 of 1948


“         “   836   The criminal code (Amendment) (No.2)                     1          1948

                        ordinance 1948


“         “   837   The gold coast agricultural development ordinance   1          1948



“         “   838   The Sekondi-Takoradi Town Council                         1          1948

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1948


“         “   839   The labour ordinance, 1948                                        1          1948


“         “   840   The pensions (Increase) ordinance, 1948                    2          1948


“         “   841   The Cape Coast Town Council (Amendment)           2          1948

                        ordinance, 1948


“         “   842   The labour ordinance                                                  2          1948


“         “   843   The education (colony and Ashanti)                           2          1948

                        (Amendment) (No.2) ordinance, 1948


“         “   844   The customs (Amendment) (No.2) ordinance            1          1948



“         “   845   The nurses (Amendment) ordinance, 1948                 1          1948


“         “   846   The Sekondi-Takoradi town council                           1          1948

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1948


“         “   847   The town and counctry planning ordinance               2          1948

  1. No.169 of 1948


“         “   848   The pharmacy and poisons ordinance, 1946               2          1948

                        (No.21 of 1946) No.52 of 1948





REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/849 The supplies and services (transitional powers)          2          1948

                        act 1945 as applied to the gold coast by the

                        supplies and services (transitional powers)

                        (colonies, etc) order in council, 1946 and the

                        emergency powers (defence) acts, 1939 to 1945


“         “   850   British nationality act, 1948                                        2          1948


“         “   851   The native courts (colony) ordinance, 1944                7          1948

                        (No.22 of 1944) No.179 of 1948


“         “   852   The native authority (colony) ordinance, 1944           2          1948

                        (No.21 of 1944)


“         “   853   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         3          1948


“         “   854   The infectious diseases ordinance (Cap.59)                2          1948


“         “   855   The post office ordinance (Cap.198)                          4          1948


“         “   856   The alien ordinance (Cap.43)                                      6          1948


“         “   857   The native authority (Southern section of Togo         1          1949

                        Land under British mandate) ordinance, 1949


“         “   858   The diamond mining industry protection                   1          1950

                        ordinance (Cap.130)


“         “   859   The Forest ordinance (Cap.122) No.1 of 1949           4          1949


“         “   860   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance No.1 of          6          1949



“         “   861   The native couts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)          5          1949

                        No.2 of 1949


“         “   862   The native tax (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)              2          1949

                        ordinance, 1949


“         “   863   The diplomatic privileges (Amendment)                    2          1949

                        ordinance, 1949 No.2 of 1949


“         “   864   The customs (Amendment) ordinance, 1949              2          1949




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/ 865The gold coast cocoa marketing board                       2          1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1949. No.3 of 1949


“         “   866   The mining rights regulation ordinance (Cap.128)     3          1949

                        No.3 of 1949


“         “   867   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         17        1949

                        No.3 of 1949


“         “   868   The mining rights regulation ordinance (Cap.128)     1          1949

                        No.1 of 1949


“         “   869   The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.4 of 1949              4          1949


“         “   870   The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.2 of 1949               2          1949


“         “   871   The town and country planning ordinance                 2          1949

                        No.5 of 1949


“         “   872   The co-operative societies (amendment)                     1          1949

                        ordinance 1950. First Insertion


“         “   873   The mining health areas ordinance (Cap.127) 4          1949


“         “   874   The mining rights regulation ordinance (Cap.128)     2          1949


“         “   875   The customs ordinance, 1947 (No.40 of 1947)          2          1949

                        No.7 of 1949


“         “   876   The diplomatic privilege (Amendment) ordinance     1          1949


“         “   877   The native treasures ordinance (Cap.86) No.4            2          1949

                        of 1949


“         “   878   The native authority (Northern territories)                  2          1949

                        ordinance (Cap.84) No.2 of 1949


“         “   879   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         4          1949

                        No.18 of 1949


“         “   880   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         13        1949

                        No.4 of 1949


“         “   881   The diplomatic privileges (Amendment) ordinance    1          1949

  1. First Insertion


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/882 The Takoradi harbour ordinance (Cap.182) No.2       2          1949

                        of 1949


“         “   883   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         2          1949

                        No.4 of 1949


“         “   884   The native authority (Northern territories)                  6          1949

                        ordinance (Cap.84) No.6 of 1949


“         “   885   The native courts (Northern territories) ordinance      3          1949

                        (Cap.85) No.3 of 1949


“         “   886   The native courts (colony) ordinance, 1944                2          1949

                        (No.22 of 1944) No.10 of 1949


“         “   887   The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     6          1949

                        No.11 of 1949


“         “   888   The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.12 of 1949            2          1949


“         “   889   The native courts (Northern territories) ordinance      1          1949

                        (Cap.85) No.7 of 1949


“         “   890   The native courts (Northern territories) ordinance      1          1949

                        (Cap.85) No.7 of 1949


“         “   891   The diplomatic privileges (Amendments)                   2          1949

                        ordinance 1949. First Insertion


“         “   892   The customs (Amendment) ordinance, 1949              4          1949

                        First Insertion


“         “   893   The Gold Coast Library board ordinance, 1949         1          1949

                        First Insertion


“         “   894   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         2          1949

                        No.6 of 1949


“         “   895   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         2          1949

                        No.5 of 1949


“         “   896   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1949

                        No.5 of 1949




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/897 The immigration ordinance, 1947 (No.7 of 1947)      1          1949

                        No.3 of 1949


“         “   898   The gold coast library board ordinance, 1949            2          1949

                        First Insertion


“         “   899   The telegraphs ordinance (Cap.199) No.4 of 1949     1          1949


“         “   900   The trees and timber ordinance, 1949. First               3          1949



“         “   901   The town and country planning ordinance 1945        31        1949

                        No.13 of 1949


“         “   902   The gold coast cocoa marketing board                       4          1949

(Amendment) ordinance, 1949


“         “   903   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1949

                        No.3 of 1949


“         “   904   The customs ordinance, 1947 (No.40 of 1947)          2          1949

                        No.14 of 1949


“         “   905   The customs ordinance, 1947 (No.40 of 1947)          3          1949

                        No.14 of 1949


“         “   906   The mining health areas regulaions (Cap.127)            1          1949

                        No. 19 of 1949


“         “   907   The 1949-50 appropriation ordinance, 1949.              3          1949

                        First Insertion


“         “   908   The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.16 of 1949             3          1949


“         “   909   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         4          1949

                        No.8 of 1949


“         “   910   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         9          1949

                        No.7 of 1949


“         “   911   The 1949-50 appropriation ordinance, 1949               3          1949


“         “   912   The mining health areas regulation (Cap.127)            4          1949

                        No.19 of 1949



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/913 The diseases of animals ordinance (Cap.202)             10        1949

                        No.8 of 1949


“         “   914   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         12        1949

                        No.18 of 1949


“         “   915   The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     2          1949

                        No.20 of 1949


“         “   916   The telegraphs ordinance (Cap.199) No.10 of 1949   2          1949


“         “   917   The post office ordinance (Cap.198) No. of 1949      2          1949


“         “   918   The rivers ordinane (Cap.194) No.9 of 1949              6          1949


“         “   919   The customs ordinance, 1947 (No.40 of 1947)          2          1949

                        No.1 of 1949


“         “   920   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1949

                        15 of 1949


“         “   921   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1949

                        No.4 of 1949


“         “   922   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1949

                        No.4 of 1949


“         “   923   Legislative council, issue No.2                                   1          1949


“         “   924   The native administration (southern section of           2          1949

                        Togoland under British mandate) ordinance 

                        (Cap.90) No.21 of 1949


“         “   925   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         2          1949

                        No.34 of 1949


“         “   926   The native courts (colony) ordinance, 1944                3          1949

                        (No.22 of 1944) No.25 of 1949


“         “   927   The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     2          1949


“         “   928   Order before the chief commissioner made under      1          1948

                        the Kumasi Town council ordinance, 1943   




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/929 The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     2          1949

                        No.27 of 1949


“         “   930   The native courts (colony) ordinance, 1944 (No.       2          1949

                        22 of 1944) No.25 of 1949


“         “   931   The gold coast library board ordinance, 1949            1          1949

                        No.1 of 1949


“         “   932   The 1949-50 appropriation ordinance, 1949.              2          1949

                        No.6 of 1949


“         “   933   The quarantine ordinance (Cap.67) No.12 of 1949    4          1949


“         “   934   The 1949-50 appropriation ordinance, 1949.              2          1949

                        No.6 of 1949


“         “   935   The concessions ordinance 1939 (No.19 of 1939)      2          1949

                        No.28 of 1949


“         “   936   The native customs (colony) ordinance (Cap.77)       2          1949

                        No.29 of 1949


“         “   937   The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     2          1949

                        No.22 of 1949


“         “   938   The native administration (southern section of           2          1949

                        Togoland under British mandate) ordinance

                        (Cap.90) No.30 of 1949


“         “   939   Ashanti No.9 of 1949                                                 2          1949


“         “   940   The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     1          1949

                        No.24 of 1949


“         “   941   Order by the chief commissioner made under            2          1949

                        the Kumasi town council ordinance 1943


“         “   942   The Income tax (Amendment) ordinance, 1949         3          1949


“         “   943   The Kumasi town council (Amendment)                    15        1949

                        ordinance 1949 No.15 of 1949


“         “   944   The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     4          1949

                        No.24 of 1949


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/945 The native courts (southern section of Togoland        1          1949

                        under British mandate) ordinance 1949


“         “   946   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         13        1949

                        No.10 of 1949


“         “   947   The native courts (Ashanti ordinance (Cap.80)          8          1949

                        No.12 of 1949


“         “   948   The native courts (Ashanti ordinance (Cap.80)          4          1949

                        No.13 of 1949


“         “   949   The native courts (Ashanti ordinance (Cap.80)          17        1949

                        No.32 of 1949


“         “   950   The court ordinance (Cap.4) No.32 of 1949               9          1949


“         “   951   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1949

                        No.8 of 1950


“         “   952   The pharmacy and poisons ordinance, 1946               7          1949

                        (No.21 of 1946) No.13 of 1949


“         “   953   The native authority (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.79)    3          1949

                        No.19 of 1949


“         “   954   The post office ordinance (Cap.198) No.16               1          1949

                        of 1949


“         “   955   The immigration ordinance, 1947 (No.7 of 1947)      2          1949

                        No.17 of 1949


“         “   956   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         2          1949

                        No.34 of 1949


“         “   957   The motor traffic ordinance (Cap.195) No.18            1          1949

                        of 1949


“         “   958   The native courts (colony) ordinance, 1944                2          1949

                        (No.22 of 1944)


“         “   959   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         13        1949

                        No.34 of 1949


“         “   960   The native authority (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.79)    2          1949


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/961 The post office ordinance (Cap.198) No.14 of 1947  4          1949


“         “   962   The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     2          1949

                        No.33 of 1949


“         “   963   The native authority (colony) ordinance, 1944           2          1949

                        (No.21 of 1944) No.31 of 1949


“         “   964   The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.32 of 1949             2          1949


“         “   965   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1949

                        No.13 of 1949


“         “   966   The telegraghs ordinance (Cap.195) No.18 of 1949   1          1949


“         “   967   The motto traffic ordinance (Cap.195) No.18            1          1949

                        of 1949


“         “   968   The 1949-50 appropriation ordinance, 1949               1          1949

                        No.6 of 1949


“         “   969   The custom (Amendment) ordinance, 1949. No.       1          1949

                        4 of 1949


“         “   970   The British nationality fees (Amendment)                 1          1949



“         “   971   The native authority (southern section Togoland       1          1949

                        under British mandate) ordinance 1949


“         “   972   The gold coast library board ordinance 1949             5          1949


“         “   973   The 1949-50 appropriation ordinance 1949                5          1949


“         “   974   The gold coast library board ordinance 1949             4          1949


“         “   975   The trade union (Amendment) ordinance 1949          2          1949


“         “   976   The 1949-50 appropriation ordinance 1949                6          1949   


“         “   977   The customs (Amendment) ordinance 1949               9          1949


“         “   978   The income tax (Amendment) ordinance 1949          1          1949




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/979 The advertisement regulation (rural areas)                  11        1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1949


“         “   980   The criminal procedure code (Amendment)               11        1949



“         “   981   The gold coast cocoa marketing board                       6          1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance 1949


“         “   982   The income tax (Amendment) ordinance 1949          5          1949


“         “   983   The income tax (Amendment) ordinance 1949          3          1949


“         “   984   The customs (Amendment) ordinance, 1949              1          1949


“         “   985   The gold coast library board ordinance 1949             1          1949


“         “   986   The native authority (southern sections of                  1          1949

                        Togoland under British mandate) ordinance 1949


“         “   987   The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.38 of 1949            3          1949


“         “   988   The Forest (Amendment) ordinance, 1949                 3          1949

                        First Insertion


“         “   989   The forest (Amendment) ordinance, 1949                  3          1949

                        Second Insertion


“         “   990   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         12        1949

                        No.44 of 1949


“         “   991   The aliens (Amendment) ordinance, 1949                  2          1949

                        First Insertion


“         “   992   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         2          1949


“         “   993   The native authority (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.79)    2          1949

                        No.44 of 1949


“         “   994   The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.41 of 1949            2          1949


“         “   995   The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         2          1949

                        No.20 of 1949


“         “   996   The criminal code (Cap.9) No.45 of 1949                  1          1949


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/997 The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.39 of 1949            2          1949


“         “   998   The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.42 of 1944             2          1949


“         “   999   The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.40 of 1949            2          1949


“         “  1000  The native authority (Ashanti) ordinance                   1          1949

                        (Cap.79) No.44 of 1949


“         “  1001  The Criminal code No.45 of 1949                              1          1949


“         “  1002  The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     2          1949

                        No.43 of 1949


“         “  1003  The native authority (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.79)    2          1949

                        No.44 of 1949


“         “  1004  The Accra town council (Amendment) ordinance      3          1949

  1. First Insertion


“         “  1005  The native authority (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.79)    4          1949

                        No.44 of 1949


“         “  1006  The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.49 of 1949             2          1949


“         “  1007  The Accra town council (Amendment) ordinance      3          1949



“         “  1008  The native courts (Northern territories) ordinance      4          1949

                        (Cap.85) No.22 of 1949


“         “  1009  The Native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)        4          1949

                        No.15 of 1949


“         “  1010  The Aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.47 of 1949           2          1949


“         “  1011  The Aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.48 of 1949           2          1949


“         “  1012  The Aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.46 of 1949           3          1949


“         “  1013  The Income tax ordinance, 1943 (No.27 of 1943)     4          1949

                        No.21 of 1949


“         “  1014  The concessions ordinance, 1943 (No.19 of 1939)     2          1949

                        No.50 of 1949


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1015 The native courts (Northern territories)                    2          1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance 1949


“         “  1016  The Courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.55 of 1949                        2          1949


“         “  1017  The Courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.54 of 1949                        2          1949


“         “  1018  The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     2          1949

                        No.53 of 1949


“         “  1019  The Courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.6 of 1949              5          1949


“         “  1020  The native courts (Northern territories) ordinance      2          1949

                        (Cap.85) No.57 of 1949


“         “  1021  The stamp ordinance (Cap.179) No.59 of 1949         2          1949


“         “  1022  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1949

                        No.58 of 1949


“         “  1023  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1949

                        No.34 of 1949


“         “  1024  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1948

                        No.105 of 1948


“         “  1025  The native courts (colony) ordinance, 1944                5          1949

                        (No.22 of 1944) No.56 of 1949


“         “  1026  The native courts (Northern territories)                      1          1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance 1949           


“         “  1027  The Forest (Amendment) ordinance 1949                  1          1949


“         “  1028  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1949

                        No.16 of 1949


“         “  1029  The advertisement regulation (rural areas)                  5          1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1949


“         “  1030  The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.71 of 1949             2          1949


“         “  1031  The immigrant British subjects (deportation)             2          1949

                        ordinance, 1945 (No.26 of 1945) No.73 of 1949



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1032 The infectious disease ordinance (Cap.59)               2          1949

                        No.76 of 1949


“         “  1033  The native authority (colony) ordinance 1944            2          1949

                        (No.21 of 1944) No.72 of 1949


“         “  1034  The native courts (colony) ordinance, 1944                2          1949

                        (No.22 of 1944) No.72 of 1949


“         “  1035  The infectious diseases ordinance (Cap.59)                2          1949


“         “  1036  The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.74 of 1949            2          1949


“         “  1037  The motor traffic ordinance (Cap.195) No.77            2          1949


“         “  1038  The income tax (Amendment) ordinance, 1949         7          1949


“         “  1039  The advertisements regulation (Rural areas)               3          1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance 1949


“         “  1040  The gold coast cocoa marketing board                       13        1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance 1949


“         “  1041  The agricultural produce marketing board                  1          1949

                        ordinance, 1949


“         “  1042  The native authority (Southern section of                  1          1949

                        Togoland under united kingdom trustees

                        ordinance 1949. No.30 of 1949


“         “  1043  The 1949-50 appropriation ordinance 1949                2          1949


“         “  1044  The income tax (Amendment) ordinance 1949          4          1949


“         “  1045  The diplomatic privileges (Amendment)                    1          1949
                        ordinance, 1949. No.2 of 1949


“         “  1046  The Gold Coast cocoa marketing board                     3          1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance 1949


“         “  1047  The concessions ordinance 1939 (No.19 of 1939)      2          1949

                        No.78 of 1949


“         “  1048  The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.79 of 1949             2          1949




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1049 The diplomatic privileges (Amendment)                  6          1949

                        ordinance 1949


“         “  1050  The town and country planning ordinance 1945        2          1949

                        No.80 of 1949


“         “  1051  The native courts (Northern territories)                      5          1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1949


“         “  1052  The diplomatic priveleges (Amendment)                    6          1949



“         “  1053  The pensions (widow and orphans) (Palestine            2          1949

                        ex-officers) ordinance, 1949


“         “  1054  The customs (Amendment) ordinance. 1949              1          1949


“         “  1055  The customs preventive service ordinance 1949         1          1949


“         “  1056  The  person (Amendment) ordinance. 1949               2          1949


“         “  1057 The income tax (Amandment) ordinance. 1949          2          1949


“         “  1058 The mandated and trust teruutories ordince               10        1949


“         “  1059 T aliens (Amendment) ordinance. 1949                      11        1949


“         “  1060 The police force Amendment) ordinance. 1949          2          1949


“         “  1061 The kola nuts export duty (Ashanti Repeat)               11        1949



“         “  1062 The gold coast library board ordinance 1949              19        1949


“         “  1063  The native authority 9southern seetion of                  4          1949

                        Togoland Under British mandatel) ordinance 1949              


“         “  1064 The native authority (southern seetion of Togoland   4          1949

                        Under British mandate) ordinance 1949

(No. 7 of 1949) No.62 of 1949


“         “  1065 The native authority (southern section of Togoland   3          1949

                        under British mandate) ordinance, 1949

                        No.63 of 1949



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1066 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap 80)       10        1949


“         “  1067 The courts ordince (cap4) No. 84 of 1949                  2          1949


“         “  1068 The obuasi sanitary board ordinance (Cap 52)            5          1949

                        No.61 of 1949


“         “  1069 The native courts (colony) ordinance 1949                 4          1949

                        (No. 22 of 1944) No. 65 of 1949                                                       


“         “  1070 The mining health areas ordinance (Cap. 127)            4          1949

                        No. 60 of 1949


“         “  1071 The native authority (Ashantional) oridinance            3          1949

                        (Cap 77)


“         “  1072  The suppliers and services (transitional powers)        5          1949

                        Act, 1945 as applied to the goldcoast by the  

                        suppliers and service (transitional powers)

(colonies etc) order in council, 1946 and the

emergency power (defence) Acts 1939 to 1945.

No.25 of 1949


“         “  1073  The native courts(southern section of togoland          3          1949

                        under British mandate ordinance. 1949 (No .8 of

                        1949) No .69 of 1949                                                


“         “  1074 The native courts (colony) ordinance. 1944                2          1949

                        (No. 22 of 1944) No. 66 of 1949                               


“         “  1075 The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No. 71 of 1947             2          1949


“         “  1076 Index to the supplements to the gold coast                1          1949

                        gazette for the second half year, 1949                       


“         “  1077 The Achimota school ordinance. 1948 No. 19            1          1948

                        of 1948                                                           


“         “  1078 The imports and exports restriction No. 22 of 48       1          1948


“         “  1079 The agricultural produce marketing board                  3          1949

                        Ordinance 1949                                                         


“         “  1080 The 1949-50 appropriation ordinance . 1949              1          1949


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/2/1081 The native authority (Northern territories)               3          1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance. 1949                                  


“         “  1082 The immigra British Subject (depatation)                   2          1949

                        Ordinance. 1945 (N0.26 of 1945) No. 107 of 1949  


“         “  1083 The income tax ordinance. 1943 (No. 27 of 1943)     2          1949


“         “  1084 The alines ordinance. (Cap 43) No .108 of 1947        2          1949


“         “  1085 The cancessions ordinance. 1939 (No. 19 of 1939)    1          1949

                        No 168 of 1948                                                          


“         “  1086 The concessions ordinance. 1939 (No. 19 of 1939)    1          1949

                        No 168 of 1949                                                          


“         “  1087 The medical Pratitioners and dentists reqistration      1          1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance. 1950                                  


“         “  1088 The town and country planning ordinance,1945         1          1949


“         “  1089 The native courts (Ashanti) (Amendment)                  1          1949

                        ordinance 1949. No. 37 of 1949                                            


“         “  1090 The native authority (southern section of Togoland   1          1949

                        under British mandate) ordinance. 1949                   


“         “  1091 The customs ordinance, 1947 (No. 40 of 1947)          1          1949

                        No 1 of 1949              


“         “  1092 The aliens ordinance (cap.43) No 108 of 1949           1          1949


“         “  1093 The trade Unoins (Amendment) ordinance. 1947       1          1949


“         “  1094 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         7          1949

                        No 17 of 1949            


“         “  1095 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance No. 68 of        2          1949



“         “  1096 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance No.18 of         4          1949



“         “  1097 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance No. 67 of        4          1949



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1098 The pernsions (increase (Amendmeent) ordinance   2          1949


“         “  1099 Northern territories of the gold coast No. 15 of 1949            2          1949


“         “  1100 The customs ordinance 1947 (No.40 of 1947)            3          1949


“         “  1101 Northern territories of the gold coast, No. 11 of        2          1949



“         “  1102 Northern teritories of the No. 13 of 1949.                  2          1949


“         “  1103 Northern territories of the gold coast No .16              2          1949

of 1949           


“         “  1104 The rents (control) (Amendment) ordinance 1949.     2          1949


“         “  1105 The northern territories of the gold coast No. 19 of   3          1949



“         “  1106 The northern territories of the gold coast No. 8 of     2          1949



“         “  1107 The northern territories of the gold coast No. 9 of     2          1949



“         “  1108 The northern territories of the gold coast No.10 of    2          1949



“         “  1109 The northern territories of the gold coass No.11 of    2          1949



“         “  1110 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         2          1949

                        No.85 of 1949                                                            


“         “  1111 The native authority (colony) ordinance 1944            2          1949

                        (No. 21 of 1944) No. 83 of 1949                               


“         “  1112 Northern territories No 26 of 1947                             2          1949


“         “  1113 The cocessions ordinance. 1939 (No. 39 of 1939)      2          1949

                        No 81 of 1949                                                                        


“         “  1114 The 949lantine ordinance (Cap.67) No. 27 of 1949    2          1949


“         “  1115 The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No. 91                         1          1949


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1116 The aliens ordinance (cap 43) No. 92                       1          1949


“         “  1117 The aliens ordianace (cap) No. 93                               1          1949


“         “  1118 The aliens ordinance (cap) No. 90                               2          1949


“         “  1119 The aliens ordinance (cap) No.2                                  2          1949


“         “  1120 The native courts (colony) ordinance, 1944                1          1949

                        (No 22 of 1944) No 89 of 1949.                                


“         “  1121 The accra town (lands) ordinance. 1949 of (No 22     1          1949

                        of 1944) No 86 of 1949.


“         “  1122 The unlicensed quides (prohibition) ordinance           1          1949

                        1949 (No 23 of 1949) No. 28 of 1949.                      


“         “  1123 Northern territories of the gold coast                          2          1949


“         “  1124 Northern territories of the gold coast No. 4 of           1          1949



“         “  1125 Northern territories of the gold coast No. 15 of         1          1949



“         “  1126 Northern territrories of the gold coast No. 17 of        1          1949



“         “  1127 Northern territrories of the gold coast No. 19 of        1          1949



“         “  1128 Northern territrories of the gold cosat No.1 of           4          1949



“         “  1129 Northern territrories of the gold coast No. 1 of 

  1. 2          1949


“         “  1130 The prisons (Amendment) ordinance and inance        2          1949

                        No.1 of 1949. 


“         “  1131 The customs prevente service ordinance 1949.           2          1949


“         “  1132 The trees and timber ordinance 1949  .                       2          1949


“         “  1133 The rants (control) (Amendment) ordinance 1949      4          1949


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1134 the rants (control) (Amendment) firdt Insertion      1          1949


“         “1135 The aliens ordinannce (cap 43) No. 88 of 1949.           2          1949


“         “1136 The customs ordinance. 1947 (No. 40 of 1947)            2          1949

                        No.3 of 1949. 


“         “1137 The native courts (colony) (Amendment)                     2          1949

                        Ordinance 1949. No. 26 of 1949.      


“         “1138 The tres and timber ordinance 1949.                             11        1949


“         “1139 The anmial procedure code (Amendment)                    2          1949

                        Ordinance 1949.                                                        


“         “1140 The Aliens (Amendment) ordinance. 1949.                  2          1949


“         “1141 The Accra town council (Amendment) ordinance        2          1949

                        No. 16 of 1949.                                                          


“         “1142 The cape coast town council (Amendnment)                2          1949

                        Ordinance. 1949.                                                       


“         “1143 The Kumasi town council (Amendment)                      2          1949



“         “1144 The second Takoradi town council (Amendment)        2          1949

                        Ordinance 1944.                                                        


“         “1145 The mandated and trust territories ordinance.              2          1949


“         “1146 The forest (Amendment) ordinance 1949.                    2          1949


“         “1147 The mandated and trust territories ordinance               2          1949

                        .1949 (No. 19 of 1949) No.87 of 1949.         


“         “1148 The customs (Amendment) ordinance 1949                 1          1949


“         “1149 The agricultural produce marketing board                    1          1949

                        Ordinance 1949.


“         “1150 The mandated and trust territories ordinance

  1. 1          1949


“         “1151 The unlicensed gvider (prohibition) ordinance 1949     1          1949


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1152 the native courts (colony (Amendment) ordinance 1           1949


“         “1153 Gold coast colony No. 8 of 1949                                  2          1949


“         “1154 Nothern territores of the gold coast                              1          1949


“         “1155 The gold coast library board ordinance No.17              1          1949

                        Of 1949.


“         “1156 The gold coast cocoa marketing board                          1          1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance. 1949.                                 


“         “1157 The courts ordinance (cap) No. 94 of 1949                   4          1949


“         “1158 The native authority (Ashanti) ordinance (cap)             2          1949

                        No. 19 of 1949.                                                          


“         “1159 The advertisements regulation (Rural areas)                 1          1949


“         “1160 The native authority (southern section of Togoland     1          1949

                        Under united Kingdom trusteeship ordinance          

                        1949 (No. 7 of 1949) No 29 of 1949 


“         “1161 The native authority (southern section of Togoland     1          1949

            Under united Kingdom trusteeship ordinance

            1949 (No. 96 of 1949.


“         “1162 The ferries ordinance (cap 193) No 95 of 194.             1          1949



“          “1163 Advertisement reglation (Rural areas) (Amadment)   

                        Ordinance 1949                                                          1          1949


“          “1164 The courts (Amadment) ordinance 1949                     2          1949


“          “1165 The native authority (southern section of Togoland    1          1949

                        Under united Kingdom trusteeship ordinance. 1949

                        No. 30 of 1949                                                           


“          “1166 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap80)            1          1949

                        No.21 of 1949                                                            


“          “1167 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance No.20 of          1          1949




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1168 The Births, deaths and burials ordinance                 1          1949

                        (Cap 58) No. 99 of 1949.                                           


“          “1169 The Birth, deaths and burials ordnance                       1          1949                           

                        (Cap 58) No. 100 of 1949.                                         


“          “1170 T he Birth, death and burial ordanace                          1          1949

                        (Cap58) No. 98 of 1949.                                            


“          “1171 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance                         3          1949

                        (Cap 80) No. 21 of 1949.                                           


“          “1172 The naviations acts, 1928 and 1936 and the colonial 1          1949

                        Airnaviqation (application of acts order) 1937 No.

                        of 1949.                                                                                  


“          “1173 The fruit industry regulation ordinance (Cap 164)      1          1949

                        No. 31 of 1949.                                                          


“          “1174 The mining health areas regulation (cap 127)               1          1949

                        No. 97 of 1949.                                                          


“          “1175 The Bristish nationality fes (Amendment) ordinance. 3          1949



“          “1176 T he persions (European officer) ordinance                 1          1949               

                        (Cap 29).                                                                    


“          “1177 The customs (AMENDMENT) ordinance, 1949.        1          1949


“          “1178 The gold coat cocoa marketing board (Amendment)  1          1949

                        Ordinance, 1949.                                                       


“          “1179 The income tax (Amendment) ordinance 1949.           1          1949


“          “1180 The tres and timber ordinance, 1949.                           1          1949


“          “1181 The native (southern section) Togoland under             4          1949

                        British mandate) ordinance 1949.                              


“          “1182 Report of the commission of enquiry into the                         1          1949

                        Disorders in the eastern provinces of Nigeria

                        November, 1949.                                                       


“          “1183 Alien ordinance No. 104                                              3          1949


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1184 The nurses ordinace, 1946 (No. 20 of 1946)            5          1949

                        No. 36 of 1949.                                                          


“          “1185 The post office ordinance (Cap 198) No. 33 of           4          1949



“          “1186 The diplomatic privileges ordinance 1949.                  2          1949

                        (No. 35of 1949) No. 102 of 1949.                             


“          “1187 The courts (Amendment) ordinance, 1949.                 2          1949


“          “1188 The marriage Amendment) ordinance. 1950                1          1949


“          “1189 The agricultural produce marketing board                   1          1949

                        Ordinance, 1949 (No.9 of 1949) No.105 of 1949     


“          “1190 Made under section 4 of the Kumasi town council     1          1949

                        Ordinance. No. 22 of 1949                            


“          “1191 The cancessions ordinance 1939 (No. 19 of 1939)      1          1949

                        No.106 of 109.                                                           


“          “1192 The native courts (Ashanti ordinance) No. 165 of       1          1948



“          “1193 The native courts (Ashanti ordinance) No.32 of          1          1948



“          “1194 The native courts (Ashanti) (Amendment) ordinance  1          1949

                        Of 1949.                                                                     


“          “1195 The nurses ordinance, 1946 (No. 20 of 1946)              1          1949

                        No. 110 of 1949.                                                        


“          “1196 The marriage ordinance (Cap. 105) No 23 of 1949.    2          1949


“          “1197 The infectoins diseases ordinance (Cap 59).                2          1949


“          “1198 The gold coast colony and Ashanti (Legislative          2          1949

                        council) order in council, 1946.No 1 of 1930.                                   


“          “1199 The courts ordinance (cap4) No. 111 of 1949             1          1949


“          “1200 The agriculture produces marketing board                   1          1949

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950. First insertion.         


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1201 The emergency (General legulations, 1950              1          1950

No. 2 of 1950.                                                            


“          “1202 The trade union (Amendment) ordinance 1950.          1          1950


“          “1203 The trade union (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.         1          1950


“          “1204 The obuasi sanitary board (Amedment) ordnance       1          1950

                        First Insertion.                                                            


“          “1205 The legal practitioners (Amendment) ordinance          1          1950



“          “1206 The legal practitioners (Amendment) ordinance          1          1950



“          “1207 The emergency (General) regulations, 1950.                2          1950


“          “1208 The emergercy (General) regualation, 1950                 6          1950

                        (Made under part.11 of the emergency powers

                        order in Council, 1939) No. 4 of 1950.                                 


“          “1209 The emergercy (General) regualation, 1950                 4          1950

                        (Made under part.11 of the emergency powers

                        in order Council, 1939) No. 5 of 1950.                                 


“          “1210 The defence regulations, 1939. No. 2 of 1950.            3          1950


“          “1211 The emergency (general) (Amendment) (No.1)           5          1950

                        Regulations, 1950 (made under part 11 of the

                        emergency Powers order in council, 1939. No. 3.                             


”          “1212 The emergency (general) regulations, 1950. No2.        3          1950


“          “1213  The emergency (general) regulation, 1950 (made       4          1950

                        under Part II of the emergency powers order in

                        council, 1939) No. 8 of 1950.                                                            


“          “1214 The emergency (superior pollice officers)                    3          1950

Regulations, 1950 No. 4 of 1950.                              


“          “1215 The emergency (general) regulations, 1950 (made       3          1950

                        under Part II of the emergency powers order in  

                        council, 1939.                                                                         



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1216 The emergency paoers order in conncil, 1939          3          1950

                        No.3 of 1950.                                                             


“          ‘1217 The income tax ordinance, 1943 (No.27 of 1943)        1          1950

                        No. 64 of 1950.                                                          


“          “1218 The emergency (general) regulations, 1950                  1          1950

                        (Made under part II of the emergency powers

                        order in council 1939) No. 7 0f 1950.                                                           


“          “1219 The animal code (Amendment) ordinance, 1950         10        1950

                        Second Insertion.                                                       


“          “1220 The agricultural produce marketing board                   2          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950. Second Insertion.    


“          “1221 The forest ordinance (Cap.122) No.1 of 1949.            2          1950


“          “1222 The anmial code (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.        2          1950


“          “1223 The emergency (general) regulations, 1950                  3          1950

                        (Made under part II of the emergency powers

                        order in council, 1939) No.24 of 1950           .                      


“          “1224 The aliens ordinance (cap.4) No.18 of 1950.               2          1950


“          “1225 The aliens’ ordinance (cap.43) No. 20 of 1950.           2          1950


“          “1226 The courts ordinance (cap.4) No. 18 of 1950.             2          1950


“          “1227 The aliens’ ordinance (cap.43) No. 19 of 1950.           2          1950


“          “1228 The aliens’ ordinance (cap.43) No.19 of 1950.            2          1950


“          “1229 The births, deaths and burials ordinance (cap58)         2          1950

                        No.17 of 1950.                                                           


“          “1230 The births, deaths and burials ordinance (cap 58)        2          1950

                        No.16 of 1950.                                                           


“          “1231 The gold coast agricultural development                     2          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.                     


“          “1232 The co-operative society’s ordinance, 1937                 2          1950

                        (No. 15 of 1937) No. 5 of 1950.                                


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1233 The emergency (general) regulations, 1950 1          1950

                        (Made under part II of the emergency powers

                        Order in council, 1939) No. 10 of 1950.                   


“          “1234 The emergency (general) regulation, 1950                   1          1950

                        (Made under part II of the emergency powers          

                        order in council 1939) No. 12 of 1950.                                                         


“          “1235 The defence regulations 1939 (No 25 of 1939)           1          1950

                        No. 13 of 1950.                                              


“          “1236 The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No. 17 of 1939)     1          1950

                        No. 9 of 1950.                                                            


“          “1237 The native courts (Ashanti) (Amendment) ordinance 2          1950

                        No. 15 of 1950.                                                          


“          “1238 The statistics ordinance 1950.                                      4          1950


“          “1239 The election (legislative Assembly) ordinance 1950.   2          1950


“          “1240The concession (Amendment) (No.2) ordinance 1950.7          1950


“          “1241 1950-51 appropriate ordinance, 1950.                         2          1950


:           “1242 The persions (increase) (Amendment) ordinance.        1          1950


“          “1243 The gold coast library board (Amendment)                 11        1950   

                        ordinance 1950.                                                                                 


“          “1244 Notes on the exchange control ordinance 1950.          2          1950


“          “1245 The exchange control ordinance, 1950.                       2          1950


“          “1246 The stamps (Amendment) ordince, 1950.                    2          1950


“          “1247 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap80)            2          1950

                        No.31 of 1950.                                                           


“          “1248 The 1948-1949 supplementary appropriation               1          1950

                        ordinance 1950.                                                                     


“          “1249 1950-51 appropriation ordinance 1950.                       1          1950


“          “1250 The legal practitioners (Amendment) ordinance 1950 1          1950


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1251 The co-opertive soctieties (Amendment)                 2          1950


“          “1252 The gold coast cocoa marketing board                        4          1950

                        (Amendment) Ordinance 1950.                                                         


“          “1253 The courtd ordinance (Cap.4) No. 25 of 1950.            2          1950


“          “1254 The aliens’ ordinance (cap.43) No. 26 of 1950.           2          1950


“          “1255 Made by the Chief Commissioner under section 3      2          1950

                        Of the administration ordinance No, 70 of 1950.     


“          “1256The native courts (colony) ordinance, 1944                  1          1950

                        (No. 22 of 1944) No. 43 of 1950.                              


“          “1257 The native courts (colony) ordinance, 1944                 1          1950

                        (No.22 of 1944) No. 8 of 1950.                                 


“          “1258 The diseases of animal’s ordinance (cap. 202) 2          1950

                        No.6 of 1950.                                                             


“          “1259 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap. 202)        3          1950

                        No. 2 of 1950.                                                            


“          “1260 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap.202)         2          1950

                        No.1 of 1950.                                                             


“          “1261 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap. 202)        2          1950

                        No.4 of 1950.             


“          “1262 The trade  UNIONS (Amendment) ordinance,

  1. 1          1950


“          “1263 The public lands (leasehold) ordinance, 1950  .           1          1950   


“          “1264 order by the Chiefcommissioner No. 3 of 1940.          1          1950


“          “1265 The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No. 19 of

                        1939).                                                                          1          1950


“          “1266 The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No. 32 of 1950)     1          1950


“          “1267 The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No. 41 of 1950).    1          1950


“          “1268 The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No. 39 of 1950).   1          1950


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1268 The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No. 30 of 1950).1          1950


“          “1270  The alines ordinance (cap. 43) No. 35 of 1950.          1          1950


“          “1271 The waterworks ordinance (cap.55) No 36 of 1950   1          1950


“          “1272  The obuasi sanitary board ordinance (cap.52)            1          1950

                        No.37 of 1950.                                                           


“          “1273 The persions ordinance (cap.41) No. 9 of 1950.         1          1950


“          “1274 The agricultural produce marketing board

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.                                  1          1950


“          “1275 The native treasuries ordinance (cap. 56) No.13.        1          1950


“          “1276  The telegraphs ordinance (cap. 199) No.12 of 1950.  1          1950


“          “1277 The cape coast town conucil (Amendment) ordin.     3          1950


“          “1278 The exchange control ordinance, 1950.                      6          1950


“          “1279  The lands registry (Amendment) ordinance, 1950     2          1950


“          “1280  The agricultural produce marketing board                  2          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.                                 


“          “1281  The 1948-1949 suplementary appropriation               1          1950

                        Ordinance 1950.                                                        


“          “1282 The aliens’ ordinance (cap.43) No. 68 of 1950.           1          1950


“          “1283  The co-operatives socities (Amendment) ordinance.  1          1950


“          “1284  The cape coast town conucil (Amendment)

                        ordinance, 1950.                                                         10        1950


“          “1285 The cape coast town conucil (Amendment)               2          1950

                        ordinance 1950          


“          “1286  The Cape Coast town council (Amendment)                         2          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1287  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         2          1950

                        No.5 of 1950


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1288 The legal practitioners (Amendment) ordinance      2          1950

  1. Second Insertion


“          “1289  The cocoa (additional export duty) ordinance 1950   3          1950


“          “1290  The telegraphs ordinance (Cap.199) No.12 of 1950   3          1950


“          “1291  The cocoa (additional export duty) ordinance 1950   1          1950


“          “1292  The Achimota school (Amendment) ordinance          1          1950

  1. First Insertion


“          “1293  The legal government (Amendment) ordinance         1          1954



“          “1294  The pensions ordinance, 1950. No.42 of 1950           1          1950


“          “1295  The criminal code (Amendment) ordinance 1950      1          1950


“          “1296  The native courts (colony) ordinance, 1944                3          1950

                        (No.22 of 1944) No.43 of 1950


“          “1297  The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     1          1950

                        No.47 of 1950


“          “1298  The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     1          1950

                        No.45 of 1950


“          “1299  The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     1          1950

                        No.48 of 1950


“          “1300  The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.46 of 1950             1          1950


“          “1301  The trustee investment in Ghana government            1          1950

                        securities ordinance 1957. No.13 of 1957


“          “1302  The native treasuries ordinance (Cap.86) No.13         1          1950

                        of 1950


“          “1303  The public lands (leasehold) ordinance, 1950 3          1950


“          “1304  The Northern territories council ordinance, 1952       1          1950

                        No.3 of 1950




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1305 The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)  1          1950

                        No.50 of 1950


“          “1306  The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     1          1950

                        No.51 of 1950


“          “1307  The native courts (Southern section of Togoland)      1          1950

                        under United Kingdom trusteeship) ordinance,

                        1949 (No.8 of 1949) No.15 of 1950


“          “1308  The loan and Inscribed stock (Amendment)              2          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1309  The custom duties (correction) ordinance 1955          1          1955


“          “1310  The Achimota school (Amendment) ordinance          1          1950



“          “1311  The legal practitioners (Amendment) ordinance         2          1950



“          “1312  The concessions (Amendment) ordinance 1950         1          1950


“          “1313  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                8          1950



“          “1314  The book and newspaper registration                         2          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance 1950


“          “1315  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                6          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1316  The criminal code (Amendment) (No.2)                     4          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1317  The concessions (Amendment) (No.2)                       1          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1318  The concessions (Amendment) No.2 ordinance         1          1950

  1. No.53 of 1950


“          “1319  The pensions (Increase) (Amendment) ordinance      14        1950





REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1320 The Criminal code (Amendment) (No.2)                 1          1950

                        Ordinance 1950. No.54 of 1950


“          “1321  The buasi sanitary board (ex-gratia award)                 3          1950

                        (EW. Horsey) ordinance. 1950                                  


“          “1322  The obuasi sanity board.                                             11        1950                                                   

“          “1323  The concessions (extension of time)                           1          1950

                        (No.6) order 1951.                                                     


“          “1324  The book and news paper registration                        1          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance.1950                                   


“          “1325  The native courts (Ashante) (Amendment)                1          1950



“          “1326  The achimota school (Amendment) ordinance           2          1950



“          “1327  The birth, deaths and burials ordinance (cap.58)        2          1950

                        No.54 of 1950.                                                           


“          “1328  The customs ordinance, 1947 (No.40 of 1947)          1          1950



“          “1329  1950-51 appropriation ordinance, 1950                      1          1950


“          “1330  The Cocoa (additional) export duty) ordinance,        1          1950



“          “1331  The Achinota school (Amendment) ordinance 1950  1          1950

                        First Insertion.                                                            


“          “1332  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap80)           2          1950

                        No. 7 of 1950.                                                            


“          “1333  The cocession ordinance. 1939 (No.19 of 1939)        2          1950

                        No.56 of 1950.                                                           


“          “1334  The customs ordinance, 1947 (No.40 of 1947)          1          1950

                        No.1 of 1950.                                                             


“          “1335  The statistices ordinance, 1950. No.48 of 1950.        1          1950



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1336 The diamond mining industry protection                 1          1950

                        (Amendmnet) ordinance, 1950.                                 


“          “1337  The trees and timber ordinance (No.20 of                  1          1950

                        1949) No.19                                                               


“          “1338  The stool lands boundaries settlement ordinance,      1          1950

  1. No. 49 of 1950.


“          “1339  The prisons (Amendment) ordinance, 1950 No.9       1          1950


“          “1340  The cocessions amendment) (No.2) ordinance, 1950 1          1950


“          “1341  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap80)           1          1950

  1. 6 OF 1950.


“          “1342  The trees and timbers ordinance, 1949 (No.20 of      1          1950

                        1949) No.57 of 1950.                                                


“          “1343  The trees and timber ordinance (No, 20 of 1949)       1          1950

                        No. 18 of 1950.                                                          


“          “1344  The income tax ordinance, 1943 (No.27 of 19430)    2          1950

                        No. 62 of 1950.                                                          


“          “1345  The agricultural produce marketing board                  4          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.                                 


“          “1346  The industral stool and institution ordinance             2          1950

                        1945 (No. 11 of 1945) No.58 of 1950.                      


“          “1347  The custom ordiannce, 1947(No. 40 of 1947)            1          1950



“          “1348  The native courts (Cap.80).                                         3          1950


“          “1349  The agricultural produce marketing board                  2          1950

                        ordinance 1949 (No. 9 of 1949) No. 66 of 1950.                  


“          “1350  The nativre authority (Southern section of                 1          1950

                        Togoland under United Kingdom trusteeship)

                        ordinance 1947, No. 7 of 1949) No. of 1950.                                   


“          “1351  The waterwork (Amendment) ordinance 1950.          1          1950



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1352 Ashanti No.11 of 1950.                                            1          1950


“          “1353  The alien’s ordinance (cap.43) No. 6 of 1950.            1          1950


“          “1354  The unlicensed quides (prohibition) (Amendment)    1          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950.                                                       


“          “1355  The agricultural loans board ordinance 1950.             3          1950


“          “1356  The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No. 19 of 1939)    2          1950


“          “1357  The Achimto school (Amendment) ordinance.           1          1950


“          “1358  The medical practitioners and dentidtd registration   2          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950. No. 30 of 1950.      


“          “1359  The public lands (vesting and transfer of power)       1          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950.                                                       


“          “1360  The public lands (leashold) ordinance, 1950.             3          1950


“          “1361  The rot damages ordinance, 1950                               1          1950


“          “1362  The agricultural loans board ordinance, 1950.            3          1950


“          “1363  The obuasi sanitary board (Amendment) ordinance   1          1950


“          “1364  The obuasei sanitary board (ex-qratia award)             2          1950

                        (E.w Horsey) ordinance, 1950.                                  


“          “1365  The publice lands (Leasehold) ordinance, 1950         1          1950


“          “1366  The legal practitioners (Amendment) ordinance         1          1950

                        No.4 of 1950.                                                             


“          “1367  The public lands (leasehold) ordinance, 1950 1          1950


“          “1368  The stool lands boundaries settlement ordinance       5          1950


“          “1369  The companies (Amendmnet) ordinance, 1950.         4          1950


“          “1370  The public lands (leashold) ordinance, 1950.             1          1950


“          “1371  The waterwork (Amendment) ordinance, 1950          1          1950



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1372 The gold coast library board (Amendment)             1          1950



“          “1373  The unlicensed guides (prihibition) (Amendment)     2          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950                                                        


“          “1374  T he stool lands boundaries settlement ordinance,     5          1950



“          “1375  The sections (legislative assembly) ordinance 1950.   1          1950


“          “1376  The income tax ordiance, 1943 (No. 27 of 1943).      2          1950


“          “1377  The emergency (general) regulations, 1950(made      1          1950

                        Under partII of the emergency powers

                        Order in council, 1939) order No. 5 of 1950.            


“          “1378  The public collections (regulation) ordinance 1          1950

                        (No. 20 of 1950) No. 28 of 1950.                              


“          “1379  The loan and inscribed stock (Amendment)               1          1950

                        Ordinance First Insertion.                                          


“          “1380  The cocoa (additional export duty) ordinance            1          1950



“          “1381  Native jurisdiction.                                                     1          1950


“          “1382  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap.80)          1          1950

                        No. of 1950.                                                               


“          “1383  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance NO.8 of         1          1950



“          “1384  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance No.9 of          1          1950



“          “1385  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                3          1950

                        ordinance 1950.                                                                                 


“          “1386  The aliens’ ordinance (cap.43) No. 68 of 1950.          4          1950


“          “1387  The concessions ordinance ordinance, 1939               2          1950

                        (No.19 of 1939) No. 71 of 1950.                   



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1388 The native authorty (colony) ordinance, 1944         2          1950

                        (No. 21 of 1944) No. 70 of 1950.                              


“          “1389  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap.80)         2          1950

                        No. 10 of 1950.                                                          


“          “1390  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap.80)          2          1950

                        No. 9 of 1950.                                                            


“          “1391  The native courts (Ashanti) ordianance (cap,80)        2          1950

                        No. 8 of 1950.                                                            


“          “1392  The Aliens ordinance (cap.43) No. 69 of 1950.          1          1950


“          “1393  The Aliens ordinance (cap.43) No. 85 of1950.           1          1950


“          “1394  The income tax ordinance, 1943 (No. 27 of 1943)     2          1950


“          “1395  The infections disease ordinance, (cap. 59).               2          1950


“          “1396  The betting tax ordinance, 1955 First Insertion.         1          1950


“          “1397  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                1          1950

                        ordinance 1950.                                                                                 


“          “1398 The waterworks (Amendment) ordinance 1950.         1          1950


“          “1399  The infections disease ordinance (cap.59).                 1          1950


“          “1400  The marriage (Amendment) ordinance, 1954.            1          1950   

                        Second Insertion.                                                       


“          “1401  The municipal councils (Amendment) ordinance       1          1954

  1. First Insertion.


“          “1402  The loan (railway and trars-volta/Togolsnd                1          1954

                        Deveploment and Tskoradi harbour extensions)

                        Ordinace, 1954.                                                         


“          “1403  The exchange control ordinance, 1950.                      3          1950


“          “1404  The public lands (leasehold) ordinance, 1950.            2          1950


“          “1405  The public lands (vesting and transfer of powers       1          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950                                                        


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1406 The unlicensed guides (prohibition) (Amendment)  1          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950.                                                       


“          “1407  The agricultural produce marketing board                  1          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.                                 


“          “1408  The obuasi sanitary board (ex-gratia award)               2          1950

(E.E Harseu) ordinance, 1950.                                   


“          “1409 The persions ordinance, 1950.                                      2          1950


“          “1410  The cocoa (additional export duty) ordinance, 1950. 1          1950


“          “13411            The gold coast agricultural development                    1          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinanace, 1950.                               


“          “1412  The stamps (Amendmnet) ordinance, 1950.               2          1950


“          “1413  The exchange control ordinanc, 1950.                        1          1950


“          “1414  The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     1          1950

                        No. 88 of 1950.                                                          


“          “1415  The criminal code (Amendment) (No.2) ordinance    1          1950



“          “1416  The time determination (Amendment) ordinance       1          1950



“          “1417  The agricultural loans board ordinance, 1950.            2          1950


“          “1418  The gold coast vernacular literture board                   3          1950

                        ordinance 1950.                                                                                 


“          “1419  The Achimota school (Amendment) ordinance,         3          1950



“          “1420  The loan and inseribed stock (Amendment)               5          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950.                                                       


“          “1421  The Aliens ordinance (cap.43) No. 86 of 1950.          2          1950


“          “1422  The natie courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap.80)            1          1950

                        No.3 of 1950.             



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1423 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap.80)       1          1950

                        No.12 of 1950.                                                           


“          “1424  The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No. 19 of 1939).   1          1950


“          “1425  Ashanti No.II of 1950 (No. 88 of 1950).                   2          1950


“          “1426  The Akliens ordinance (cap.43) No.85 of 1950.         1          1950


“          “1427  The public lands (vesting and transfer of powers)      1          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950.                                                       


“          “1428  The elections (legislative Assembly) ordinance          2          1950



“          “1429  The public lands (leasehold) ordinance 1950              10        1950

                        No. 55 of 1950.                                                              


“          “1430  The state council (Northern territories) ordinance      1          1950



“          “1431  The obuasi sanitary board (ex-gratia Award)             1          1950

                        (E.W Honsey) ordinance, 1950.                                


“          “1432  The time determination (Amendment) ordinance       4          1950



“          “1433  The concessions (Amendment) ordinance, 19850.     3          1950


“          “1434  The gold coast agricultural development                    1          1950

                        Amendment) ordinance, 1950.                                              


“          “1435  The gold coast vernacular literature board                  1          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950.                                                       


“          “1436  The agriultural produce marketing board                    1          1950

                        (Amendment)  ordinance, 1950.                                


“          “1437  The stool lands boundaries settlement ordinance       1          1950



“          “1438  The stamps (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.               1          1950


“          “1439  The gold coast cocoa marjeting board                        1          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.                                                         


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1440 The 1948-49 suplemntary appropriation                   1          1950

                        Ordinance 1950.                                                        


“          “1441  Unlicersed guides (prohibition) (Amendment)           2          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950.                                                       


“          “1442  Gold coast (Draft).                                                     2          1950


“          “1443  The persions ordinance, 1950.                                    7          1950


“          “1444  T he exchange control ordinance, 1950.                     2          1950


“          “1445  The diamond mining industry protection                   3          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.                                 


“          “1446  The co-operative societies (Amendmenmt)                1          1950

                        Ordinance 1950.                                                        


“          “1447  Legal practitioners (Amendment) ordinance, 1950    1          1950


“          “1448  The immiragration (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.    1          1950


“          “1449  The campanies (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.         1          1950


“          “1450  The immigraant British subjects (deportation)           1          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.                                 


“          “1451  The concessions (Amendment) (No.2) ordinance       2          1950



“          “1452  The medical practitioners and dentists registration    2          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.                                 


“          “1453  The registrar general (duties) ordinance, 1950.           6          1950


“          “1454  The 1949-50 appropriation ordinance, 1949.              2          1949


“          “1455  The courts (Amendment) ordinance, 1950 No.21      2          1949


“          “1456  The public collections (regulation) ordinance, 1950.  2          1950


“          “1457  The companies (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.         1          1950


“          “1458  The unlicensed guides (prohibition) (Amendment)    1          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950                                                        


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1459 The agricultural loans board ordinance, 1950          2          1950


“          “1460  The elections (legislativeAssembly) ordinance           1          1950



“          “1461  The cocoa (additionalexport duty) ordinance, 1950.  1          1950


“          “1462  The stamps (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.               1          1950


“          “1463  The persions (increase) (Amendment) ordinance        1          1950


“          “1464  The Hospital fees (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.     1          1950


“          “1465  The prisons (Amendmnet) ordinance, 1950                1          1950


“          “1466  The loans and inscribed stock (Amendmentr)            1          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950.                                                       


“          “1467  The land registry (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.      1          1950


“          “1468  The registrar- general (duties) ordinance, 1950          2          1950


“          “1469  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                3          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950.                                                       


“          “1470  The gold coast vernacular literature board                  2          1950



“          “1471  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                2          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950.                                                       


“          “1472  The deplomatic privileges ordinance, 1947                2          1950

                        No. 35 of 1947) No. 94 of 1950.                               


“          “1473  The concession ordinance, 1939(No. 19 of 1939)      2          1950



“          “1474  The concession ordinance (No. 19 of 1939) No.93    1          1950

                        Of 50.                                                                         


“          “1475  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                1          1950



“          “1476  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                2          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950.                                                       


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1477 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap.80)       2          1950

                        No. 14.                                                                                   


“          “1478  The alien’s ordinance (cap.43) No. 95 of 1950.          2          1950


“          “1479  The native authority (colony) ordinance, 1944           2          1950

                        (No. 21of 1944) no. 100 of 1950.                              


“          “1480  The native courts (colony) ordinance, 1944                2          1950

                        (No.12 of 1944) No. 97 of 1950.                               


“          “1481  The aliens’ ordinance (cap.43) No. 96 of 1950.          2          1950


“          “1482  The nurses ordinance, 1946 (No.20 of 1946)             2          1950

                        No. 24 of 1950.                                                          


“          “1483  The concessions ordinance (No.19 of 1939)               1          1950

                        No.98 of 1950.                                                           


“          “1484  The Aliens ordinance (cap.43) No. 102 of 1950.        2          1950


“          “1485 The Aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.103 of 1950          1          1950


“          “1486  The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.104 of 1950          1          1950


“          “1487  The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.101 of 1950          2          1950


“          “1488  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1950   

                        No.15 of 1950


“          “1489  The trees and timber ordinance (No.20 of 1949)        1          1950

                        No.23 of 1950


“          “1490  The unlicensed guides (prohibition) ordinance           1          1950

                        (No.23 of 1949) No.20 of 1950


“          “1491  The register-general (duties) ordinance 1950              1          1950


“          “1492  The Achimota school (Amendment) ordinance          1          1950



“          “1493  The register-general (duties) ordinance, 1950 5          1950

                        Second Insertion


“          “1494  The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     2          1950


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1495 The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of            2          1950

                        1939) No.105 of 1950


“          “1496  The statistics ordinance 1950                                      4          1950


“          “1497  The concessions (Amendment) ordinance 1950         3          1950


“          “1498  The native authority (colony) ordinance 1944            2          1950

                        No.21 of 1944)


“          “1499  The native courts (colony) ordinance, 1944                2          1850

                        No.22 of 1944) No.112 of 1950


“          “1500  The companies (Amendment) ordinance 1950           4          1950


“          “1501  The peace preservation ordinance (Cap.40)                1          1950

                        No.113 of 1950


“          “1502  The pensions ordinance, 1950                                     4          1950


“          “1503  The Gold Coast Cocoa marketing board                    1          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance 1950


“          “1504  The industrial schools and Institutions                       1          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950


“          “1505  The loan and Inscribed stock (Amendment)              1          1950

                        Ordinance 1950


“          “1506  The pension (William Thomas James)                         1          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950


“          “1507  The exchange control ordinance, 1950                       1          1950


“          “1506  The elections (legislative assembly)                            5          1950

                        Ordinance 1950


“          “1509  The persion and William Thomas Tumesl                   2          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinnance, 1950


“          “1510  The time determination (Amendment)                       3          1950

                        Ordinance 1950


“          “1511  The gold coast vernacular literature board                  5          1950

                        Ordinance 1950


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1512 The medical practitionors and dentists registrtion   1          1950

                        (Amendmment) ordinance, 1950


“          “1513  The loan (Takoradi, Harbour extensions)                    1          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950


“          “1514  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                1          1950

                        Ordinance 1950


“          “1515  The elections (legislative assembly) ordinance           2          1950



“          “1516  The public collections (regulation) ordinance 1          1950

                        (No 20 of 1950) No 28 of 1950


“          “1517  The marige ordinance (cap 105) No 14 of 1950         1          1950


“          “1518  Notes on the exchange control ordinance 1950          1          1950


“          “1519  The Achimota scholl (Amendment) ordinance           2          1950



“          “1520  The gold coast library boars (Amendment)                1          1950

                        Ordinance 1950. Second Insertion


“          “1521  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                1          1950

                        Ordinance 1950


“          “1522  The concessions (Amendment) ordinance, 1950        1          1950


“          “1523  The mining rights regulation ordinance (cap 128)      1          1950

                        No 27 of 1950


“          “1524  The campanies (Amendment) ordinance, 1950.         1          1950

                        First Intersion


“          “1525  The campanies (Amendment) ordinance, 1950          1          1950

                        Second Intersion


“          “1526  The statistics ordinance, 1950. First Insertion            1          1950


“          “1527  The elections (legislative assembly) (Amendment)     1          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950 No 41 of 1950




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1528 The loan and Intseribed stock (Amendment)           1          1950

                        Ordinance 1950 No 24 of 1950


“          “1529  Proclamation stock (Amendment) ordinance             1          1950

                        1950 No 24 of 1950


“          “1530 The medical practitioners and dentist registration       1          1950

                        Ordinance 1950 No 30 of 1950


“          “1531  The courts ordinance (cap.4) N0. 46 of 1950             1          1950


“          “1532  The native treasuries ordinance (cap.86) No 13          1          1950


“          “1533  The native authority (colony) ordinance,                    1          1950

                        1944 (N0.21 of 1944) No 100 of 1950


“          “1534  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                1          1950

                        Ordinance 1950 No 23 of 1950


“          “1535  The conecssions orddinance, 1939 (N019 of 19390   1          1950

                        No 45 of 1950


“          “1536  The Aliens ordinance (cap 43) No 49 of 1950            1          1950


“          “1537  The native treasures ordinance (cap86) No 13 of       1          1950



“          “1538  The criminal code (cap 9) No 52 of 1950                   2          1950


“          “1539  The British nationality fees ordinance (cap 217)       1          1950

                        No 14 of 1950


“          “1540  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap 80)          2          1950

                        No 6


“          “1541  The aliens ordinance (cap43) No 55 of 1950              2          1950


“          “1542  Northern territories of the gold coast No 2                1          1950

                        Of 1950


“          “1543  Northern territories of the gold coast No 1                1          1950

                        Of 1950


“          “1544  Northern territories of the gold coast No.10              2          1950

                        of 1950


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1545 Nortthern territories of the gold coast No. 9            2          1950

                        Of 1950


“          “1546  Northern territories of the gold coast No 139                        2          1950

                        Of 1950


“          “1547  Northern territories of the gold coast No 3 of            2          1950

                        Of 1950


“          “1548  Northern territories of the gold coast No 4 of            2          1950



“          “1549  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap80)          2          1950

                        No 16 of 1950


“          “1550  The northern territories of the gold coast No 12        2          1950

                        of 1950


“          “1551 The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap80)            2          1950

                        No 16


“          “1552  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                2          1950

                        Ordinance 1950


“          “1553  Northern terrtories of the gold coast No 5 of 1950    2          1950


“          “1554  Northern terrtories of the gold caost No 7 of 1950   2          1950


“          “1555  Northern terrtories of the gold coast No 6 of 1950    2          1950


“          “1556  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                2          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950


“          “1557  The aliens ordinance (cap 430 No 131 of 1950          2          1950


“          “1558  The aliens ordinance (cap 43) No 135 of 1950           1          1950


“          “1559  The aliens ordiance (cap 43) No 134 of 1950             2          1950


“          “1560  The aliens ordinance (cap 43) No 133 of 1950           2          1950


“          “1561 The aliens ordinance (cap 430 No 129 of 1950          1          1950


“          “1562  The immigrant British subjects (deportation)             3          1950

                        Ordinance, 1945 (No 26 of 1945) nNo 127 of 1950


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1563 The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No 19 of 1939)  1          1950

                        No 128 of 1950


“          “1564  The immigrant British subjects (deportation)             2          1950

                        Ordinance, 1945 (No 26 of 1945) No 127 of 1950


“          “1565  The aliens ordinance (cap43) No 137 of 1950            1          1950


“          “1566  The aliens ordinance (cap43) No 138 of 1950            1          1950


“          “1567  The courts ordinance (cap 4) No 14 of 1950              2          1950


“          “1568  The concession ordinance, 1939 (No. 19 of 1939)     2          1950

                        No 136 of 1950


“          “1569  The northern territories of the gold coast No 11        2          1950

                        Of 1950


“          “1570  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                1          1950

                        Ordinance 1950


“          “1571  The election (legislative assembly) ordinance, 1950   1          1950


“          “1572  The aliens ordinance (cap43) No 132 of 1950            2          1950


“          “1573  Northern territories of the gold coast No 21 of 1950 1          1950


“          “1574  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap80)           1          1950

                        No 20 of 1950


“          “1575  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (cap 80)          1          1950

                                    No 21 of 1950            

 “         “1576  The elections (legislativeassembly) ordinance            4          1950


“          “1577  The book and News paper registration                       3          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance 1950           


“          “1578  The gold coast vernacular l8iterature board                2          1950

                        Ordinance, 1950


“          “1579  The time determination (Amendment) ordinance       1          1950

                        Ordinance 1950




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1580  The elections (legislative assembly) ordinance        1          1950

                        (No 29 of 1950) No 89 1950


“          “1581  The persion (William Thomas Tames)                         1          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950 No 28 of 1950


“          “1582  The medical practitioners and dentist registration      1          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950. No 30 of 1950        


“          “1583  The aliens ordinance (cap 43) No 137 of 1950           1          19450



“          “1584  Northern territories of the gold coast No 8 of 1950   1          1950


“          “1585  The pension (Willam Thomas Tames)                         3          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950


“          “1586  The book and newspaper registration (Amendment)  2          1950



“          “1587  The public lands (leasehold) ordinance, 1950 3          1950


“          “1588  The statistics ordinance, 1950                                     2          1950


“          “1589  The obuasi sanitary board (ex-gratia award)               1          1950

                        (E.Whorsey) ordinance, 1950


“          “1590  The Accra Town council (Amendment) ordinance     1          1950



“          “1591  The immigrant British subjects (deportation)             2          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950. No 45 of 1950


“          “1592  The waterworks (Amendment) (No2) ordinance,       1          1950

                        1950  No 47 of 1950


“          “1593  The book and newspaper registration                         1          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950. First Insertion         


“          “1594  The  public lands (leasehold) ordinance, 1950            1          1950

                        No 55 o f  1950


“          “1595  The  customs ordinance, 1947 (No 40 of 1947)         1          1950

                        No 17 of 1950



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1596 The Accra town council (Amendment) ordinance   3          1950



“          “1597  The capanies (Amendment) ordinance                       5          1950

                        (Second Insertion)


“          “1598  The British nationality fees ordinance (cap 217)        2          1950

                        No 29 of 1950


“          “1599  The rivers ordinance (cap 194) No 30 of 1950           2          1950


“          “1600  The fisheries ordinance, 1945 (No 20 of 1945)          2          1950

                        No 31


“          “1601  The Animals (artifical Insemination) ordinance          1          1955



“          “1602  The Achimota school (Amendment) ordinance          1          1955


“          “1603  The cinenatograph exhibitions (Amendment)             1          1955

                        ordinance, 1955


“          “1604  The college of technology, science and Arts              1          1955

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1955. No 19 of 1955


“          “1605  The elections (legislative assembly) ordinance           8          1950


“          “1606  The tsetsefly (control) ordinance, 1955 Second         1          1955



“          “1607  The election (legislative assembly) ordinance 1950    2          1950


“          “1608  The cocoa industry (regulation) ordinance, 1937       4          1950

                        (No 14 of 1937) No 32 of 1950


“          “1609  The mining rights regulation ordinance (cap 128)      2          1950

                        No 27 of 1950


“          “1610  The loan and Inseribed stock (Amendment)              4          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1611  The exchange control ordinance, 1950                       2          1950


“          “1612  The mining right regualtion ordinance No 27             3          1950



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1613 The medical practitioners and dentists                     3          1950

                        registration (Amendment) ordinance, 1950                           


“          “1614  The immigrant British subjects (deportation)             2          1950

                        ordinance, 1945 (No 26 of 1945)  No 122 of 1950


“          “1615  The customs ordinance (No 40 of 1949) No 33 of     2          1950



“          “1616  The stool lands bourdaries settlement ordinance        4          1950



“          “1617  The cocoa (additional export duty) ordinance 1950   1          1950


“          “1618  Appendix                                                                    1          1950


“          “1619  The elections (legislative assembly) ordinance           3          1950



“          “1620  The cocoa industry (regulation) ordinance, 1937       2          1950

                        (No 14 of 1937) No 32 of 1950


“          “1621  The cocoa (additionl exprot duty) ordinance, 1950   2          1950


“          “1622  The 1950-51 appropriation ordinance, 1950               4          1950


“          “1623  The concessions (Amendment) ordinance, 1950        2          1950


“          “1624  The criminal code (Amendment) ordinance, 1950     2          1950


“          “1625  The immigration (Amendment) ordinance, 1950        4          1950


“          “1626  The waterworks (Amendment) (No 2) ordinance       1          1950



“          “1627  The diamond mining industry protection                   2          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950 No 33 of 1950


“          “1628  The loan (Takoradi Harbour extensions) ordinance    2          1950

  1. No 37 of 1950


“          “1629  The gold coast agricultural development                    1          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950


“          “1630  The prisons (Amendment) ordinance, 1950               2          1950


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1631 The waterworks (Amendment) ordinance, 1950      2          1950


“          “1632  The curfews ordinance, 1950                                      2          1950


“          “1633  The newspaper registration (Amendment)                  2          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1634  The industrial schools and Institutions                       2          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance 1950


“          “1635  The land registry (Amendment) ordinance 1950        2          1950


“          “1636  The hospital fees (Amendment) ordinance 1950        2          1950


“          “1637  The mining rights regulation ordinance (Cap.128)     1          1950

                        No.27 of 1950


“          “1638  The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.120 of 1950          1          1950


“          “1639  The elections (legislative assembly) (Amendment)     1          1950

                        ordinance 1950. No.41 of 1950


“          “1640  The marriage (Amendment) ordinance 1950              1          1950


“          “1641  The criminal code (Amendment) (No.2)                     1          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1642  The loan and Inscribed stock (Amendment)              1          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1643  The Obuasi sanitary board (Amendment)                   1          1950

                        ordinance 1950 No.51 of 1950


“          “1644  The election (legislative assembly) (Amendment)      3          1950

                        ordinance 1950 No.41 of 1950


“          “1645  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                1          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1646  The trade unions (Amendment) ordinance 1950        1          1950


“          “1647  Gold Coast No.175 of 1950                                       1          1950


“          “1648  The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.204 of 1950          1          1950



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1649 The stamps (Amendment) ordinance 1950              1          1950


“          “1650  West African courts of appeal                                                1          1950


“          “1651  Gold Coast                                                                  1          1950


“          “1652  The exchange control ordinance 1950                        4          1950


“          “1653  The Obuasi Sanitary board (Amendment)                  4          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1654  The Aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.205 of 1950         1          1950


“          “1655  The elections (legislative assembly) ordinance           1          1950

                        (No.29 of 1950) No.39 of 1950


“          “1656  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                1          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1657  The industrial schools and institutions                        1          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance 1950


“          “1658  The diamond mining industry protection                   1          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance 1950


“          “1659  The cocoa (additional export duty) ordinance 1950   1          1950


“          “1660  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1950

                        No.14 of 1950


“          “1661  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1950

                        No.6 of 1951


“          “1662  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1950

                        No.7 of 1950


“          “1663  The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.87 of 1950            1          1950


“          “1664  The electricity supply (control) ordinance                  1          1950

(Cap.54) No.22 of 1950


“          “1665  The aliens ordinance (Cap.43) No.83 of 1950            1          1950


“          “1666  The native authority (colony) ordinance 1944            1          1950

                        (No.21 of 1944) No.78 of 1950


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1667 The native authority (Ashanti) ordinance                 2          1950

                        (No.19 of 1939) No.80 of 1950


“          “1668  The native authority (colony) ordinance 1944            2          1950

                        (No.2 of 1944) No.82 of 1950


“          “1669  The West African Institute for trypanosonians          2          1950

                        research (gold coast status) ordinance 1951


“          “1670  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1950



“          “1671  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1950

                        No.12 of 1950


“          “1672  The oaths ordinance (Cap.206) No.74 of 1951          1          1950


“          “1673  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         2          1950

                        No.5 of 1951


“          “1674  The gold coast library board (Amendment)                2          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1675  The customs ordinance, 1947 (No.40 of 1947)          2          1950



“          “1676  The infectious disease ordinance (Cap.59) No.81      3          1950

                        of 1950


“          “1677  The native authority (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.79)    1          1950

                        No.79 of 1950


“          “1678  The guarantine ordinance (Cap.67) No.26 of 1950    1          1950


“          “1679  The concessions (Ashanti) ordinance 1940                 1          1950

                        (No.27 of 1940) No.92 of 1950


“          “1680  The mining rights regulation ordinance (Cap.128)     1          1950

                        No.27 of 1950


“          “1681  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         1          1950

                        No.15 of 1950


“          “1682  The income tax ordinance, 1943 (No.27 of 1943)      1          1950

                        No.25 of 1950


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1683 The nurses ordinance, 1943 (No.27 of 1943)           2          1950

                        No.25 of 1950


“          “1684  The trees and timber ordinance (No.20 of 1949)        3          1950

                        No.23 of 1950


“          “1685  The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.91 of 1950             2          1950


“          “1686  The registrar-General (duties) ordinance 1950           1          1950


“          “1687  The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     2          1950

                        No.161 of 1950


“          “1688  The native authority (Southern section of                  2          1950

                        Togoland) under United Kingdom trusteeship)

ordinance 1949 (No.7 of 1949) No.158 of 1950


“          “1689  The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of               3          1950

                        1939) No.194 of 1950


“          “1690  The loan and Inscribed stock (Amendment)              2          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1691  The waterworks (Amendment) (No2) ordinance        1          1950



“          “1692  The marriage (Amendment) ordinance, 1950             1          1950

                        No.34 of 1950


“          “1693  The loan (Takoradi harbour extentions) ordinance     1          1950

  1. No.37 of 1950


“          “1694  The registrar-general (duties) ordinance, 1950           1          1950

                        No.35 of 1950


“          “1695  The elections (legislative assembly) (Amendment)     1          1950

                        ordinance, 1950


“          “1696  The Obuasi sanitary board (Amendment)                   1          1950

                        ordinance 1950. No.51 of 1950


“          “1697  The pension ordinance, 1950 No.42 of 1950              6          1950


“          “1698  The agricultural loans board ordinance, 1950             7          1950



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1699 The exchange control (authorised depositaries)       2          1950

                        order, 1950 No.178 of 1950


“          “1700  The native authority (Southern section of                  2          1950

                        Togoland under United Kingdom trusteeship           

                        ordinance, 1949 (No.7 of 1949) No.159 of 1950


“          “1701  The exchange control (declaration and evidence)      2          1950

                        order 1950


“          “1702  The exchange control (declaration and evidence)      2          1950

                        order 1950, No.173 of 1950


“          “1703  The exchange control (declaration and evidence)      3          1950

                        order 1950, No.171 of 1950


“          “1704  The exchange control (declaration and evidence)      2          1950

                        order 1950, No.170 of 1950


“          “1705  The exchange control (declaration and evidence)      2          1950

                        order 1950, No.172 of 1950


“          “1706  The exchange control (declaration and evidence)      2          1950

                        order 1950, No.169 of 1950


“          “1707  The exchange control (declaration and evidence)      2          1950

                        order 1950, No.184 of 1950


“          “1708  The exchange control (declaration and evidence)      2          1950

                        order 1950, No.175 of 1950


“          “1709  The exchange control (declaration and evidence)      2          1950

                        order 1950, No.174 of 1950


“          “1710  The exchange control (collector’s pieces                    1          1950

                        exemption) order, 1950 No.171 of 1950


“          “1711  The exchange control (collector’s pieces                    2          1950

                        exemption) order, 1950 No.172 of 1950


“          “1712  The exchange control (collector’s pieces                    2          1950

                        exemption) order, 1950 No.173 of 1950


“          “1713  The exchange control (collector’s pieces                    2          1950

                        exemption) order, 1950 No.173 of 1950


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1714 The exchange control (collector’s pieces                  2          1950

                        exemption) order, 1950 No.174 of 1950


“          “1715  The exchange control (payment) order 1950              2          1950   

                        No.182 of 1950


“          “1716  The exchange control (traders in coin order 1950)     2          1950

                        No.176 of 1950


“          “1717  The exchange control (branches) order, 1950             1          1950

                        No.177 of 1950


“          “1718  The exchange control ordinance, 1950. No.193         2          1950

                        of 1950


“          “1719  The exchange control ordinance, 1950. No.192         2          1950

                        of 1950


“          “1720  The exchange control ordinance, 1950. No.189         2          1950

                        of 1950


“          “1721  The exchange control ordinance, 1950. No.191         1          1950

                        of 1950


“          “1722  The exchange control ordinance, 1950. No.183         2          1950

                        of 1950


“          “1723  The exchange control ordinance, 1950. No.190         2          1950

                        of 1950


“          “1724  The exchange control (deposit of securities)              2          1950

                        (exemption) order, 1950. No.186 of 1950


“          “1725  The exchange control (prescribed courts) order          2          1950

  1. No.188 of 1950


“          “1726  The exchange control (declaration and evidence)      2          1950

                        order No.2, 1950. No.187 of 1950


“          “1727  The exchange control (transfer from custodian          2          1950

                        exemption) order 1950. No.185 of 1950


“          “1728  The courts ordinance (Cap.4) No.163 of 1950           2          1950




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1729 The pensions (Increase) (Amendment) ordinance    3          1950



“          “1730  Proclamation No.15 of 1950                                       3          1950


“          “1731  The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     2          1950

                        No.37 of 1950


“          “1732  The motor traffic ordinance (Cap.195) No.149          2          1950


“          “1733  The fruit industry regulation ordinance (Cap.164)     2          1950

                        No.36 of 1950


“          “1734  The concessions (extension of time) (No.36)              2          1950

                        order 1950. No.150 of 1950


“          “1735  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance No.19 of        3          1950



“          “1736  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         3          1950

                        No.18 of 1950


“          “1737  The alien ordinance (Cap.43) No.145 of 1950           2          1950


“          “1738  The alien ordinance (Cap.43) No.146 of 1950           2          1950


“          “1739  The Accra town council (Amendment)                      3          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1740  Gold Coast colony No.15 of 1950                             2          1950


“          “1741  Gold Coast colony No.15 of 1950                             2          1950


“          “1742  The native authority (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.79)    2          1950

                        No.141 of 1950


“          “1743  The diseases animals ordinance (Cap.202) No.148    2          1950


“          “1744  Gold Coast colony No.15 of 1950                             2          1950


“          “1745  The concessions ordinance, 1939 (No.19 of 1939)     2          1950

                        No.143 of 1950


“          “1746  The fruit industry regulation ordinance (Cap.164)     2          1950

                        No.35 of 1950


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1747 The police force ordinance (Cap.38) No.34 of         1          1950



“          “1748  The native courts (colony) ordinance 1944                 1          1950

                        (No.22 of 1944) No.144 of 1950


“          “1749  The cocoa (additional export duty) ordinance            1          1950

  1. No.59 of 1950


“          “1750  The native authority (Northern territories)                  3          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance 1950


“          “1751  The elections (legislative assembly) ordinance           2          1950

                        (No.29 of 1950) No.39 of 1950


“          “1752  The Northern territories council and district               2          1950

                        councils regulations, 1950 No.38 of 1950


“          “1753  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         2          1950

                        No.21 of 1950


“          “1754  The native authority (Northern territories)                  2          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950


“          “1755  The native authority (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.79)    2          1950

                        No.142 of 1950


“          “1756  The births, deaths and burials ordinance (Cap.58)     1          1950

                        No.155 of 1950


“          “1757  The native courts (Ashanti) ordinance (Cap.80)         2          1950

                        No.20 of 1950


“          “1758  The public lands (vetting and transfer of powers)      3          1950

                        ordinance, 1950


“          “1759  The public lands (leasehold) ordinance 1950              2          1950


“          “1760  The Cape Coast town council (Amendment)             2          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1761  The cocoa (additional export duty) ordinance            2          1950



“          “1762  The concessions (Amendment) ordinance, 1950        1          1950


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1763 The loan (Takoradi harbour extentions)                   1          1950

                        ordinance 1950


“          “1764  The immigration (Amendment) ordinance 1950         1          1950


“          “1765  The companies (Amendment) ordinance, 1950          1          1950


“          “1766  The pensions ordinance, 1950                                     1          1950


“          “1767  Notes on the exchange control ordinance 1950          1          1950


“          “1768  The concessions (Amendment) ordinance 1950         1          1950


“          “1769  The statistics ordinance, 1950                                     1          1950


“          “1770  The elections (legislative assembly) ordinance 1950  1          1950


“          “1771  The exchange control ordinance, 1950                       1          1950


“          “1772  The diamond mining industry protection                   1          1950

                        (Amendment) ordinance, 1950


“          “1773 - 1792   Unallocated


“          “1793 The Mamadu Zabrama Deportation order                   2          1950

                           No. 33 of 1950                                            


“          “1794  The Concessions (Ext. of Time No. 11) order            2          1950

                        1950 (No. 40 of 1950)                                               


“          “1795  An Ordinance to establish a Vernacular                     11        1950

                        Literature Board No.


“          “1796  The Double Taxation Relief (Sierra Leone)                2          1950

                        Order No. 63 of 1950                                    


“          “1797  An Ordinance to amend the Achimota School           11        1950

                        Ordinance. 1948 No.


“          “1798  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast Library       7          1950

                        Board Ordinance 1949


“          “1799  An Ordinance to amend the Loan and inscribed        6          1950

                        Stock – Ordinance. No. 24 of 1950



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1800           The Native authority (Declaration of Native              1          1950

                        authorities) order No. 53 of 1950


“          “1801  The Electoral (Legislative Assembly)                         4          1950

                        Regulations No. 1 of 1951


“          “1802  The Gold Coast Colony Building (Amendment)       1          1950

                        Regulations No. 2 of 1951


“          “1803 The Elections (Local Government) Regulations          2          1951

                           No. 3 of 1952


“          “1804  Made by the Kumasi Town Council under section    3          1943

                        76 (2) (V) of the Kumasi Town Council

                        Ordinance, No.


“          “1805  The Gold Coast (Constitution) order in Council        3          1951

                        1950 and

                        The Electoral (Legislative Assembly)                        

                        Regulations, 1951


“          “1806  The Accra Harbour (Security of Goods)                    2          1951

                        Regulations, 1951


“          “1807  The Seidu Fulani Deportation Order, 1951.               3          1951

                        No. of


“          “1808  An Ordinance further to amend the Criminal             1          1950

                        Code. No. 1 of 1950


“          “1809  An Ordinance to establish a College of                      6          1951

                        Technology, Science and Arts and other purposes

                        connected therewith No. 19 of 1951


“          “1810  Ordinance for making Supplementary                        1          1951

                        Supplementary appropriation for the Public

                        Services of the Gold Coast for the year ended

                        on the 31st day of March, 1950. No. 10 of 1951       


“          “1811  An Ordinance to amend the Ordinance                      2          1951

Authentication            Ordinance. No. 4 of 1951


“          “1812  An Ordinance to provide for the Service of the         1          1951

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st March

  1. No. 11 of 1951



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1813           An Ordinance to amend the West African Court       1          1951

                        of Appeal Ordinance. No. 6 of 1951


“          “1814  An Ordinance further to amend the Diplomatic         1          1951

                        Privileges Ordinance 1947. No. 5 of 1951



“          “1815 An Ordinance to Substitution the Statute law of        1          1951

                        the Gold Coast reference to the legislative

                        Assembly for references to the legislative

                        Council. No. 1 of 1951          


“          “1816  An Ordinance to provide for the transfer of              1          1951

                        Statutory powers and duties to Ministers


“          “1817  An Ordinance further to amend the Interpretation    1          1951



“          “1818  An Ordinance for making Supplementary                  1          1951

                        Appropriation for the Public Service of the Gold

                        Coast for the year ended on the 31st day of

                        March, 1950. No. 10 of 1951


“          “1819  An Ordinance further to amend the Companies         1          1951

                        Ordinance. No. 7 of 1951


“          “1820  An Ordinance further to amend the Gold Coast        1          1951

                        Cocoa Marketing Board Ordinance 1947.

                        No. 8 of 1951


“          “1821  An Ordinance to amend the West African Court       1          1951

                        of Appeal Ordinance


“          “1822  An Ordinance further to amend the Diplomatic         1          1951

                        Privileges Ordinance 1947. No. 5 of 1951


“          “1823  An Ordinance further to amend the Interpretation    1          1951

                        Ordinance No. 3 of 1951


“          “1824  An Ordinance to provide for the transfer of              1          1951

                        Statutory powers and duties to Ministers No.

                        2 of 1951

“          “1825  The Concessions (Extension of Time) (No. 4)            1          1951

                        Order 1951 No. 8 of 1951



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1826   The Infectious Diseases (Infected Area)                2          1951

                           (No.2) Order 1951 No. 9 of 1951


“          “1827  The Native Courts (Amendment) (No.3) order          2          1951

  1. No. 1 of 1951

“          “1828 The Concessions (Extension of Time) (No. 4)             1          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 8 of 1951


“          “1829  The Concessions (Extension of Time) (No. 4)            1          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 8 of 1951


“          “1830  The Concessions (Extension of Time) (No. 4)            1          1951

                        Order 1951 No. 8 of 1951


“          “1831  The Native Authority (Declaration of Native             1          1951

                        Authority (Variation) order, 1951. No. 10 of 1951


“          “1832  The Paramount Chiefs (Recognition)                         1          1951

(Amendment) Instrument 1951


“          “1833  The Electoral (Legislative Assembly)             1          1951

                        (Amendment) Regulations 1951


“          “1834  The Takoradi Port and Harbour (Amendment)          2          1951

                        Regulations, 1951 No. 5 of 1951


“          “1835  The Electoral (Legislative assembly)                          2          1951

                        (Amendment) Regulations, 1951 No. 4 of 1951


“          “1836  The Gold Coast Colony Building (Amendment)       2          1951

                        Regulations 1951


“          “1837  The Techiman Native Authority (Suspension)            2          1951

                        Order, 1951 No. 20 of 1951


“          “1838  The Native Courts (Ashanti) Procedure                     3          1951

                        (Amendment) Rule, 1951 No. 6 of 1951


“          “1839  The River (Safety of Vessels) (Amendment)             4          1951

                        Regulations, 1951 No. 7 of 1951


“          “1840  Date of Commencement of part II of the Gold         3          1951

                        Coast (Constitution)



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/1841The Bukari Moshie Deportation Order 1951            2          1951


“          “1842  The Techiman head Chief’s Native Court                  2          1951

                        (Suspension of members) order, 1951

                        No. 30 of 1951


“          “1843 The Public Officers and Government                          2          1951

                        Departments (Change of Designations) order,

  1. No. 30 of 1951


“          “1844  An Ordinance to amend the Exchange Control         2          1951

                        Ordinance, 1950. No. 9 of 1951


“          “1845  An Ordinance to provide for the service of the          1          1951

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st March

                        1952, No. 11 of 1951


“          “1846  An Ordinance further to amend the Education          1          1951

                        (Colony and Ashanti) Ordinance


“          “1847  The Telegraphs Ordinance (Cap. 199) No. 9 of          2          1951



“          “1848  The Immigration Ordinance (Amendment)                2          1951

                        Regulations No. 10 of 1951


“          “1849  The Concessions (Ext. of Time) (No. 5) order            1          1951

                        No. 31 of 1951


“          “1850  The Baguma Zabrama Deportation Order 1951         1          1951

                        (Cap 43) No. 34 of 1951


“          “1851  The Haruna Kotokoli alias Haruna Basare,                 2          1951

                        Deportation Order, No. 35 of 1951


“          “1852  The Native Courts (Colony) (Constitutions of           1          1951

                        Native Courts) (Re-Assignment of Grade)

                        Order, 1951. No. 33 of 1951


“          “1853  The Telegraph Regulations, 1951 No. 9 of 1951        1          1951


“          “1854  The Native Courts (Colony) (Substitution of                         4          1951

                        Members) Order, 1951, No. 36 of 1951


“          “1855  A Bill, An Ordinance further to amend the                6          1951

                        Companies ordinance, First Insertion


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1856  A Bill, instituted an Ordinance further to amend   3          1951

                             the Companies Ordinance, Second Insertion

“          “1857  The Infectious Diseases (Infected Area) (No. 4)        2          1951

                        Order, 1951, No. 39 of 1951

“          “1858 The Customs (Amendment of Duties) order,              5          1951

                        1951, No. 41 of 195

“          “1859  A Bill Intituled, An Ordinance to provide for                       2          1951

                        the service of the Gold Coast for the year ending

                        on the 31st March 1952, First Insertion


“          “1860  Gold Coast Asserted to in His Majesty’s Name         16        1951

                        and on His Majesty’s behalf this 26th day of

                        September, 1951, No. 18 of 1951


“          “1861  An Ordinance to amend the Achimota School           15        1951

                        Ordinance, 1948, No. 15 of 1951

“          “1862  An Ordinance to amend the Terreplate Containers    15        1951

                        Ordinance , 1946, No. 16 of 1951


“          “1863  An Ordinance to Substitute in the enactments of      15        1951

                        Gold Coast the designation Borstal Institution

                        for Industrial Institution, No. 14 of 1951


“          “1864  An Ordinance to amend the Courts Ordinance          15        1951

                        No. 12 of 1951


“          “1865  An Ordinance to amend the Marriage Ordinance      15        1951

                        (Cap. 105), No. 13 of 1951


“          “1866  An Ordinance to establish a College of                      3          1951

                        Technology, Science and Arts and for other

                        Purposes connected therewith. No. 19 of 1951


“          “1867  An Ordinance further to amend the Immigration       15        1951

                        Ordinance, 1947, No. 20 of 195


“          “1868  The Motor Transport Fares and Charges                    2          1951

                        (Revocation) Regulations, 1951, No. 12 of 1951


“          “1869  A Bill, instituled, An Ordinance to provide for         2          19951

                        the Service of the Gold Coast for the year ending

                        on the 31st March, 1952


“          “1870  The Chief Commissioners Court (No.1) Order,          2          1951

                        1951, No. 44 of 1951




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1871 The Concessions (Extension of Time) (No.7)          2          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 43 of 1951


“          “1872  The Marriage (Appointment of Registrar) Order,       2          1951

  1. No. 42 of 1951


“          “1873  An Ordinance to substitute in the Statue Law           3          1951

                        of the Gold Coast references to the Legislative

                        Assembly for references to the Legislative

                        Council. No. 1 of 1951


“          “1874  The Billa Grunshie Deportation Order, 1951,            2          1951

                        No. 49 of 1951


“          “1875  The Frank Dickson Deportation Order 1951              2          1951

                        No. 50 of 1951


“          “1876  The Malik Grunshie Alias Disi Deportation               2          1951

                        Order, 1951, No. 48 of 1951


“          “1877  The Salifu Moshie Deportation Order, 1951,             2          1951

                        No. 46 of 1951


“          “1878  The Mustapha Moshie Deportation Order, 1951        2          1951

                        No. 47 of 1951


“          “1879  The William Nyawoba Ayivor Deportation                3          1951

                        Order, 1951, No. 54 of 1951


“          “1880  The Seidu Grunshie Deportation Order, 1951            2          1951

                        No. 51 of 1951


“          “1881  The Mama Grunshie Deportation Order, 1951           2          1951

                        No. 51 of 1951


“          “1882  The Mensah Alias Musa Wangara Deportation          1          1951

                        Order, 1951, No. 52 of 1951


“          “1883  The Yaya Basabremie Deportation Order,                 2          1951

                        1951, No. 45 of 1951

“          “1884  A Bill, Instituled, An Ordinance further to                2          1951

                        amend the Gold Coast Cocoa Marketing Board

                        Ordinance, 1947.



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/1885 The Exchange Control (payments) (Italian              1          1951

                        Monetary Area) Order, 1951 No. 56 of 1951


“          “1886  The Infectious Diseases (Infected Area) (No. 5)        2          1951

                        Order, 1951, No. 57 of 1951


“          “1887  The Births, Deaths and Burials (Aboso Public           2          1951

                        Cemetary) Order, 1951, No. 58 of 1951


“          “1888  The Native Authority (Colony) (Prisons                     2          1951

                        Discontinuance) Order, 1951. No. 59 of 1951


“          “1889  The Exchange Control (payments) (French,               3          1951

                        Franc Area) order, 1951, No. 55 of 1951


“          “1890  The Exchange Control (Import and Export)               2          1951

                        (Amendment) order, 1951 No. 61 of 1951


“          “1891  The Exchange Control (payments) (Amendment)      2          1951

                        Order, 1951 No. 61 of 1951


“          “1892  An Ordinance for making Supplementary                  3          1951

                        Appropriation for the Public Services of the

                        Gold Coast for the year ended on the 31st day

                        of March, 1950. First Insertion


“          “1893  An Ordinance to amend Gold Coast Cocoa               1          1951

                        Marketing Board Ordinance, 1947


“          “1894  The electric light and power (Amendment)                2          1951

                        Regulations, 1951 No. 14 of 1951


“          “1895  An Ordinance further to amend the Diplomatic         2          1951

                        Privileges Ordinance 1947, No. 5 of 1951


“          “1896  An Ordinance further to amend the Companies         2          1951

                        Ordinance, No. 7 of 1951

“          “1897  An Ordinance for making supplementary                   1          1951

                        Appropriation for the public services of the

                        Gold Coast for the year ended on the 31st day

                        of March, 1950 No. 10 of 1951


“          “1898  An Ordinance to provide per the service of the         2          1951

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st

                        March 1952, No. 11 of 1951



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/1899 An Ordinance to amend Ordinances                        1          1951

                        Authentication Ordinance No. 4 of 1951


“          “1900  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         3          1951

                        of a Gold Coast Industrial Development

                        Corporation Charge with duties for Securing

                        the development of industry in the Gold Coast

                        and for matters connected therewith No. 22 of



“          “1901  An Ordinance to substitute in the statue law of         2          1951

                        Gold Coast references to the legislative

                        Assembly for references to the legislative

                        Council, No. 1 of 1951


“          “1902  An Ordinance to provide for the transfer of              4          1951

                        transfer of Statutory powers and duties to

                        Ministers. No. 2 of 1951


“          “1903  An Ordinance further to amend the interpretation     1          1951

                        Ordinance, No. 3 of 1951


“          “1904  An Ordinance to amend the Ordinances                    4          1951

                        Authentication Ordinance, No. 4 of 1951


“          “1905  An Ordinance to amend the West Africa Court         1          1951

                        of Appeal Ordinance No. 6 of 1951


“          “1906  An Ordinance to provide for the Status and              1          1951

                        Functions, including the powers and duties,

                        Within the Gold Coast of the West African

                        Institute for Trypanosomiasis Research and the

                        West African Institute for Trypanosomiasis

                        Research Managing Committee which were

                        established in Nigeria by the West Africa

                        Ordinance 1950, of Nigeria and for purposes

                        connected therewith, No. 17 of 195


“          “1907  The Midwives (Amendment) Rules, 1951                  2          1951

                        No. 13 of 1951


“          “1908  An Ordinance for making supplementary                   3          1951

                        Supplementary Appropriation for the public

                        Services of the Gold Coast for the year ended

                        on the 31st day of March, 1950, Second Insertion


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/1909 The Native Courts (Colony) (Constitution of          2          1951

                        Native Courts) (Variation) order 1951


“          “1910  The Native Courts (Asantehene’s Court)                   5          1951

                        (Variation) Order, 1950, 1950. No. 10 of 1950


“          “1911  The exchange Control (payments) (Amendment)       2          1951

                        (No. 2) order, 1951, No. 63 of 1951


“          “1912  The Statutory powers and duties (Transfer to                        2          1951

                        Ministers) order 1951 No. 64 of 1951


“          “1913  The Local Government (Traditional Authorities)       1          1951

                        Order, 1952


“          “1914  The rules of Court (Amendment) Rules, 1951,          2          1951

                        No. 17 of 1951


“          “1915  The Magisterial Districts (Amendment) order            2          1951

                        1951, No. 65 of 1951


“          “1916  The James Adaofa Deportation order, 1951               2          1951


“          “1917  The Native Courts (Dormaa Area) (Variation)           2          1951

                        Order, 1951


“          “1918  The Bukari Moshie Deportation (Rescission,             2          1951

                        Order, 1951, No. 68 of 1951


“          “1919  An Ordinance to provide for the services of the        2          1951

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st March

                        1952, No. 11 of 1951


“          “1920  An Ordinance further to amend the Gold Coast        5          1951

                        Cocoa Marketing Board Ordinance, 1947

                        No. 67 of 1951


“          “1921  The Concessions (Extension of Time) (No.8) 2          1951

                        Order, 1951 No. 67 of 1951


“          “1922  The Pensions and Gratuities (Special              2          1951

                        Provisions) Regulations, 1951 No. 18 of 1951


“          “1923  An Ordinance to amend the Immigration                   14        1951

                        British Subjects (Deportation) Ordinance 1954

                        No. 45 of 1950


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1924 An Ordinance to amend the Exchange Control       2          1951

                        Ordinance, 1950. No. 9 of 1951


“          “1925  The Public meetings and processions              2          1951

                        (Amendment) (No.2) regulations, 1951.

                        No. 21 of 1951


“          “1926  The Native Courts (Southern Section of Togoland    2          1951

                        under United Kingdom Trusteeship)

                        (Substitution of members) order, 1951. No. 87

                        of 1951


“          “1927  The Ben-Ben Deportation Order, 1951 No. 88          2          1951

                        of 1951


“          “1928  An Ordinance to amend the Achimota School           2          1951

                        Ordinance 1948, Second Insertion


“          “1929  The Ferries (Yapei Ferry) order, 1951 No.4               2          1951

                        of 1951


“          “1930  The Infectious Diseases (Infected Area) (No.9)         2          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 89 of 1951


“          “1931  The Dashie Kodso Deportation order, 1951               2          1951

                        No. 92 of 1951


“          “1932  The Ferries Tolls (Yapei Ferry) order, 1951                2          1951

                        No. 94 of 1951


“          “1933  The Papioh Deportation order, 1951. No. 93 of         2          1951



“          “1934  The Infectious Diseases (Infected area) (No.10)        2          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 90 of 1951


“          “1935  The Accra Harbour (Security of goods                       2          1951

                        (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations, 1951

                        No. 22 of 1951


“          “1936  An Ordinance to amend Courts Ordinance,               2          1951

                        First Insertion


“          “1937  The election Petition Rules, 1951. No.23 of 1951      2          1951



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1938 An Ordinance to amend the marriage Ordinance    2          1951

                        (Cap 105)


“          “1939  The Native Authority (Declaration of native              2          1951

                        Authorities) order, 1951. No. 93 of 1951


“          “1940  The William Nyawoba Ayivor Deportation                2          1951

                        (Rescission) order, 1951. No. 91 of 1951


“          “1941  The Obuasi town (Division into towns) order,           2          1951

  1. No. 8 of 1951


“          “1942  The Native Courts (Ashanti) (Suspension of              2          1951

                        Members) (NO.2) order 1951. No. 6 of 1951


“          “1943  An Ordinance to substitute in the enactments                        3          1951

                        of the Gold Coast, the designation British

                        Institution for industrial institution, First Insertion


“          “1944  The Native Courts (Kirachi Division)                         2          1951

                        (Revocation) order, 1951. No. 3 of 1951


“          “1945  The infectious diseases (Infected Area) (No.6)          6          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. of 69 of 1951


“          “1946  The Chief Commissioners Court (No.2) order            2          1951

                        No. 72 of 1951


“          “1947  An Ordinance further to amend the prevention         3          1951

                        of crimes Ordinance.


“          “1948  The Kumasi Town (Ward Boundaries) order             2          1951

  1. No. 11 of 1951


“          “1949  The Customs (Prohibited Imports) order                    2          1951

  1. No. 73 of 1950


“          “1950  The Takoradi Harbour (Amendment) (No.2)              2          1951

                        Regulations, 1950. No.21 of 1950


“          “1951  The Ali Moshie Deportation order No. 74 of             2          1951



“          “1952  The Native Authority (Declaration of Native             2          1951

                        Authorities (No.2) order 1950. No.76 of 1950


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1953 The Seidu Moshie Deportation Order, 1950            2          1951

                        No. 75 of 1950                       


“          “1954  An Ordinance to provide for the States and              2          1951

                        Functions, including the powers and duties,

                        within the Gold Coast of the West African

                        Institute for Trypanosomiasis Research and the

                        West African Institute for Trypanosomiasis

                        Research managing committee which were

                        established in Nigeria by the West African

                        Institute for Trypanosomiasis Research Order

                        1950 of Nigeria and for purposes connected

                        therewith. First Insertion.


“          “1955  The Alidu Zabrama Deportation order, 1951.            2          1951

                        No. 73 of 1951


“          “1956  An Ordinance to provide for the status and               2          1951

                        Functions, including the powers and duties,

                        Within the Gold Coast of the West African

                        Institute for Trypanosomiasis Research and

                        the West African Institute for Trypanosomiasis

                        Research managing committee which were

                        established in Nigeria by the West Africa

                        Institute for Trypanosomiasis Research

                        Ordinance, 1950 of Nigeria and for purposes

                        connected therewith. Second Insertion


“          “1957  The Native Authority (Southern Section of               5          1951

                        Togoland under united Kingdom Trusteeship)

                        (Declaration of Native Authority) order 1951

                        No. 75 of 1951


“          “1958  The Concessions (Extension of Time) (No. 13)          10        1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 80 of 1951


“          “1959  The Exchange Control (Import and Export)               2          1951

                        (Amendment No. 2) order 1951. No. 81 of 1951


“          “1960  The Post Office (Rates and Charges)                         2          1951

 (Amendment) Rules, 1951. No. 16 of 1951


“          “1961  The Administration (Township) (Amendment)          2          1951

                        (Rules) 1951. No. 19 of 1951



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1962 The Public meetings and processions                       3          1951

                        (Amendment) Regulations, 1951. No.20 of 1951


“          “1963  The Customs (Amendment of Duties)                        2          1951

                        Resolution and Order, 1951. No. 1 of 1951


“          “1964  An Ordinance to amend the Achimota School           4          1951

                        Ordinance 1948. First Insertion


“          “1965  The Exchange Control (Prescribed Securities)           2          1951

                        (Amendment) Order, 1951.


“          “1966  The Chief Commissioners Court order, 1951             2          1951

                        No. 86 of 1951


“          “1967  The Native Courts (Southern Section of                    2          1951

                        Togoland under United Kingdom Trusteeship)

                        (Constitution of Native Courts) (Variation)

                        Order, 1951 No. 82 of 1951


“          “1968  The Native Courts (Colony) (Constitution of             2          1951

                        Native Courts) (Variation) (No. 2) Order, 1951

                        No. 83 of 1951


“          “1969  The George Blay Alias Billy Nianzucan                     2          1951

                        Deportation Order 1951. No. 85 of 1951


“          “1970  An Ordinance to amend the Terreplate                      3          1951

                        Containers Ordinance, 1946. First Insertion


“          “1971  The Obuasi Sanitary Board (Election)                        1          1951

                        Regulations No. 25 of 1951


“          “1972  The Post Office (Air Mail Rates and Charges)           2          1951

                        Rules, 1951. No. 24 of 1951


“          “1973  The Setu Lagos Deportation Order, 1951. No. 96     2          1951

                        of 1951


“          “1974  The Sam Nimtey Deportation Order, 1951.               2          1951

                        No. 97 of 1951


“          “1975  The Paul Bakery Deportation Order 1951.                 2          1951

                        No. 98 of 1951



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1976 The John Neat Deportation order, 1951.                  2          1951

                        No. 99 of 1951


“          “1977  The Small Davies Deportation Order, 1951               2          1951

                        No. 100 of 1951


“          “1978  The Johnson Hino Deportation Order, 1951              2          1951

                        No. 101 of 1951


“          “1979  The Albert Abedi Deportation Order, 1951               2          1951

                        No. 102 of 1951


“          “1980  An Ordinance to Facilitate Soil Survey.                     2          1951

                        First Insertion


“          “1981  The Infectious Diseases (Infected Area) (No. 11)      2          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 103 of 1951


“          “1982  The Trees and Timber (Control of Cutting)                2          1951

                        (Amendment) Regulations, 1951. No. 2 of 1951


“          “1983  An Ordinance to Facilitate Soil Survey.                     1          1951


“          “1984  The Motor Traffic (Restriction) Amendment             2          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 104 of 1951


“          “1985  An Ordinance to establish the Gold Coast                 2          1951

                        College of Technology, Science and Arts,

                        Kumasi and for other purposes connected



“          “1986  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal Code               3          1951


“          “1987  An Ordinance to establish a College of                      3          1951

                        Technology, Science and Arts and for other

                        purposes connected therewith. No. 19 of 1951


“          “1988  The Mensahrie Deportation Order.                             2          1951

No. 108 of 1951         


“          “1989  The Motor Traffic (Restriction of user of                   2          1951

                        Vehicles) (Road Nt. 13) Order 1951. No. 105

                        of 1951


“          “1990  Richard Isaac Moulobi Deportation Order, 1951       2          1951


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/1991 The Tonato Kodso Kokoroko Deportation              2          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 107 of 1951


“          “1992  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         3          1951

                        of a Gold Coast Industrial Development

                        Corporation charged with duties for securing

                        the development of industry in the Gold Coast

                        and for matters connected therewith.

                        No. 22 of 1951


“          “1993  An Instrument to amend the Instrument                    1          1951

                        establishing the Nadawli local council.

                        No. 29 of 1951


“          “1994  An Instrument to amend the instrument                     1          1951

                        establishing the Eastern Gomoa Assin Local

                        Council. No. 29 of 1951


“          “1995  Order by the Chief Commissioner made under          5          1951

                        the Kumasi Town Council Ordinance, 1943.

                        No. 9 of 1951


“          “1996  An Ordinance further to amend the medical              3          1951

                        Practitioners and Dentists Registration



“          “1997  Order by the Chief Commissioner made under          2          1951

                        the Kumasi Town Council. No. 9 of 1951


“          “1998  The Post Office (Rates and Charges)                         2          1951

                        (Amendment) (No.2) Rules, 1951. No.27 of 1951


“          “1999  An Ordinance to provide for the Status and              3          1951

                        Functions, including the powers and duties,

                        within the Gold Coast of the West African

                        Institute for Trypanosomiasis Research Managing

                        Committee which were established in Nigeria

                        by the West African Institute for Trypanosomiasis

                        Research Ordinance 1950, of Nigeria and

 purposes connected therewith


“          “2000  The Courts (Jurisdiction of District                            2          1951

Commissioners) (Amendment) Order, 1951

No. 109 of 1951         



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2001 The Fruit Industry (Palm Kernels) (Amendment)    2          1951

                        Regulations, 1951. No. 29 of 1951


“          “2002  The British nationality Fees (Amendment)                 2          1951

                        Regulations, 1951. No. 30 of 1951


“          “2003  The Prisons (Amendment) Regulations 1951             2          1951

                        No. 31 of 1951


“          “2004  The Thomas Wiah Deportation Order                        2          1951

                        No. 110 of 1951


“          “2005  The Takoradi Port and Harbour (Amendment)          2          1951

                        Regulations. No. 28 of 1951


“          “2006  An Ordinance to amend the Courts Ordinance          2          1951

                        No. 12 of 1951


“          “2007  The Native Courts (Colony) Substitutions of             2          1951

                        Members) (No.2) Order, 1951. No. 14 of 1951


“          “2008  The Jaman Head Chiefs Native Court                        3          1951

                        (Suspension of members) Order, 1951.

                        No. 12 of 1951


“          “2009  The Native Courts (Ashanti) (Variation) (No.3)         3          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 13 of 1951


“          “2010  The Native Courts (Ashanti) (Establishment)             3          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 10 of 1951


“          “2011  The Chief Commissioners Court (No.3) Order           2          1951

  1. No. 113 of 1951


“          “2012  The Osumanu Moshie Deportation Order, 1951        4          1951

                        No. 112 of 1951


“          “2013  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment of     2          1951

                        a Gold Coast Industrial Development

                        Corporation charges with duties for Securing

                        the development of Industry in the Gold Coast

                        and for matters connected therewith


“          “2014  An Ordinance further to amend the Immigration       2          1951

                        Ordinance 1947. No. 20 of 1951


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2015 An Ordinance to Facilitate Soil Survey. No. 18      2          1951

                        of 1951


“          “2016  An Ordinance to amend Criminal Code. No.21         2          1951

                        of 1951


“          “2017  The Concessions (Extension of Time) (No.14            5          1951

                        Order, 1951) No. 114 of 1951


“          “2018  The Midwives (Amendment of Schedule) Order       2          1951

  1. No. 117 of 1951


“          “2019  The Public Service Commission Regulations,             4          1951

  1. No. 32 of 1951


“          “2020  The Gai Dose Alias Gaitose Gadeka Deportation      2          1951

                        Order, 1951


“          “2021  An Ordinance to repeal the Benefits Trust Fund       2          1951

                        Ordinance and to make provision for matters

                        Consequential thereto


“          “2022  The Exchange Control (Payments) (Western              2          1951

                        Zones of Germany) Order, 1951. No. 121 of 1951


“          “2023  An Ordinance to repeal the Benefits Trust Fund       2          1951

                        Ordinance and to make provision for matters

                        consequential thereto.


“          “2024  The Exchange Control (payments) (Iran)                   2          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 122 of 1951


“          “2025  The Exchange Control (payments) (Japan)                 2          1951

                        Order, 1951


“          “2026  An Ordinance to provide for the payment of a          1          1951

                        consolidated duty on Cocoa exported from the

                        Gold Coast and to provide for the application

                        of a proportion of the proceeds of such duty

                        to Schemes for the Social, economic and

                        Industrial development of the Gold Coast


“          “2027  The Native Authority (Declaration of a Native          13        1951

                        Authority) (Variation) (No.2) Order, 1951.

                        No. 127 of 1951


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2028 The Native Court (Colony) (Constitution of            2          1951

                        Native Courts) (Variation) (No.3) Order, 1951

                        No. 128 of 1951


“          “2029  The Local Government Ordinance, 1951                   2          1951


“          “2030  An Ordinance to substitute in the Statue Law           2          1951

                        of the Gold Coast references to the

                        Legislative Assembly for references to the

                        Legislative Council. No. 1 of 1951


“          “2031  An Ordinance to provide for the transfer of              1          1951

                        Statutory powers and duties to Ministers.

                        No. 2 of 1951


“          “2032  An Ordinance further to amend the interpretation     3          1951

                        Ordinance. No. 3 of 1951


“          “2033  An Ordinance to amend the Ordinances                    2          1951

                        Authentication Ordinance. No. 4 of 1951


“          “2034  An Ordinance further to amend the Diplomatic         1          1951

                        Privileges Ordinance. No. 5 of 1951


“          “2035  An Ordinance to amend the West African                 2          1951

                        Court of Appeal Ordinance. No. 6 of 1951


“          “2036  An Ordinance to amend the Companies                     3          1951

                        Ordinance. No. 7 of 1951


“          “2037  An Ordinance further to amend the Gold Coast        3          1951

                        Cocoa Marketing Board Ordinance 1947.

                        No. 8 of 1951


“          “2038  An Ordinance to amend the Exchange Control         2          1951

                        Ordinance, 1950. No. 9 of 1951


“          “2039  An Ordinance for making supplementary                   2          1951

                        Appropriation for the public services of the

                        Gold Coast for the year ended on the 31st day

                        of March 1950. No. 10 of 1951


“          “2040  An Ordinance to provide for the service of the          1          1951

                        Gold Coast for the year ending in the 31st

                        March, 1952


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2041 The Elections (Legislative Assembly)                      4          1951

                        (Amendment) Regulations, 1951. No. 33 of 1951


“          “2042  The Charles Deller Deportation Order, 1951              2          1951

                        No. 120 of 1951


“          “2043  The Native Courts (Ashanti) (Establishment)             2          1951

(No.2) Order, 1951. No. 14 of 1951


“          “2044  An Ordinance to amend the Co-operative                  2          1951

                        Societies Ordinance, 1937.


“          “2045  The Post Office (Rates and Charges)                         2          1951

                        (Amendment) (No.2) Rules, 1955.

                        No. 34 of 1951


“          “2046  An Ordinance further to amend the Courts                3          1951

                        Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2047  An Ordinance to amend the college of                       1          1951

                        Technology Science and Arts Ordinance, 1951


“          “2048  The Native Authority (Declaration of Native             2          1951

                        Authorities) (No.2) Order, 1951. No.129 of 1951


“          “2049  The Cocoa Industry (Amendment) Regulations         2          1951

  1. No. 35 of 1951


“          “2050  An Ordinance to amend the College of                      2          1951

                        Technology, Science and Arts Ordinance

  1. First Insertion


“          “2051  The Native Courts (Ashanti) (Suspensions of            2          1951

                        Members) (No. 3) Order, 1951. No.15 of 1955


“          “2052  An Ordinance further to amend the Education          3          1951

                        (Northern Territories) Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2053  An Ordinance further to amend the Education          2          1951

                        (Northern Territories) Ordinance. Second



“          “2054  The Native Courts (Sekodumase Area)                      2          1951

(Variation) Order, 1951



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2055 The Native Courts (Ashanti) (Suspension of           1          1951

                        Members) (No. 4) Order, 1951. No. 17 of 1951


“          “2056  The Native Courts (Bechem) (Variation) Order         1          1951

  1. No. 18 of 1951


“          “2057  An Ordinance to provide for the payment of             3          1951

                        a consolidated duty on Cocoa exported from

                        the Gold Coast and to provide for the

                        Application of a proportion of the proceeds of

                        such duty to Schemes for the Social, economic

                        and industrial development of the Gold Coast

                        First Insertion


“          “2058  An Ordinance to establish a college of                       1          1951

                        Technology, Science and Arts and for other

                        purposes connected therewith.


“          “2059  An Ordinance further to amend the prevention         2          1951

                        of Crimes Ordinance. No. 32 of 1951


“          “2060  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         5          1951

                        of a Council to conduct or arrange for the

                        conducting of such examinations in the West

                        African Territories as may be necessary in

                        the public interest and for purposes connected

                        therewith. No. 40 of 1955


“          “2061  An Ordinance to provide for the payment of a          2          1951

                        consolidated duty on cocoa exported from

                        the Gold Coast and to provide for the

                        application of a proportion of the proceeds

                        of such duty to schemes for the Social,

                        Economic and Industrial development of the

                        Gold Coast.


“          “2062  An Ordinance further to amend the Medical             2          1951

                        Practitioners and Dentists Registration

                        Ordinance. No. 28 of 1951


“          “2063  An Ordinance to repeal the Benefits Trust                 2          1951

                        Fund Ordinance and to make provision for

                        matters consequential thereto. No. 27 of 1951




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2064 An Ordinance further to amend the Criminal          2          1951

                        Procedure code. No. 30 of 1957


“          “2065  An Ordinance to amend the Co-operative                  2          1951

                        Societies Ordinance, 1937. No. 26 of 1951


“          “2066  An Ordinance further to amend the Courts                2          1951

                        Ordinance. No. 39 of 1951


“          “2067  An Ordinance to apply special provisions to the        2          1951

                        the Sekondi-Takoradi Town Council Ordinance

  1. No. 24 of 1951


“          “2068  An Ordinance further to amend the Nurses               2          1951

                        Ordinance. No. 25 of 1951


“          “2069  The Customs (Amendment of Duties) (No.2)                        2          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 130 of 1951


“          “2070  The Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment)                  9          1951

                        Rules, 1951. No. 36 of 1951


“          “2071  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         2          1951

                        of a council to conduct or arrange for the

                        conducting of such examinations in the West

                        African Territories as may be necessary in

                        the public interest and for purposes connected



“          “2072  The Customs (Amendment of Duties) (No.3)                        2          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 131 of 1951


“          “2073  The Elections (Legislative Assembly)             1          1951

                        (Amendment) Regulations, 1951.

No. 33 of 1951


“          “2074  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         3          1951

                        of a council to conduct or arrange for the

                        conducting of such examinations in the West

                        African Territories as may be necessary in the

                        Public interest and for purposes connected

                        therewith. Second Insertion.


“          “2075  Unallocated.



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2076 Unallocated


“          “2077  Unallocated


“          “2078  The Prisons (Amendment) Regulations                      5          1951

                        No. 38 of 1951


“          “2079  The Exchange Control (Specified Foreign                2          1951

                        Currency) Order, 1951. No. 132 of 1951


“          “2080  The Exchange Control (payments) (French                2          1951

                        Franc Area) (No.2) Order, 1951. No.133 of 1951


“          “2081  Made under Regulation 3 of the Native                     18        1951

                        Treasures Regulations. No. 5 of 1951


“          “2082  The Native Courts (Ashanti) (Variation)                    5          1951

                        (No.5) Order, 1951 No. 26 of 1951


“          “2083  The Docks Regulations, 1951. No.37 of 1951           4          1951


“          “2084  The Concessions (Extension of Time) (No.21)           10        1951

                        Order. No. 142 of 1951


“          “2085  The Native Courts (Ashanti) (Variation) (No.4)         2          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 25 of 1951


“          “2086  The Kumasi Town Council (Exemption from 2          1951

                        Assessment) order, 1951. No. 143 of 1951


“          “2087  The Native Authority (Jakobu Administration)          2          1951

                        (Cancellation) order, 1951. No. 138 of 1951


“          “2088  The Native Courts (Ashanti) (Suspension of              2          1951

                        Members) (No.4) order, 1951


“          “2089  The Peace preservation (Moree) (Rescission) 2          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 140 of 1951


“          “2090  The Assizes (Ashanti) Order, 1951                             2          1951

                        No. 140 of 1951


“          “2091  The Native Courts (Kumasi Division)                        2          1951

                        (Variation) Order, 1951. No. 22 of 1951



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2092 The Customs (Amendment of Duties) (No.2)                      4          1951

                        Resolution and Order, 1951, No. 2 of 1951


“          “2093  The Statutory powers and duties (Transfer                2          1951

                        to ministers) (Amendment) Order, 1951

                        No. 139 of 1951


“          “2094  The Native Courts (Kumasi Town) (Variation)         1          1951

                        Order, 1951. No. 24 of 1951


“          “2095  The Native Authority (Confederacy) (Variation)       2          1951

                        (Cancellation) Order, 1951. No. 136 of 1951


“          “2096  An Ordinance to establish a College of                      2          1951

                        Technology, Science and Arts and for other

                        purposes connected therewith.


“          “2097  An Ordinance to make provision for state                  2          1951

                        Councils in the colony and Southern Togoland

                        and to prescribe the powers and duties of such

                        Councils and of the joint provincial council.

                        First Insertion


“          “2098  An Ordinance to provide for the service of the          1          1951

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st

                        March 1952. No. 11 of 1951


“          “2099  An Ordinance to substitute in the enactments                        2          1951

                        of the Gold Coast the designation Borstal

                        Institution for Industrial Institution.

                        No. 14 of 1951


“          “2100  An Ordinance to amend the Achimota School           2          1951

                        Ordinance, 1948. No. 15 of 1951


“          “2101  An Ordinance to amend the Terreplate                      2          1951

                        Containers Ordinance, 1946. No. 16 of 1951


“          “2102  An Ordinance to amend the Courts Ordinance          3          1951

                        No. 12 of 1951


“          “2103  An Ordinance to amend the Marriage                        2          1951

                        Ordinance. No. 13 of 1951




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG 22/3/2104 An Ordinance to amend the Industrial                   2          1951

                        Development Ordinance, 1951. No. 31 of 1951


“          “2105  An Ordinance further to amend the Education          2          1951

                        (Northern Territories) Ordinance.

                        No. 34 of 1951


“          “2106  An Ordinance further to amend the Criminal             2          1951

                        Code. No. 37 of 1951


“          “2107  An Ordinance to make provision for the                    2          1951

                        preparation and publication of a revised

                        edition of the laws of the Gold Coast and

                        for purposes connected therewith. No.36 of



“          “2108  An Ordinance to amend the College of                      2          1951

                        Technology, Science and Arts Ordinance,

  1. No. 35 of 1951


“          “2109  An Ordinance further to amend the Education          2          1951

                        (Colony and Ashanti) Ordinance. No. 38 of 1951


“          “2110  The Native Courts (M. O Area) Order, 1951             1          1951

                        No. 15 of 1951


“          “2111  An Ordinance to make provision for State                 4          1952

                        Councils in the Colony and Southern Togoland

                        and to prescribe the powers and duties of such

                        Councils and the joint provincial council.

                        Second Insertion.


“          “2112  The Nurses (Appeals to the Supreme Court)              4          1952

                        Rules, 1952. No. 1 of 1952


“          “2113  The Post Office (Rates and Charges)                                     2          1952

                        (Amendment) Rules, 1952. No. 2 of 1952


“          “2114  The Elections (Local Government) Regulations         2          1952

  1. No. 3 of 1952


“          “2115  The Mining (Amendment) Regulations, 1952            2          1952

                        No. 4 of 1952




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2116 The John Kwashie Tamakloe Deportation               2          1952

                        Order, 1952. No. 2 of 1952


“          “2117  The Joseph Zokpannard Athancan Deportation         2          1952

                        Order, 1952. No. 3 of 1952


“          “2118  The Native Authority (Colony) (Prisons                     1          1952

                        Discontinuance) Order, 1952. No. 3 of 1952


“          “2119  The Nancy Emi Deportation order, 1952.                  2          1952

                        No. 4 of 1952


“          “2120  An Ordinance to amend the Concessions                   4          1952

                        Ordinance, 1939. First Insertion


“          “2121  The Minerals Duty Ordinance, 1952                          3          1962


“          “2122  The Elections (Local Government)                             1          1952

                        (Amendment) Regulations, 1952. No.7 of 1952


“          “2123  An Ordinance to amend the concessions, 1939.         4          1952

                        Second Insertion


“          “2124  The Native Courts (Ashanti) (Suspension of              2          1952

                        Members) Order, 1952


“          “2125  The Chief Commissioner’s Courts Order, 1952         2          1952

                        No. 5 of 1952


“          “2126  The Concessions (Mining Rent Exemption                2          1952

                        Order, 1952. No.6 of 1952


“          “2127  The Native Courts (Ashanti) Suspension of               2          1952

                        Members) (No.2) Order. No. 2 of 1952


“          “2128  The Wenchi Divisional Native Court             2          1952

                        (Suspension) No. 9 of 1952


“          “2129  An Ordinance to make provision for a                       3          1952

                        Northern Territories Council. First Insertion


“          “2130  The Customs (Amendment of Duties) Order             2          1952

  1. No. 10 of 1952




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/2131 The Wenchi District (Exercise of Native                 2          1952

                        Authority Powers) Order, 1952. No.8 of 1952


“          “2132  The Waterworks (Non-Municipal Water Rate            2          1952

                        Areas) (Amendment) order, 1952.

                        No. 12 of 1952


“          “2133  An Ordinance to provide for the service of the          2          1952

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st

                        March, 1953


“          “2134  An Ordinance to amend the pensions (Non               2          1952

                        European officers) Ordinance


“          “2135  An Ordinance to amend the Law Relating to                        2          1952

                        Native Courts in the Colony. First Insertion


“          “2136  The Wenchi Native Courts (Suspension Order           2          1952

  1. No. 16 of 1952


“          “2137  The Administration (Amendment) Order 1952.         2          1952

                        No. 15 of 1952


“          “2138  An Ordinance further to amend the Income Tax       3          1952

                        Ordinance, 1943. First Insertion


“          “2139  An Ordinance relating to the Law Officers of           2          1952

                        the Crown. No. 1 of 1952


“          “2140  An Ordinance to make provision for state                  1          1952

                        Councils and the Asanteman Council in

                         Ashanti and to prescribe the powers and

                        duties of such councils.


“          “2141  An Ordinance to amend the Town Council                1          1952

                        (Modification Ordinance, 1939)


“          “2142  An Ordinance to make provision for a                       1          1952

                        Northern Territories Council. Second Insertion


“          “2143  An Ordinance to establish Housing Loans                 2          1952

                        Boards, to empower such Boards to advance

                        money for enabling persons to build houses

                        for their own residence, to proper security for

                        the repayment of money advanced, and for

                        purposes connected therewith.


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2144 The Native Courts (Ashanti) (Variation) (No.2)      2          1952

                        Order, 1952. No. 6 of 1952


“          “2145  An Ordinance further to amend the Motor                4          1952

                        Traffic Ordinance


“          “2146  The Native Courts (Ashanti) (Establishment)             2          1952

                        Order, 1952. No.4 of 1952


“          “2147  The Native Courts (Ashanti) (Suspension of              2          1952

                        Members) (No.3) order, 1952


“          “2148  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         3          1952

                        of a Council to promote, encourage, develop

                        and control amateur sport in the Gold Coast

                        and for purposes connected therewith.

                        First Insertion


“          “2149  An Ordinance to make provision for a                       5          1952

                        Northern Territories Council. No.3 of 1952


“          “2150  The Native Courts (Colony) (Constitution of             2          1952

                        Native Courts) (Variation) order 1952


“          “2151  The Gold Coast (Constitution) (Amendment)            5          1952

                        Order in Council, 1952


“          “2152  Made by Chief Commissioner under the                    2          1952

                        Administration (Northern Territories)

                        Ordinance. No. 11 of 1952


“          “2153  The Yao Grumah Deportation Order, 1952                2          1952

                        No. 17 of 1952


“          “2154  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         4          1952

                        of an Agricultural produce Marketing Board

                        charge with duties for regulating and controlling

                        the marketing and export of Agricultural produce

                        and for matters connected therewith.

                        (First Insertion)







REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2155 An Ordinance to provide for the establishment       5          1952

                        of an Agricultural produce Marketing Board

 charged with duties for regulating and

controlling and Marketing and export of

agricultural produce and for matters connected

therewith. Second Insertion


“          “2156  An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to              5          1952

                        Native Courts in the Colony. No. 6 of 1952


“          “2157  The Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1952                               1          1952


“          “2158  The Yaw Atukpame Deportation Order,                    2          1952

  1. No. 24 of 1952


“          “2159  The Allasan Zugu alias Soam Zugu alias                    2          1952

                        Soam Zugu Deportation Order, 1952.

                        No. 19 of 1952


“          “2160  The Atta Kwadsoe Deportation (Rescission)             2          1952

                        Order, 1952


“          “2161  The Native Courts (Ashanti) (Establishment)             1          1952

                        (No.2) Order 1952


“          “2162  An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the             1          1952

                        Law with respect to the control of rents and

                        recovery of possession of premises in certain

                        cases, and for purposes connected therewith.

                        No. 2 of 1952


“          “2163  The Customs (Amendment) Regulations 1952           5          1952

                        No. 13 of 1952


“          “2164  The Exchange Control (Definition of                         2          1952

                        Scheduled Territories) order, 1952


“          “2165  The Motor Traffic Ordinance (Cap.195)                    2          1952


“          “2166  The Micheal Nyanga Deportation Order, 1952          2          1952

                        No. 26 of 1952


“          “2167  The Akuamoa Boaten II (Revocation of Removal)    2          1952

                        Order, 1952. No. 30 of 1952



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2168 The William Henry Blyth Deportation Order          2          1952

                        No. 27 of 1952


“          “2169  An Ordinance to make provision for state                  4          1952

                        Councils in the Colony and Southern Togoland

                        and to prescribe the powers and duties of such

                        Councils and the joint provincial council.


“          “2170  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         4          1952

                        of a council to promote, encourage, develop

                        and control amateur sport in the Gold Coast

                        and for purposes connected therewith.

                        No. 14 of 1952


“          “2171  An Ordinance to establish Housing Loans                 4          1952

                        Boards to empower such Boards to advance

                        money for enabling persons to build houses

                        for their own residence, to provide funds for

                        such purpose, to provide for a proper security

                        for the repayment of money advanced and for

                        purposes connected therewith.


“          “2172  The Native Courts (Colony) (Constitution of             2          1952

                        Native Courts) (Variation) (No.2) order, 1952

                        No. 29 of 1952


“          “2173  The Native Courts (Colony) (Constitution of             2          1952

                        Native Courts) order, 1952. No. 28 of 1950


“          “2174  The Native Courts (Colony) (Constitution of             2          1952

                        Native Courts) (Variation) (No.3) order, 1952

                        No. 32 of 1952


“          “2175  The Administrator – General Ordinance 1952           6          1952


“          “2176  An Instrument to amend the instrument                     3          1952

                        Establishing the Shai Local Council. No. 29 of



“          “2177  An Ordinance to make provision for a                       3          1952

                        Trans-Volta/Togoland Council. No. 16 of 1952


“          “2178  The Book and Newspaper Registration                      4          1952

                        (Appointment) order, 1952. No. 34 of 1952



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2179 The Kumasi Town Council (Directing) order           2          1952



“          “2180  The Wages Board (Retail Trade Workers) order,       2          1952

  1. No. 35 of 1952


“          “2181  An Ordinance further to amend the income tax         4          1952

                        Ordinance, 1943. No. 18 of 1952


“          “2182  An Instrument to amend the instrument                     2          1952

                        Establishing the Asin Confederacy Local

                        Council. No. 29 of 1951


“          “2183  The Minerals Duty Ordinance, 1952                          4          1952


“          “2184  The Native Courts (Ashanti) (Variation) (No.4)         4          1952

                        Order, 1952. No. 45 of 1952


“          “2185  The Local Government (Traditional Authorities)       2          1952

                        Order 1952. No. 45 of 1952


“          “2186  An Ordinance to make provision for the                    3          1952

                        imposition of penalties under the British

                        Nationality Act, 1948. First Insertion


“          “2187  An Ordinance to make provision for the                    3          1952

                        imposition of penalties under the British

                        Nationality Act. Second Insertion


“          “2188  An Ordinance to amend the Agricultural Loans        2          1952

                        Board 1950. First Insertion


“          “2189  An Ordinance to amend the pensions (Widow          1          1982

                        and orphans) ordinance


“          “2190  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         1          1952

                        of a Tema Development Corporation charged

                        with the duty of developing a new town and

                        port at Tema and for purposes connected

                        therewith. First Insertion


“          “2191  The Public Trustee Ordinance, 1952                           5          1952


“          “2192  An Ordinance further to amend the Gold                  2          1952

                        Coast Library Board, 1949. No. 29 of 1952


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2193 The Native Courts (Anum River) order 1952          2          1952

                        No.14 of 1952


“          “2194  An Ordinance further to amend the Legal                 4          1952

                        Practitioners Ordinance


“          “2195  The Births, Deaths and Burials (Amendment)           5          1952

                        Regulations, 1952. No. 23 of 1952


“          “2196  An Ordinance to confer upon the consular officers   5          1952

                        of Foreign states with which consular conventions

                        are concluded by Her Majesty powers relating

                        to the administration of the estates and property

                        of deceased persons, and to the custody and

                        disposal of wrecks, to restrict the powers of

                        Police officers of such other persons to enter the

                        consular officers of such states, fees and other

                        charges in accordance with consular conventions

                        and for the acquisition of land for consular

                        purposes. First Insertion


“          “2197  An Ordinance to control the Importation of              5          1952

                        Animals. First Insertion


“          “2198  An Ordinance to control the importation of               4          1952

                        Animals. Second Insertion


“          “2199  An Ordinance to amend the police force                    1          1952

                        ordinance and to make provision for the

                        retention of certain existing amendments thereto


“          “2200  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         4          1952

                        of a Tema Development Corporation charged

                        with the duty of developing a new and port at

                        Tema and for purposes connected therewith.

                        First Insertion


“          “2201  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         4          1952

                        of a Tema Development Corporation charged

                        with the duty of developing a new town and

                        Port at Tema, and for purposes connected

                        therewith. Second Insertion.


“          “2202  An Ordinance to amend the Exchange Control         1          1952

                        Ordinance 1950


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2203 An Ordinance to make provision for State              1          1952

                        Councils and the Asanteman Council in

                        Ashanti and to prescribe the powers and

                        duties of such councils. No. 4 of 1952


“          “2204  The Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1952                               2          1952


“          “2205  An Ordinance to vest in the Governor of the             5          1952

                        Gold Coast for the time being and his

                        successors in trust for Her Majesty certain

                        land situated in the Accra District of the Gold

                        Coast Colony which land is required for the

                        purposes of developing a newtown and port at

                        Tema and for purposes connected therewith.

                        No. 38 of 1952


“          “2206  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal procedure        3          1952

                        Code. First Insertion


“          “2207  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal procedure        4          1952

                        Code. Second Insertion


“          “2208  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         2          1952

                        of a Gold Coast Agricultural and Fisheries

                        Development Corporation charged with duties

                        for securing the development of agriculture

                        and Fisheries in the Gold Coast, and for

                        matters connected therewith. Second Insertion.


“          “2209  The State Councils (Ashanti) Ordinance, 1952          1          1952

                        No. 4 of 1952


“          “2210  The Bankruptcy Ordinance 1952                                5          1952


“          “2211  An Ordinance to amend the Arms and                       2          1952

                        Ammunition Ordinance. First Insertion.


“          “2212  An Ordinance to amend the Arms and                       3          1952

                        Ammunition Ordinance. No. 43 of 1952


“          “2213  An Ordinance to make provision for borrowing         2          1952

                        the sum of three million Five hundred and

                        Twenty thousand pounds for raising,

                        appropriating and applying the loan and for

                        the due repayment of the same. Second Insertion


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2214 An Ordinance to amend the State Councils             1          1952

                        (Ashanti) Ordinance, 1952


“          “2215  An Ordinance to provide for the imposition of          1          1952

                        a local duty upon cocoa sold within the Gold

                        Coast by the Gold Coast Marketing Board, and

                        for other matters connected therewith.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2216  An Ordinance further to amend the Law                   3          1952

                        relating to Native Courts in the colony.

                        No. 54 of 1952


“          “2217  The Courts Vacation (Amendment) Rules,                2          1952

  1. No. 43 of 1952


“          “2218  An Ordinance to amend the customs Ordinance        2          1952

  1. First Insertion


“          “2219  An Ordinance to amend the customs ordinance         3          1952

  1. Second Insertion


“          “2220  An Ordinance to make provision for state                  1          1952

                        Councils and the Asanteman Council in

                        Ashanti and to prescribe the powers and duties

                        of such councils.


“          “2221  An Ordinance relating to Road Traffic. No. 55         4          1952

                        of 1952


“          “2222  An Ordinance to repeal the Native Law and              2          1952

                        Custom (Ashanti Confederacy Council)

                        Ordinance, 1940 and for purposes connected

                        therewith. First Insertion.


“          “2223  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal Procedure       1          1952

                        code. First Insertion.


“          “2224  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal procedure        3          1952

                        code. Second Insertion.


“          “2225  The Native Courts (Southern Section of                    1          1952

                        Togoland under United Kingdom Trusteeship)

                        (Constitution of Native Courts) (Amendment)

                        (No.2) Order, 1952. No. 107 of 1952


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2226 The Elections (Local Government) Regulations      1          1952

  1. No. 3 of 1952


“          “2227  An Ordinance to provide for the service of the          2          1952

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st

                        March, 1953. First Insertion


“          “2228  The Concession (Extension of Time) No. 1                2          1952

                        Order, 1952


“          “2229  The Prohibited Immigrants Deportation                     2          1952

                        (Rescission) order, 1952. No. 14 of 1952


“          “2230  The Elections of (Local Government)                        1          1952

(Amendment) (No.2) Regulations, 1952

No. 8 of 1952


“          “2231  The Explosives (Amendment) Regulations 1952.      2          1952

                        No. 9 of 1952


“          “2232  An Ordinance to amend the Law Relation to                        2          1952

                        Native Courts in the Colony


“          “2233  The Wild Animals Preservation (Game Reserves)      2          1952

                        (Amendment) Regulations, 1952


“          “2234  The Native Courts (Alfai Area) Order, 1952              2          1952

                        No. 1 of 1952


“          “2235  The Customs (Amendment of Duties)                        2          1952

                        Resolution and Order, 1952. No. 1 of 1952


“          “2236  The Native Courts (Ashanti) (Establishment)             2          1952

                        (No.2) Order, 1952. No. 8 of 1952


“          “2237  An Ordinance to make provision for borrowing         2          1952

                        the sum of three million, five hundred and

                        Twenty thousand pounds from the Gold Coast

                        Cocoa Marketing Board and for raising,

                        appropriating and applying the loan and for

                        the due repayment of the same. Second Insertion


“          “2238  An Instrument to amend the instrument                     1          1952

                        Establishing the Asin Confederacy Local



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2239 An Ordinance to provide for the establishment       1          1952

                        of a council to promote, encourage, develop

                        and control amateur sport in the Gold Coast

                        and for purposes connected therewith.

                        First Insertion.


“          “2240  An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the Law     1          1952

                        with respect to the control of rents and

                        recovery of possession of premises in certain

                        cases and for purposes connected therewith.


“          “2241  An Ordinance relating to the Law Officers of           1          1952

                        the crown.


“          “2242  An Ordinance to vest in the Government of the        1          1952

                        Gold Coast for the time being and his successors

                        in trust for her majesty certain land situated in

                        the Accra District of the Gold Coast Colony

                        which land is required for the purposes of

                        developing a newtown and port at Tema and

                        for purposes connected therewith.


“          “2243  An Ordinance to make provision for borrowing         1          1952

                        the sum of three million five hundred and

                        twenty thousand pounds from the Gold Coast

                        Cocoa Marketing Board and for raising,

                        appropriating and applying the loan and

                        for the due repayment of the same. First



“          “2244  The Court Vacation (Amendment) Rules 1952          1          1952

                        No. 43 of 1952


“          “2245  The Accra Port (Prescribed Limits and Legal             1          1952

                        Quays) Order, 1952. No. 119 of 1952


“          “2246  An Ordinance further to amend the Motor                1          1952

                        Traffic Ordinance.


“          “2247  An Ordinance to amend the State Councils               1          1952

                        (Ashanti) Ordinance, 1952






REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2248 An Ordinance to provide for the imposition of a     1          1952

                        local duty upon Cocoa sold within the Gold

                        Coast by the Gold Coast Cocoa Marketing

                        Board and for other matter connected therewith.

                        Second Insertion.


“          “2249  An Ordinance to amend the Arms and                       1          1952

Ammunitions Ordinance.


“          “2250  An Ordinance further to amend the Motor                1          1952

                        Traffic Ordinance.


“          “2251  An Ordinance to amend the Customs Ordinance       2          1952

                        Second Insertion


“          “2252  An Ordinance to amend Criminal procedure              1          1952

                        Code. First Insertion


“          “2253  An Ordinance further to amend the Legal                 1          1952

                        Practitioners Ordinance.


“          “2254  The Native Courts (Ashanti) Staff Rules 1952          1          1952


“          “2255  An Ordinance to amend the Arms and                       1          1952

                        Ammunition Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2256  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         1          1952

                        of a Gold Coast Agricultural and Fisheries

                        Development Corporation charged with duties

                        for securing the development of agriculture

                        and fisheries in the Gold Coast and for matters

                        connected therewith. Second Insertion.


“          “2257  The Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1952                               4          1952


“          “2258  An Ordinance to make provision for state                  1          1952

                        Councils and Asanteman council in Ashanti

                        and to prescribe the powers and duties of

                        such councils.


“          “2259  An Ordinance further to amend the interpretation     3          1953

                        Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2260  An Ordinance further to amend the interpretation     3          1953

                        Ordinance. Second Insertion


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2261 An Ordinance further to amend the Liquor             2          1953

                        Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2262  An Ordinance further to amend the Lunatic              2          1953

                        Asylums Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2263  An Ordinance further to amend the Liquor                2          1953

                        Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2264  An Ordinance to amend the light dues                       2          1953

                        Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2265  An Ordinance to amend the light dues                       5          1953

                        Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2266  An Ordinance to provide for the service of the          6          1953

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st

                        March, 1954. First Insertion


“          “2267  An Ordinance to provide for the service of the          5          1953

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st

                        March, 1954. Second Insertion


“          “2268  An Ordinance to amend the Chattels Transfer           2          1953

                        Ordinance, 1952. First Insertion


“          “2269  An Ordinance to make provision for the                    4          1953

                        assimilation of the military units established

                        under the military units ordinance, 1942, into

                        the Gold Coast Regiment of the Royal West

                        African Frontier Force and to provide for the

                        establishment of other units within such

                        Regiment and for other purposes connected

                        therewith. First Insertion.


“          “2270  An Ordinance to make provision for the                    6          1953

                        establishment of the military units established

                        under the military units ordinance, 1942, into

                        the Gold Coast Regiment of the Royal West

                        African Frontier Force and to provide for the

                        establishment of other units within such

                        Regiment and for other purposes connected

                        therewith. Second Insertion.




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2271 An Ordinance to amend the Chattels Transfer        7          1953

                        Ordinance 1952. Second Insertion


“          “2272  An Ordinance to amend the Diamond Mining           3          1953

                        Industry protection Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2273  An Ordinance further to amend the Lunatic              3          1953

                        Asylums Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2274  The Municipal Council Ordinance, 1953                    5          1953


“          “2275  An Ordinance to repeal the Native Law and              5          1953

                        Custom (Ashanti Confederacy Council)

                        Ordinance, 1940 and for purposes connected



“          “2276  An Ordinance to amend Local Government              4          1953

                        Ordinance, 1957. First Insertion


“          “2277  An Ordinance to amend the Local Government        3          1953

                        Ordinance, 1951


“          “2278  An Ordinance further to amend the interpretation     5          1953

                        Ordinance. No. 6 of 1953


“          “2279  An Ordinance to validate the making, levying           6          1953

                        and collection of certain rates by councils

                        established under the local Government

                        Ordinance 1951. First Insertion.


“          “2280  An Ordinance to amend the criminal procedures       5          1953



“          “2281  An Ordinance to amend the Concessions                   6          1953

                        Ordinance, 1939


“          “2282  An Ordinance to repeal the Imports and                    6          1953

                        Exports Restriction Ordinance. No. 8 of 1953


“          “2283  An Ordinance to validate the making levying            6          1953

                        and collection of certain rates by councils

                        established under the Local Government

                        Ordinance, 1951. Second Insertion




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2284 An Ordinance further to amend the Liquor             6          1953

                        Ordinance. No. 5 of 1953


“          “2285  An Ordinance to amend the pensions                         6          1953

                        Ordinance, 1950


“          “2286  An Ordinance to make provision for raising               5          1953

                        Loans in the Gold Coast. First Insertion


“          “2287  An Ordinance to make provision for raising               6          1953

                        Loans in the Gold Coast. Second Insertion


“          “2288  An Ordinance to amend the customs                         5          1953

                        Ordinance, 1947. No. 3 of 1953


“          “2289  An Ordinance to amend the Concessions                   5          1953

                        Ordinance, 1939. Second Insertion


“          “2290  An Ordinance to amend the public lands                   4          1953

                        (Leasehold) Ordinance, 1950. First Insertion


“          “2291  An Ordinance to amend the Public Lands                 4          1953

                        (Leasehold) Ordinance, 1950. Second Insertion


“          “2292  An Ordinance to amend the Light Dues                    5          1953

                        Ordinance. No. 4 of 1953


“          “2293  An Ordinance to amend the Diamond Mining           6          1953

                        Industry protection Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2294  The John Fiewor Deportation order, 1953                  1          1953


“          “2295  An Ordinance to amend the Chattels Transfer           6          1953

                        Ordinance, 1952


“          “2296  An Ordinance further to amend the Lunatic              5          1953

                        Asylums Ordinance. No. 14 of 1953


“          “2297  An Ordinance to validate the making, levying           4          1953

                        and collection of certain rates by councils

                        established under the local government

                        Ordinance 1953. No. 16 of 1953


“          “2298  An Ordinance to make provision for raising               5          1953

                        Loans in the Gold Coast. No. 12 of 1952


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2299 An Ordinance to provide for the service of the       5          1953

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st

                        March 1954. No.15 of 1953


“          “2300  An Ordinance to amend the concessions                    5          1953

                        Ordinance 1939. No. 11 of 1953


“          “2301  An Ordinance to make provision for the                    5          1953

                        assimilation of the military units established

                        under the military units ordinance, 1942 into

                        the Gold Coast Regiment of the Royal West

                        African Frontier Force and to provide for the

                        establishment of other units within such

                        Regiment, and for other purposes connected

                        therewith. No. 10 of 1953


“          “2302  An Ordinance to provide for the granting of a           4          1953

                        pension in respect of the period served during

                        the war by John Alec Robin Forster in His

                        Majesty Forces, which intervened between

                        the appointment of that person to the

                        colonial service by the secretary of state

                        and the actual taking up by him of the

                        duties of the appointment. Second Insertion.


“          “2303  An Ordinance to amend Local government               4          1953

                        Ordinance, 1951. No. 17 of 1953


“          “2304  An Ordinance further to amend the customs             4          1953

                        Ordinance, 1947. First Insertion


“          “2305  An Ordinance to amend the coconut industry                       5          1953

                        Regulation Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2306  An Ordinance to amend the Fruit Industry                5          1953

                        Regulation ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2307  An Ordinance to amend the state councils                 1          1953

                        (Colony and Southern Togoland) ordinance 

                        Second Insertion







REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2308 An Ordinance to provide for the granting of a        2          1953

                        pension in respect of the period served during

                        the war by John Alex Robin Forster in His

                        Majesty Forces which intervened between

                        the appointment of that person to the colonial

                        service by the secretary of state and the actual

                        taking up by him of the duties of appointment

                        First Insertion


“          “2309  An Ordinance to amend the customs ordinance         2          1953

  1. Second Insertion


“          “2310  An Ordinance to amend Trade Union                        4          1953

                        Ordinance 1951. Second Insertion


“          “2311  An Ordinance further to amend the Trade                 5          1953

                        Unions Ordinance, 1951. First Insertion


“          “2312  An Ordinance to amend the Local Treasury               5          1953

                        Bills Ordinance, 1946. First Insertion


“          “2313  An Ordinance to amend the coconut industry                       2          1953

                        Regulation ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2314  An Ordinance to amend the state councils                 5          1953

                        (Colony and Southern Togoland) Ordinance,

  1. First Insertion


“          “2315  An Ordinance to amend the Fruit industry                2          1953

                        Regulation Ordinance.


“          “2316  An Ordinance to amend the state councils                 4          1953

                        (Colony and Southern Togoland) Ordinance



“          “2317  The Municipal Ordinance 1953                                  4          1953


“          “2318  An Ordinance further to amend the Cocoa                6          1953

                        Industry (Regulation) ordinance, 1937.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2319  An Ordinance further to amend the cocoa                 5          1953

                        Industry (Regulation) Ordinance, 1937.

                        First Insertion



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2320 An Ordinance to amend the Local Treasury            5          1953

                        Bills Ordinance. 1946. Second Insertion


“          “2321  An Ordinance to repeal the Liquor Ordinance           4          1953

                        (which applies only to the Northern Territories)

                        and to provide for the application of the Liquor

                        Licences (Spirits) ordinance and Liquor Licences

                        (Wine and Beer) ordinance (which apply to the

                        Colony and Ashanti) to the Northern Territories.

                        First Insertion


“          “2322  An Ordinance to amend the Tema Development       4          1953

                        Corporation Ordinance, 1952. First Insertion


“          “2323  An Ordinance further to amend the Gold Coast        4          1953

                        Library Board Ordinance, 1949. First Insertion


“          “2324  An Ordinance further to amend the Medical             4          1953

                        Practioners and Dentists Registration



“          “2325  An Ordinance to provide for the raising of loans       4          1953

                        by means of the issue of premium bonds.

                        First Insertion


“          “2326  The Exercise Ordinance, 1953                                    5          1953


“          “2327  The Exercise Ordinance, 1953                                    6          1953


“          “2328  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         5          1953

                        of and to protect water resources in approved

                        areas in the Gold Coast and further committees

                        to co-ordinate the work and policy thereof,

                        and to make provision for matters connected

                        therewith. Second Insertion


“          “2329  An Ordinance further to amend the Trade                 4          1953

                        Unions Ordinance, 1951. No. 19 of 1953


“          “2330  An Ordinance further to amend the customs             4          1953

                        Ordinance 1947. No. 20 of 1953


“          “2331  An Ordinance further to amend the Gold                  5          1953

                        Coast Library Board Ordinance 1949.

                        Second Insertion


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/32332 An Ordinance to amend the Tema Development      6          1953

                        Corporation Ordinance, 1952. Second Insertion


“          “2333  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         6          1953

                        of committees with powers to preserve and

                        reclaim land and to protect water resources in

                        approved areas in the Gold Coast and of

                        further committees to co-ordinate the work and

                        policy thereof, and to make provision for

                        matters connected therewith. First Insertion


“          “2334  An Ordinance to amend the Medical                                     6          1953

Practitioners and Dentists Registration

Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2335  An Ordinance to provide for the raising of loan        6          1953

                        by means of the issue of premium bonds.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2336  An Ordinance to provide for the granting of a           4          1953

                        pension in respect of the period served during

                        the War by John Alec Robin Firster in His

                        Majesty’s Forces, which intervened between

                        the appointment of that person to the

                        Colonial Service by the Secretary of State

                        and the actual taking up by him of the duties

                        of the appointment. No. 18 of 1953


“          “2337  An Ordinance to repeal the Liquor Ordinance           4          1953

                        (which applies only to the Northern Territories)

                        and to provide for the application of the Liquor

                        Licenses (Spirits) Ordinance and Liquor

                        Licenses (Wine and Beer) Ordinance (which

                        apply to the colony and Ashanti) to the

                        Northern Territories. Second Insertion


“          “2338  An Ordinance to amend the Fruit Industry                6          1953

                        Regulation Ordinance. No.21 of 1953


“          “2339  An Ordinance to amend the Coconut Industry          4          1953

                        Regulation Ordinance. No. 22 of 1953


“          “2340  An Ordinance further to amend the Cocoa                8          1953

                        Industry (Regulation) Ordinance 1937.

                        No. 23 of 1953


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2341 An Ordinance to provide for the raising of              6          1953

                        loans by means of the issue of premium bonds.

                        No. 24 of 1953


“          “2342  An Ordinance to amend the Local Treasury               5          1953

                        Bills Ordinance, 1946. No. 25 of 1953


“          “2343  An Ordinance to repeal the Liquor Ordinance           6          1953

                        (which applies only to the Northern Territories)

                        and to provide for the application of the Liquor

                        License (Wine and Beer) Ordinance (which

                        apply to the Colony and Ashanti) to the

                        Northern Territories. No. 26 of 1953


“          “2344  An Ordinance further to amend the Gold Coast        5          1953

                        Library Board Ordinance, 1949. No. 27 of 1953


“          “2345  An Ordinance further to amend the Medical             6          1953

                        Practitioners and Dentists Registration

                        Ordinance. No. 28 of 1953


“          “2346  An Ordinance to amend the state councils                 5          1953

                        (Colony and Southern Togoland) Ordinance

  1. No. 29 of 1953


“          “2347  An Ordinance to amend the Tema Development       5          1953

                        Corporation Ordinance 1952. No. 30 of 1953


“          “2348  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         4          1953

                        of committees with powers to preserve and

                        reclaim land and to protect water resources in

                        approved areas in the Gold Coast and to

                        further committees to co-ordinate the work

                        and policy thereof, and to make provision for

                        matters connected therewith. No. 32 of 1953


“          “2349  The Exercise Ordinance, 1953. No. 31 of 1953         6          1953


“          “2350  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal procedure        4          1953

                        Code. First Insertion


“          “2351  An Ordinance to amend the criminal procedure         4          1953

                        Code. Second Insertion




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2352 An ordinance to repeal the Geneva and Gin                        4          1953

                        (Restriction of importation). First Insertion


“          “2353  An Ordinance to repeal the Genera and Gin              3          1953

                        (Restriction of importation). Second Insertion


“          “2354  An Ordinance to continue in office the members       3          1953

                        of the Kumasi Town Council pending the

                        establishment of a Kumasi Municipal Council

                        and to validate the acts of the Town council

                        as consolidated on the thirty first day of

                        October, 1953. First Insertion


“          “2355  An Ordinance for making supplementary                   3          1953

                        appropriation for the public services of the

                        Gold Coast for the year ended on the 31st day

                        of March, 1953. First Insertion


“          “2356  An ordinance to make provision for borrowing          4          1953

                        the sum of four million Fifteen thousand and

                        Four hundred pounds from the Gold Coast

                        Cocoa Marketing Board and for raising,

                        appropriating and applying the loan and for

                        the due repayment of the same. First Insertion


“          “2357  An Ordinance to amend the Local Loans                   3          1953

                        Ordinance, 1953. First Insertion


“          “2358  An Ordinance to provide for the reconstitution         3          1953

                        and reorganization of Local Authority Police

                        Forces with a view to the eventual assimilation

                        of such forces into the Gold Coast Police Force.

                        First Insertion.


“          “2359  An Ordinance to make provision for borrowing         4          1953

                        the sum of four million fifteen thousand and

                        Four hundred pounds from the Gold Coast

                        Cocoa Marketing Board and for raising,

                        appropriating and applying the loan and for

                        the due repayment of the same. Second Insertion


“          “2360  An Ordinance to amend the Local Loans                   4          1953

                        Ordinance, 1953. Second Insertion




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2361 An Ordinance to amend the Local                           4          1953

                        Government Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2362  An Ordinance for making supplementary                   4          1953

                        Appropriation for the public services of the

                        Gold Coast for the year ended on the 31st day of

                        March 1953. Second Insertion


“          “2363  An Ordinance to provide for the registration of         4          1953

                        electors and the election of members to a

                        Legislative body which it is proposed should

                        in due course replace the existing legislative

                        Assembly of the Gold Coast and for the

                        combination of register of electors for such

                        Legislative body with registers of electors

                        prepared for local government purposes.

                        First Insertion.


“          “2364  An Ordinance to continue in office the members       4          1953

                        of the Kumasi Town Council pending the

                        establishment of a Kumasi Municipal Council

                        and to validate the acts of the Town Council,

                        as constituted on thirty first day of October,

  1. Second Insertion.


“          “2365  An Ordinance to provide for the reconstitution         3          1953

                        and reorganization of Local Authority Police

                        Forces with a view to the eventual assimilation

                        of such forces into the Gold Coast Police Force.


“          “2366  An Ordinance to amend the Municipal Councils       4          1953

                        Ordinance , 1953. First Insertion


“          “2367  An ordinance to amend the Municipal Councils        1          1953

                        Ordinance. No. 34 of 1953


“          “2368  An Ordinance to provide for the registration of         1          1953

                        electors and the election of members to a

                        legislative body which it is produced should

                        in due course replace the existing Legislative

                        body with registers of electors prepared for

                        local government purposes. No. 33 of 1953





REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2369 An Ordinance to provide for the reconstitution       1          1953

                        of Local Authority Police Forces with a view

                        to the eventual assimilation of such forces

                        into the Gold Coast Police Force. Second



“          “2370  An Ordinance to repeal the Genera and Gin              5          1953

                        (Restriction of importation) Ordinance


“          “2371  An Ordinance to amend the Local Government        8          1953

                        Ordinance, 1951. No. 35 of 1953


“          “2372  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal procedure        3          1953

                        Code. No. 36 of 1953


“          “2373  An Ordinance to amend the Municipal Councils       4          1953

                        Ordinance, 1953. No. 34 of 1953


“          “2374  An Ordinance to provide for the registration of         1          1953

                        electors and the election of members to a

                        Legislative body which it is proposed should

                        in due course replace the existing Legislative

                        Assembly of the Gold Coast and for the

                        combination of registers of electors for such

                        Legislative body with registers of electors

                        prepared for local government No. 33 of 1953


“          “2375  The peace preservation ordinance (Cap 40)                1          1953


“          “2376  An ordinance to amend the customs ordinance          1          1953

  1. Second Insertion


“          “2377  An ordinance to amend the Municipal councils         3          1953

                        Ordinance, 1953. No. 39 of 1953


“          “2378  An ordinance to amend the local loans ordinance      3          1953

  1. No. 39 of 1953


“          “2379  An ordinance to make provision for borrowing          5          1953

                        the sum of four million fifteen thousand and

                        Four hundred pounds from the Gold Coast

                        Cocoa Marketing Board and for raising,

                        appropriating and applying the loan and for

                        the due repayment of the same. No.40 of 1953



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2380 An Ordinance to provide for the reconstitution       5          1953

                        and reorganization of local authority police

                        Forces with a view to the eventual assimilation

                        of such forces into the Gold Coast Police force.

                        No. 42 of 1953


“          “2381  An Ordinance for makings supplementary                 4          1953

                        appropriation for the public services of the

                        Gold Coast for the year ended on the 31st day

                        of March, 1953. No. 41 of 1953


“          “2382  An Ordinance to provide for the registration of         1          1953

                        electors and the election of members to a

                        legislative body which is proposed should in

                        due course replace the existing legislative

                        Assembly of the Gold Coast and for the

                        combination of registers of electors for such

                        legislative body with registers of electors

                        prepared for local government purposes.

                        First Insertion


“          “2383  An Ordinance to continue in office the members       3          1953

                        of the Kumasi Town Council pending the

                        establishment of a Kumasi Municipal Council

                        and to validate the acts of the Town Council,

                        as constituted on the thirty-first day of

                        October, 1953. No. 38 of 1953


“          “2384  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal Procedure       1          1953

                        Code. Second Insertion


“          “2385  An Ordinance to repeal the Native Law and              1          1953

                        Custom (Ashanti confederacy council)

                        Ordinance 1940 and for purposes connected

                        therewith. First Insertion


“          “2386  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal Procedure       1          1953

                        Code. First Insertion


“          “2387  Annual Volume of the Ordinance of the Gold           1          1953

                        Coast enacted during the year 1953


“          “2388  An Ordinance further to amend the pension              5          1954

                        (Widows and Orphans) ordinance.

                        First Insertion


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/2389 An Ordinance to amend the public lands                 4          1954

                        (Leasehold) Ordinance, 1950. First Insertion


“          “2390  An Ordinance to amend the Electoral provisions       4          1954

                        Ordinance, 1953. Second Insertion


“          “2391  An Ordinance to amend the West African                 4          1954

                        Cocoa Research Institute Ordinance, 1947

                        First Insertion


“          “2392  An Ordinance to amend the public lands                   4          1954

                        (Leasehold) Ordinance, 1950. Second Insertion


“          “2393  An Ordinance further to amend the pensions             3          1954

                        (Widows and Orphans) Ordinance.

Second Insertion


“          “2394  An Ordinance to provide for the service of the          4          1954

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st

                        March, 1955. First Insertion


“          “2395  An Ordinance to amend the West African Cocoa      4          1954

                        Research Institute Ordinance 1947. Second



“          “2396  An Ordinance to provide for the service of the          3          1954

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st

                        March 1955. Second Insertion


“          “2397  The Guarantee Corporation Ordinance, 1954             2          1954


“          “2398  The Guarantee Corporation Ordinance 1954              2          1954


“          “2399  An Ordinance to repeal the Agricultural Loans          3          1954

                        Board Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2400  An Ordinance to repeal the Agricultural Loans          3          1954

                        Board Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2401  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast                    3          1954

                        Agricultural and Horticultural Trust Fund

                        Ordinance, 1944. Second Insertion


“          “2402  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast                    2          1954

                        Agricultural and Horticultural Trust Fund

                        Ordinance 1944. First Insertion                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2403 An Ordinance to amend the Electoral                      1          1954

                        Provisions, Ordinance, 1953. Second Insertion


“          “2404  An Ordinance to repeal the Agricultural Loans          1          1954

                        Board Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2405  An Ordinance to amend the Prisons Ordinance         4          1954

                        First Insertion


“          “2406  An Ordinance to amend the Prisons Ordinance         4          1954

                        Second Insertion


“          “2407  An Ordinance to amend the Marriage Ordinance      2          1954

                        Second Insertion


“          “2408  An Ordinance to amend the Pension (Increase)         4          1954

                        Ordinance, 1948. First Insertion


“          “2409  An Ordinance to amend the Pensions (Increase)        4          1954

                        Ordinance, 1948. Second Insertion


“          “2410  An Ordinance to amend the Electoral Provisions       3          1954

                        Ordinance, 1953. First Insertion


“          “2411  An Ordinance to amend the Electoral Provisions       3          1954

                        Ordinance, 1953. No. 2 of 1954


“          “2412  An Ordinance for regulating pensions and                 5          1954

                        Gratuities to be granted in respect of service by

                        African officers and other Ranks in her

                        Majesty’s Military Forces of the Gold Coast

                        First Insertion


“          “2413  An Ordinance for regulating pensions and                 4          1954

                        Gratuities to be granted in respect of service

                        By African Officers and other Ranks in Her

                        Majesty’s Military Forces if the Gold Coast

                        Second Insertion


“          “2414  An Ordinance to amend the Electoral Provisions       2          1954

                        Ordinance, 1953. No. 1 of 1954


“          “2415  An Ordinance further to amend the Municipal          2          1954

                        Councils Ordinance 1953. First Insertion



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/2416 An Ordinance further to amend the Local               2          1954

                        Government Ordinance, 1951. First Insertion


“          “2417  The Guarantee Corporation Ordinance 1954              5          1954


“          “2418  An Ordinance to make provision for borrowing         3          1954

                        the sum of two million four hundred and eight

                        thousand pounds from the Gold Coast Cocoa

                        Marketing Board and for raising, appropriating

                        and applying the loan and for the due repayment

                        of the same. First Insertion


“          “2419  An Ordinance further to amend the Income Tax       1          1954

                        Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2420  An Ordinance further to amend the Income Tax       1          1954

                        Ordinance, 1943. First Insertion


“          “2421  An Ordinance to make lawful certain betting            1          1954

                        transactions and sweepstakes and to provide

                        for the levying and collection of taxes thereon.

                        First Insertion


“          “2422  An Ordinance further to amend the Criminal Code.  1          1954

                        First Insertion


“          “2423  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast                    4          1954

                        Agricultural and Horticultural Trust Fund

                        Ordinance, 1944. No. 5 of 1954


“          “2424  An Ordinance to make provision for borrowing         3          1954

                        the sum of two million four hundred and eight

                        thousand pounds from the Gold Coast Cocoa

                        Marketing Board and for raising, appropriating

                        and applying the loan and for the due repayment

                        of the same. Second Insertion


“          “2425  An Ordinance to provide for the status and               1          1954

                        functions, including the powers and duties,

                        within the Gold Coast of the West African

                        Institute for Oil Palm Research and the West

                        African Institute for Oil Palm Research managing

                        Committee which were established in Nigeria

                        by the West African Institute for Oil palm

                        research Ordinance, 1951 of Nigeria and for

 purposes connected therewith. First Ordinance.


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2426 An Ordinance to provide for the status and                        1          1954

                        functions including the powers and duties

                        within the Gold Coast of the West African

                        Institute for oil palm Research and Institute

                        and the West African Institute for Oil palm

                        Research managing committee which were

                        established in Nigeria by the West African

                        Institute for oil palm research ordinance 1951

                        of Nigeria and for purposes connected

                        therewith. Second Insertion


“          “2427  An Ordinance to repeal the Agricultural Loans          4          1954

                        Board Ordinance. No. 3 of 1954


“          “2428  An Ordinance further to amend the pensions             4          1954

                        (Widows and Orphans) Ordinance. No.4 of 1954


“          “2429  An Ordinance to amend the Local Government        3          1954

                        Ordinance, 1951. Second Insertion


“          “2430  An Ordinance further to amend the Land and           1          1954

                        Native Rights Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2431  The Guarantee Corporation Ordinance 1954              4          1954


“          “2432  An Ordinance further to amend the Electoral                        3          1954

                        Provisions Ordinance 1953. No. 10 of 1954


“          “2433  An Ordinance to amend the West African                 3          1954

                        Cocoa Research Institute Ordinance 1947.

                        No. 11 of 1954


“          “2434  An Ordinance further to amend the Municipal          3          1954

                        Councils Ordinance, 1953. Second Insertion


“          “2435  An Ordinance to amend the Pensions (Increase)        3          1954

                        Ordinance, 1948. No. 9 of 1954


“          “2436  An Ordinance further to amend the Electoral                        3          1954

                        Provisions Ordinance 1953. First Insertion


“          “2437  An Ordinance to provide for the service of the          3          1954

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st

                        March 1955. No. 8 of 1954



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2438 An Ordinance to make provision for borrowing      4          1954

                        the sum of two million four hundred and eight

                        Thousand pounds from the Gold Coast Marketing

                        Board and for raising, appropriating and

                        applying the loan and for the due repayment of

                        the same. No. 7 of 1954


“          “2439  An Ordinance to amend the prisons ordinance.         3          1954

                        No. 13 of 1954


“          “2440  An Ordinance further to amend the Electoral                        2          1954

                        Provisions ordinance 1953. First Insertion


“          “2441  An Ordinance further to amend the Local                 2          1954

                        Government Ordinance, 1957. No. 15 of 1951


“          “2442  An Ordinance further to amend the Municipal          2          1954

                        Councils Ordinance 1953. No. 14 of 1953


“          “2443  An Ordinance to amend the Marriage Ordinance      3          1954

                        No. 12 of 1954


“          “2444  An Ordinance to make lawful certain betting                        1          1954

                        transactions and sweepstakes and to provide

                        for the levying and collection of taxes thereon.

                        First Insertion


“          “2445  An Ordinance to make lawful betting transactions    1          1954

                        and sweepstakes and to provide for levying and

                        collection of taxes thereon. Second Insertion


“          “2446  An Ordinance for regulating pensions and                 3          1954

                        gratuities to be granted in respect of service

                        by African officers and other Ranks in Her

                        Majesty’s military forces of the Gold Coast.


“          “2447  An Ordinance further to amend the Land and           1          1954

                        Native rights ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2448  An Ordinance further to amend the income tax         1          1954

                        Ordinance, 1954. Second Insertion


“          “2449  An Ordinance further to amend the Criminal             1          1954

                        Code. Second Insertion



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG 22/3/2450 An Ordinance further to amend the local               1          1954

                        Government ordinance 1957. Second Insertion


“          “2451  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         1          1954

                        of a Gold Coast Agricultural Development

                        Corporation charged with the duties of

                        Investigating formulating and carrying out

                        Projects for developing the agricultural and

                        Fishing industries of the Gold coast and with

                        the duties of purchasing grading and

                        processing agricultural and fisheries produce

                        in the Gold Coast and regulating and carrying

                        on the sale and export of such produce

                        First Insertion


“          “2452  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         1          1954

                        of a Gold Coast Agricultural Development

                        Corporation charged with the duties of

                        Investigating formulating and carrying out

                        Projects for developing the agricultural and

                        Fishing industries of the Gold coast and with

                        the duties of purchasing grading and

                        processing agricultural and fisheries produce

                        in the Gold Coast and regulating and carrying

                        on the sale and export of such produce

                        Second Insertion


“          “2453  An Ordinance to make provision for                          1          1954

                        borrowing the sum of six million pounds from

                        the Gold Coast Cocoa Marketing Board and

                        for raising, appropriating and applying the

                        loan for the due repayment of the same.

                        First Insertion


“          “2454  The Rules of Court (Amendment) Rules, 1954          1          1954

                        and the Supreme Court (Civil Procedure)

                        Rules, 1954


“          “2455  Draft Electoral Regulations                                        2          1954


“          “2456  An Ordinance to amend the Courts Ordinance.         3          1954

                        First Insertion


“          “2457  The Public Service Commission Regulations, 2          1954

  1. Arrangement of Regulations.


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2458 An Ordinance further to amend the Oaths              3          1954

                        Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2459  An Ordinance further to amend the interpretation     3          1954

                        Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2460  An Ordinance to amend the Courts Ordinance          3          1954

                        Second Insertion


“          “2461  An Ordinance to amend the Laws of the Gold          3          1954

                        Coast in so far as references to the Governor

                        in council and to the Executive council and

                        members thereof are concerned. First Insertion


“          “2462  An Ordinance further to amend the Ordinances        3          1954

                        Authentication Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2463  An Ordinance further to amend the pensions             3          1954

                        Ordinance 1950. First Insertion


“          “2464  An Ordinance further to amend the pensions             1          1954

                        Ordinance, 1950. No. 31 of 1954


“          “2465  An Ordinance to amend the Petitions of Right          4          1954

                        Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2466  An Ordinance to enable the Prime Minister to           3          1954

                        transfer Statutory Functions from one minister

                        to another. First Insertion


“          “2467  An Ordinance further to amend the Native                4          1954

                        Courts (Colony) Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2468  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal Procedure       4          1954

                        Code. Second Insertion


“          “2469  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal Procedure       3          1954

                        Code. First Insertion


“          “2470  An Ordinance to amend the petition of right             3          1954

                        Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2471  An Ordinance to amend the Loan (Premium              4          1954

                        Bonds) Ordinance, 1953. Second Insertion



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2472 An Ordinance further to amend the pensions          4          1954

                        (Increase) Ordinance, 1948. Second Insertion


“          “2473  An Ordinance further to amend the pensions             3          1954

                        (Increase) Ordinance, 1948. First Insertion


“          “2474  An Ordinance to amend the Loan (Premium              3          1954

                        Bonds) Ordinance, 1953. First Insertion


“          “2475  An  Ordinance further to amend the pensions            4          1954

                        Ordinance, 1950. Second Insertion


“          “2476  An Ordinance further to amend the Native                4          1954

                        Courts (Colony) Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2477  An Ordinance to constitute the repayment of            4          1954

                        moneys borrowed by the Gold Coast

                        Government under the authority of certain

                        Ordinances statutory expenditure for the

                        purposes of section 65 of the Gold Coast

                        (Constitution) order in council, 1954.

                        First Insertion


“          “2478  An Ordinance to provide for the raising of                4          1954

                        loans by means of the issue of premium

                        bonds payable to bearer. First Insertion


“          “2479  An Ordinance further to amend the ordinance           3          1954

                        Authentication ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2480  An Ordinance further to amend the interpretation     3          1954

                        Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2481  An Ordinance further to amend the Oaths                 3          1954



“          “2482  An Ordinance to provide for the raising of loans       4          1954

                        by means of the issue of premium bonds

                        payable to bearer. Second Insertion


“          “2483  An Ordinance to amend the Laws of the Gold          3          1954

                        Coast in 50 far references to the governor in

                        council and to the Executive council members

                        thereof are concerned. Second Insertion


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/2484 An Ordinance further to amend the Local               4          1954

                        Government Ordinance, 1951. First Insertion


“          “2485  An Ordinance to enable the Prime Minister to           4          1954

                        transfer statutory functions from the one

                        minister to another. Second Insertion


“          “2486  An Ordinance further to amend the Native                4          1954

                        Courts (Southern section of Togoland under

                        United Kingdom Trusteeship) Ordinance, 1949.

                        First Insertion


“          “2487  An Ordinance further to amend the Native Courts    4          1954

                        (Southern Section of Togoland under United

                        Kingdom Trusteeship) Ordinance, 1949.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2488  An Ordinance to constitute the repayment of            3          1954

                        money borrowed by the Gold Coast

                        Government under the authority of certain

                        Ordinances statutory expenditure for the

                        purposes of section 65 of the Gold Coast

                        (Constitution) order in council, 1954.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2489  An Ordinance further to amend the Local                 4          1954

                        Government Ordinance, 1951. Second Insertion


“          “2490  An Ordinance to give effect in Coast to the              4          1954

                        change in the designation of the crown

                        agents for the colonies which became

                        effective on the first day of April 1954.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2491  An Ordinance to give effect in the Gold Coast         3          1954

                        to the change in the designation of the crown

                        agents for the colonies which became

                        effective on the first day of April, 1954.

                        First Insertion


“          “2492  An Ordinance further to amend the interpretation     3          1954

                        Ordinance. No. 18 of 1954


“          “2493  An Ordinance further to amend the Cocoa Duty       4          1954

                        And Development Funds Ordinance, 1951.

                        First Insertion


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2494 An Ordinance further to amend the Cocoa Duty    4          1954

                        And Development Funds Ordinance, 1951.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2495  An Ordinance to give effect in the Gold Coast         3          1954

                        to the change in the designation of the crown

                        agents for the colonies which became

                        effective on the first day of April 1954.

                        No. 17 of 1954


“          “2496  An ordinance to enable the prime minister to             4          1954

                        transfer statutory functions from one minister

                        to another. No. 19  of 1954


“          “2497  An Ordinance further to amend the Oaths                 3          1954.

                        Ordinance. No. 20 of 1954


“          “2498  An Ordinance further to amend the Ordinances        3          1954

                        Authentication Ordinance. No. 21 of 1954


“          “2499  An Ordinance to amend the Petitions of Right          3          1954

                        Ordinance. No. 22 of 1954


“          “2500  An Ordinance to amend the Courts ordinance           3          1954

                        No. 23 of 1954


“          “2501  An Ordinance to amend the Laws of the                   3          1954

                        Gold Coast in so far as references to the

                        Governor in council and to the executive

                        and members thereof are concerned.

                        No. 24 of 1954


“          “2502  An Ordinance further to amend the pensions             3          1954

                        (Increase) ordinance, 1948. No. 26 of 1954


“          “2503  An Ordinance to amend the criminal procedure         3          1954

                        Code. No. 27 of 1954


“          “2504  An Ordinance further to amend the Native                3          1954

                        Courts (Colony) Ordinance. No. 28 of 1954


“          “2505  An Ordinance further to amend the Cocoa                3          1954

                        Duty and Development Funds Ordinance, 1951

                        No. 25 of 1954



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2506 An Ordinance further to amend the Local               2          1954

                        Government Ordinance, 1951. No. 29 of 1954


“          “2507  An Ordinance further to amend the Native                2          1954

                        Courts (Southern Section of Togoland under

                        United Kingdom Trusteeship) Ordinance

                        No. 30 of 1954


“          “2508  An Ordinance further to amend the pensions             2          1954

                        Ordinance, 1950. No. 31 of 1954


“          “2509  An Ordinance to constitute the repayment of                        2          1954

                        moneys borrowed by the Gold Coast

                        Government under the authority of certain

                        Ordinances statutory expenditure for the

                        purposes of section 65 of the Gold Coast

                        (Constitution) order in council 1954.

                        No. 32 of 1954


“          “2510  An ordinance to amend the Loan (Premium               2          1954

                        Bonds) Ordinance, 1953. No. 33 of 1954


“          “2511  An Ordinance to provide for the preparation                        3          1954

                         and publication of a supplement to the

                        revised edition of the ordinances of the

                        Gold Coast. First Insertion


“          “2512  An Ordinance to provide for the preparation and      4          1954

                        Publication of supplement to the Revised                 

                        Edition of the ordinances of the Gold Coast.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2513  An Ordinance to amend the customs ordinance,        4          1954

  1. First Insertion


“          “2514  An Ordinance to amend the revised edition of          4          1954

                        the laws ordinance 1951. Firs Insertion


“          “2515  An Ordinance to amend the Diamond Mining           4          1954

                        Industry protection ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2516  An Ordinance to amend the Government                  4          1954

                        Corporation ordinance. First Insertion




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2517 An Ordinance further to amend the workmen’s      4          1954

                        Compensation ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2518  An Ordinance for making supplementary                   4          1954

                        appropriation for the public services of the

                        Gold Coast for the year ended on the 31st

                        day of March 1954. First Insertion


“          “2519  An Ordinance to provide for the status and               4          1954

                        functions, including the powers and duties,

                        within the Gold Coast of the West African

                        Council for medical research which was

                        established in Nigeria by the West African

                        Council for medical research ordinance,

  1. First Insertion


“          “2520  An Ordinance to provide for the status and               4          1954

                        functions, including the powers and duties,

                        within the Gold Coast of the West African

                        Council for medical research which was

                        established in Nigeria by the West African

                        Council for medical research ordinance,

  1. Second Insertion


“          “2521  An Ordinance to amend the Revised Edition                        4          1954

                        of the laws ordinance 1951. Second Insertion


“          “2522  An Ordinance for making supplementary                   4          1954

                        appropriation for the public services of the

                        Gold Coast for the year ended on the 31st

                        day of March, 1954. Second Insertion


“          “2523  An Ordinance to amend the Guarantee                      3          1954

                        Corporation ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2524  An Ordinance further to amend the workmen’s         3          1954

                        Compensation ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2525  An Ordinance to amend the Diamond Mining           4          1954

                        Industry protection ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2526  An Ordinance to amend the customs ordinance         4          1954

  1. Second Insertion




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2527 An Ordinance to amend the Rent Control               4          1954

                        Ordinance, 1952 by restricting the category of

                        premises to which that ordinance shall apply

                        and for purposes connected. First Insertion


“          “2528  An Ordinance further to amend the forest                 4          1954

                        Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2529  An Ordinance further to amend the local                   4          1954

                        Government ordinance, 1951. First Insertion


“          “2530  An Ordinance further to amend the local                  4          1954

                        Government ordinance, 1951. Second Insertion


“          “2531  An Ordinance further to amend the forest                 3          1954

                        Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2532  An Ordinance to amend the Rent Control                 4          1954

                        Ordinance, 1952 by restricting the category of

                        premises to which that ordinance shall apply

                        and for purposes connected therewith.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2533  An Ordinance to amend the ministerial and               4          1954

                        Speakers salaries ordinance, 1952.

First Insertion


“          “2534  An Ordinance to amend the ministerial and               4          1954

                        Speakers salaries ordinance, 1952.

No. 37 of 1954


“          “2535  An Ordinance further to amend the local                   3          1954

                        Government ordinance 1951. No. 38 of 1954


“          “2536  An Ordinance to amend the revised edition on          3          1954

                        the laws ordinance 1951. No. 35 of 1954


“          “2537  An Ordinance to provide for the preparation and      3          1954

                        Publication of a supplement to the revised

                        Edition of the ordinances of the Gold Coast

                        No. 36 of 1954


“          “2538  An Ordinance to amend the customs ordinance         1954

  1. No. 34 of 1954



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2539 An Ordinance to provide for the status and                        3          1954

                        functions including the powers and duties

                        within the Gold Coast of the West African

                        Council for medical research which was

                        established in Nigeria by the West African

                        Council for medical ordinance, 1954.

                        No. 39 of 1954


“          “2540  An Ordinance to provide for the raising of                3          1954

                        loans by means of the issue of premium bonds

                        payable to bearer. No. 45 of 1954


“          “2541  An Ordinance to amend the Guarantee                      3          1954

                        Corporation ordinance. No. 41 of 1954


“          “2542  An Ordinance to amend the Diamond Mining           3          1954

                        Industry protection ordinance. No. 42 of 1954


“          “2543  An Ordinance further to amend the workmen’s         4          1954

                        Compensation ordinance. No. 43 of 1954


“          “2544  An Ordinance for making supplementary                   4          1954

                        appropriation for the public services of the

                        Gold Coast for the year ended on the 31st day

                        of March, 1954. No. 44 of 1954


“          “2545  An Ordinance further to amend the Forests               3          1954

                        Ordinance. No. 45 of 1954


“          “2546  Annual Volume of the ordinances of the Gold          1          1954

                        Coast enacted during the year 1954


“          “2547  The pharmacy and poisons ordinance 1955                8          1955


“          “2548  An Ordinance further to amend the Land                  4          1955

                        and Native Rights Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2549  An Ordinance to amend the Northern Territories       4          1955

                        Council ordinance, 1952. First Insertion


“          “2550  An Ordinance to amend the Trans-Volta/                  4          1955

                        Togoland Council ordinance, 1952.

First Insertion




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/2551 An Ordinance to provide for the service of the       4          1955

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st

                        March, 1956. First Insertion


“          “2552  An Ordinance to amend the Trans-Volta/                  5          1955

                        Togoland Council ordinance 1952.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2553  An Ordinance further to amend the Land and           5          1955

                        Native Rights ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2554  An Ordinance to provide for the service of the          5          1955

                        year ending on the 31st March, 1956.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2555  An ordinance to amend the Northern Territories        5          1955

                        Council ordinance 1952. Second Insertion


“          “2556  An Ordinance to amend the peace preservation         5          1955

                        Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2557  An ordinance to amend the Industrial                        5          1955

Development ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2558  An ordinance to amend the Industrial                                    4          1955

                        Development ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2559  An Ordinance to amend the peace preservation         4          1955

                        Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2560  An Ordinance further to amend the Income Tax       3          1955

                        Ordinance 1943. First Insertion


“          “2561  An ordinance to make lawful certain betting             3          1955

                        transactions and sweepstakes and to provide

                        for the levying and collection of taxes thereon.

                        First Insertion


“          “2562  An ordinance further to amend the criminal               3          1955

                        Code. First Insertion


“          “2563  The peace preservation ordinance (Cap. 39)               1          1955

                        No. 2 of 1955


“          “2564  An Ordinance further to amend the criminal              4          1955

                        Code. Second Insertion


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2565 An Ordinance to make lawful certain betting          3          1955

                        transactions and sweepstakes and to provide

                        for the levying and collection of taxes thereon.

                        First Insertion


“          “2566  An Ordinance further to amend the income tax         2          1955

                        Ordinance, 1943. Second Insertion


“          “2567  An Ordinance further to amend the Land and           2          1955

                        Native Rights ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2568  An ordinance further to amend the Land and                        4          1955

                        Native Rights ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2569  An ordinance to provide for the establishment          4          1955

                        of a Gold Coast Agricultural Development

                        Corporation charged with duties of investigating,

                        formulating and carrying out projects for

                        developing and the agricultural and fishing

                        Industries of the Gold Coast and with the

                        duties of purchasing, grading and processing

                        agricultural and fisheries produce in the

                        Gold Coast and regulating and carrying on

                        the sale and export of such produce.

                        First Insertion


“          “2570  An Ordinance to amend the Loan (Premium              4          1955

                        Bonds) ordinance, 1953. First Insertion


“          “2571  An ordinance to provide for the establishment          4          1955

                        of a Gold Coast Agricultural Development

                        Corporation charged with duties of investigating,

                        formulating and carrying out projects for

                        developing and the agricultural and fishing

                        Industries of the Gold Coast and with the

                        duties of purchasing, grading and processing

                        agricultural and fisheries produce in the

                        Gold Coast and regulating and carrying on

                        the sale and export of such produce.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2572  An Ordinance to make unlawful certain betting        4          1955

                        transactions and sweepstakes and to provide for

                        the levying and collection of taxes thereon.

                        Second Insertion


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2573 An Ordinance to provide for the status and                        4          1955

                        functions including the powers and duties

                        within the Gold Coast of the West African

                        Institute for oil palm research and the West

                        African institute for oil palm research

                        managing committee which were established

                        in Nigeria by the West African Institute for

                        Oil palm research ordinance, 1951 of Nigeria

                        and for purposes connected therewith.

                        First Insertion


“          “2574  An Ordinance to provide for the status and               4          1955

                        functions including the powers and duties

                        within the Gold Coast of the West African

                        Institute for oil palm research and the West

                        African institute for oil palm research

                        managing committee which were established

                        in Nigeria by the West African Institute for

                        Oil palm research ordinance, 1951 of Nigeria

                        and for purposes connected therewith.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2575  An Ordinance to correct certain errors and                4          1955

                        omissions in the schedule of duties to the

                        Customs ordinance as printed in the 1951

                        Revised Edition of the ordinances of the

                        Gold Coast and in the 1952-1954 supplement

                        to that Revised Edition. First Insertion


“          “2576  An Ordinance to provide for the extension of           4          1955

                        the pension rights of public officers to whom

                        the pensions ordinance does not apply and

                        whose pension rights are governed by the

                        Law in force prior to the commencement of

                        that ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2577  An Ordinance to make provision for borrowing         4          1955

                        the Gold Coast cocoa marketing board and

                        for raising, appropriating and applying the

                        Loan and for the due repayment of the same.

                        Second Insertion






REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2578 An ordinance to make provision for borrowing       4          1955

                        the sum of six million pounds from the Gold

                        Coast cocoa marketing board and for raising,

                        appropriating and applying the loan and for

                        the due repayment of the same. First Insertion


“          “2579  An Ordinance to provide for the extension of           4          1955

                        Pension rights of public officers to whom the

                        Pensions ordinance does not apply and whose

                        rights are governed by the law in force prior

                        to the commencement of that ordinance.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2580  An Ordinance for making a first supplementary        5          1955

                        Appropriation for the public services of the

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st day

                         of March, 1955. First Insertion


“          “2581  An Ordinance for making a first supplementary        5          1955

                        Appropriation for the public services of the

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st day

                        of March, 1955. Second Insertion


“          “2582  An Ordinance to correct certain errors and                4          1955

                        omissions in the schedule of duties to the

                        customs ordinance as printed in the 1951

                        Revised Edition of the ordinances of the

                        ordinances of the Gold Coast and in the

                        1952-1954 supplement to that Revised

                        Edition. Second Insertion


“          “2583  An Ordinance to amend the loan (Premium               4          1955

                        Bonds) ordinance, 1953. Second Insertion


“          “2584  An Ordinance to amend the Industrial                       4          1955

                        Development Ordinance. No. 1 of 1955


“          “2585  An Ordinance to amend the peace preservation         3          1955

                        ordinance. No. 2 of 1955


“          “2586  An ordinance to amend the Trans-Volta/                   4          1955

                        Togoland council ordinance, 1952.

                        No. 3 of 1955




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2587 An Ordinance to amend the Northern                     4          1955

                        Territories Council ordinance, 1952.

                        No. 4 of 1955


“          “2588  An Ordinance to make lawful curtain betting                        5          1955

                        transactions and sweepstakes and to provide

                        for the levying and collection of taxes thereon.

                        No. 5 of 1955


“          “2589  An Ordinance further to amend the criminal code     5          1955


“          “2590  An ordinance to provide for the service of the           5          1955

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st

                        March 1956. No. 7 of 1955


“          “2591  An Ordinance for making a first supplementary        5          1955

                        Appropriation for the public services of the

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 31st

                        day of March 1955. No. 8 of 1955


“          “2592  An Ordinance further to amend the Income Tax       5          1955

                        ordinance. No. 9 of 1955


“          “2593  An Ordinance to provide for the establishment         4          1955

                        of a Gold Coast Agricultural Development

                        Corporation charged with duties of

                        Investigating, formulating and carrying out

                        projects for developing the agricultural and

                        fishing industries of the Gold Coast and with

                        the duties of purchasing, grading and processing

                        agricultural and fisheries produce in the Gold

                        Coast and regulating and carrying on the sale

                        and export of such produce. No. 10 of 1955


“          “2594  An Ordinance to provide for the status and               3          1955

                        functions, including the powers and duties

                        within the Gold Coast of the West African

                        Institute for Oil Palm Research and the West

                        African institute for oil palm Research

                        Managing Committee which were established

                        in Nigeria by the West African Institute for

                        Oil Palm Research ordinance, 1951 of

                        Nigeria and for purposes connected

                        therewith. No. 11 of 1955



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/95 An Ordinance to amend the loan (Premium                 5          1955

                        Bonds) ordinance, 1953. No. 12 of 1955


“          “2596  An Ordinance to make provision for borrowing         5          1955

                        the sum of six million pounds from the Gold

                        Coast cocoa marketing Board and for raising,

                        appropriating and applying the loan and for the

                        due repayment of the same. No. 13 of 1955


“          “2597  An Ordinance to correct certain errors and                5          1955

                        omissions in the schedule of duties to the

                        customs ordinance as printed in the 1951

                        Revised Edition of the ordinances of  Gold

                        Coast and in the 1952-1954 supplement to

                        that Revised Edition. No. 14 of 1955


“          “2598  An ordinance to amend the loan (Bearer                    1          1955

                        Premium Bonds) Ordinance, 1954.

First Insertion


“          “2599  An Ordinance to amend the College of                      5          1955

                        Technology, Science and Arts ordinance.

                        First Insertion


“          “2600  An Ordinance to amend the Cinematograph              3          1955

                        Exhibitions ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2601  An Ordinance to amend the Cinematograph              5          1955

                        Exhibitions ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2602  An Ordinance to amend the Achimota School           4          1955

                        ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2603  An Ordinance to amend the Achimota School           4          1955

                        ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2604  An Ordinance to amend the Waterworks                   4          1955

                        Ordinance by making certain provisions

                        thereof applicable to the Northern Territories

                        and making provisions for the acquisition of

                        rights in land in the Northern Territories for

                        the purpose of waterworks and to repeal the

                        water supply (Tamale) ordinance. First Insertion




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2605 An Ordinance to amend the Waterworks                5          1955

                        Ordinance by making certain provisions

                        thereof applicable to the Northern Territories

                        and making provisions for the acquisition of

                        rights in land in the Northern Territories for

                        the purpose of waterworks and to repeal the

                        water supply (Tamale) ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2606  An Ordinance to amend the College of                      4          1955

                        Technology, Science and Arts ordinance.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2607  An Ordinance to amend the Housing Schemes          5          1955

                        (Acquisition of Land) ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2608  An Ordinance to amend the Loan (Bearer                 6          1955

                        Premium Bonds) Ordinance, 1954


“          “2609  An Ordinance to prescribe the pensions and              5          1955

                        gratuities payable to teachers, not being public

                        officers, in public schools and public training

                        colleges and to certain clerical and administrative

                        staff Educational Units, Public schools and

                        public training colleges. First Insertion


“          “2610  An Ordinance to prescribe the pensions and              7          1955

                        gratuities payable to teachers, not being public

                        officers, in public schools and public training

                        colleges and to certain clerical and administrative

                        staff Educational Units, Public schools and

                        public training colleges. Second Insertion


“          “2611  An Ordinance to amend the Concessions                   7          1955

                        Ordinance and to validate certain Concessions

                        granted for charitable purposes. First Insertion


“          “2612  An Ordinance to amend the Concessions                   5          1955

                        Ordinance and to validate certain Concessions

                        granted for charitable purposes. Second Insertion


“          “2613  An Ordinance to amend the Housing Schemes          3          1955

                        (Acquisition of Land) Ordinance.

                        Second Insertion




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2614 An Ordinance to amend the Road Traffic               6          1955

                        ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2615  An Ordinance to amend the stamp ordinance.           4          1955

                        First Insertion


“          “2616  An Ordinance to amend the stamp.                            6          1955


“          “2617  An Ordinance to amend the Road Traffic                  5          1955

                        ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2618  An Ordinance to amend the Housing Schemes          3          1955

                        (Acquisition of land) ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2619  An Ordinance to amend the Loan (Bearer                 5          1955

                        Premium Bonds) Ordinance, 1954


“          “2620  The Widows’ and Orphans (overseas officers)           12        1955

                        pension fund ordinance, 1955


“          “2621  The Widows’ and Orphans (overseas officers)           11        1955

                        pension fund ordinance, 1955


“          “2622  An Ordinance to facilitate the control of                   4          1955

                        Tsetse Fly and for purposes connected

therewith. First Insertion


“          “2623  An Ordinance to provide for the control of               3          1955

                        artificial insemination of animals and for

                        matters connected therewith. First Insertion


“          “2624  An ordinance to provide for the control of                3          1955

                        artificial insemination of animals and for

                        matters connected therewith. Second Insertion


“          “2625  An Ordinance to Facilitate the control of                   4          1955

                        Tsetse Fly and for purposes connected

                        therewith. Second insertion


“          “2626  An Ordinance to amend the stamp ordinance.           4          1955

                        No. 15 of 1955


“          “2627  An Ordinance to amend the Loan (Bearer                 4          1955

                        Premium Bonds) Ordinance, 1954.

                        No. 16 of 1955


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2628 An Ordinance to amend the Cinematograph           4          1955

                        Exhibitions Ordinance. No. 17 of 1955


“          “2629  An ordinance to amend the Achimota school                        4          1955

                        ordinance. No. 18 of 1955


“          “2630  An ordinance to amend the college of                        4          1955

                        Technology, Science and Arts ordinance.

                        No. 19 of 1955


“          “2631  An ordinance to amend the Waterworks                    4          1955

                        ordinance by making certain provisions thereof

                        applicable to the Northern Territories and

                        making provision for the acquisition of rights

                        in land in the Northern Territories for the

                        purpose of Waterworks and to repeal the

                        Water Supply (Tamale) ordinance.

                        No.20 of 1955


“          “2632  An ordinance to amend the concessions                     5          1955

                        ordinance, and to validate certain concessions

                        granted for charitable purposes. No.21 of 1955


“          “2633  An ordinance to amend the Housing Schemes           5          1955

                        (Acquisition of Land) Ordinance. No.22 of 1955


“          “2634  An ordinance to prescribe the pensions and               5          1955

                        gratuities payable to teachers not being public

                        officers in public schools and public training

                        colleges and to certain clerical and

                        administrative staff of Educational Units

                        Public Schools and Public training colleges.

                        No. 23 of 1955


“          “2635  The Widows and Orphans (Overseas Officers)          10        1955

                        Pensions Fund Ordinance, 1955


“          “2636  An Ordinance to amend the Achimota School           1          1955

                        Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2637  An Ordinance to establish the National Archive        5          1955

                        of the Gold Coast to provide for the preservation

                        of the Public Archives of the Gold Coast and

                        for purposes connected therewith.

First Insertion


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/2638 The Widows’ and Orphans (Overseas                      10        1955

                        Officers) Pensions Fund Ordinance, 1955


“          “2639  An Ordinance to amend the Tema Development       5          1955

                        Corporation Ordinance, 1952. First Insertion


“          “2640  An Ordinance to amend the Tema Development       4          1955

                        Corporation Ordinance 1952. Second Insertion


“          “2641  An Ordinance to amend the Ferries Ordinance          5          1955

                        First Insertion


“          “2642  An Ordinance to amend the Local Government        6          1955

                        Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2643  An Ordinance to amend the Pensions Ordinance       5          1955

                        by the insertion of a provision declaring the

                        pension rights of public officers to whom the

                        conditions of service the pensions ordinance

                        apply and for the extension of such rights.

                        First Insertion


“          “2644  An Ordinance for making a second                            5          1955

supplementary Appropriation for the public

services of the Gold Coast for the year ended

on the 31st day of March 1955. First Insertion


“          “2645  An Ordinance to provide for the Formation               5          1955

                        and registration of building societies and other

                        matters incidental thereto and connected

                        therewith. First Insertion


“          “2646  An Ordinance to provide for the Formation               6          1955

                        and registration of building societies and other

                        matters incidental thereto and connected

                        therewith. Second Insertion


“          “2647  The Legislative Assembly (Powers and                      9          1955

                        Privileges) ordinance, 1956


“          “2648  An Ordinance to provide for the extension of           5          1955

                        the period for which provision for the service

                        of the Gold Coast was made by the 1955-56

                        Appropriation Ordinance, 1955 and to make

                        supplementary provision for the service of the

                        Gold Coast for the extended period. First insertion


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2649 An Ordinance to provide for the extension of         5          1955

                        the period for which provision for the service

                        of the Gold Coast was made by the 1955-56

                        Appropriation Ordinance, 1955 and to make

                        supplementary provision for the service of the

                        Gold Coast for the extended period. Second



“          “2650  An Ordinance to amend the state councils                 5          1955

                        (Northern Territories) Ordinance, 1952

                        First Insertion


“          “2651  An Ordinance to amend the state councils                 4          1955

                        (Northern Territories) ordinance, 1952.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2652  An Ordinance to amend the Ferries Ordinance          4          1955

                        Second Insertion


“          “2653  An Ordinance to amend the State Councils               3          1955

                        (Ashanti) Ordinance, 1952. First Insertion


“          “2654  An Ordinance to amend the State Councils               3          1955

                        (Ashanti) Ordinance, 1952. Second Insertion


“          “2655  An Ordinance to amend the State Councils               5          1955

                        (Ashanti) Ordinance, 1952. Second Insertion


“          “2656  An Ordinance to amend the State Councils               5          1955

                        (Colony and Southern Togoland) Ordinance

  1. Second Insertion


“          “2657  An Ordinance to amend the Education (Colony        4          1955

                        and Ashanti) Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2658  An Ordinance to amend the Education (Colony        4          1955

                        and Ashanti) Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2659  An Ordinance to amend the Local Government        4          1955

                        Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2660  The Native Courts (Colony) (Substitute of                1          1955

                        members) order, 1955




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2661 An Ordinance to amend the Pensions Ordinance    4          1955

                        by the insertion of a provision declaring the rights

                        of public officers to whom the conditions of

                        service in force prior to the commencement of

                        the pensions ordinance apply and to provide for

                        the extension of such rights. Second Insertion


“          “2662  An Ordinance for making a second                            4          1955

 supplementary Appropriation for the public

services of the Gold Coast for the year ended

on the 31st day of March, 1955. Second Insertion


“          “2663  The Gold Coast Housing Corporation Ordinance      6          1955



“          “2664  An Ordinance to amend the Ferries Ordinance          3          1955

                        No. 26 of 1955


“          “2665  An Ordinance to amend the Pensions Ordinance       4          1955

                        by the insertion of a provision declaring the rights

                        of public officers to whom the conditions of

                        service in force prior to the commencement of

                        the pensions ordinance apply and to provide for

                        the extension of such rights. No. 27 of 1955


“          “2666  An Ordinance for making a second supplementary    4          1955

                        Appropriation for the public services of the Gold

                        Coast for the year ended on the 31st day of

                        March, 1955. No. 28 of 1955


“          “2667  An Ordinance to provide for the extension of the     5          1955

                        period for which provision for the service of the

                        Gold Coast was made by the 1955-56

                        Appropriation ordinance, 1955 and to make

                        supplementary provision for the service of

                        the Gold Coast for the extended period.

                        No. 29 of 1955


“          “2668  An Ordinance to provide for the formation               3          1955

                        and registration of building societies and other

                        matters incident thereto and connected

                        therewith. No. 30 of 1955


“          “2669  An Ordinance to amend the Education (Colony        5          1955

                        and Ashanti) Ordinance. No. 32 of 1955


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2670 An Ordinance to provide for the control of             3          1955

                        artificial insemination of animals and for

                        matters connected therewith. No. 33 of 1955


“          “2671  An Ordinance to facilitate the control of                   3          1955

                        Tsetse fly and for purposes connected therewith.

                        No. 34 of 1955


“          “2672  An Ordinance to establish the National Archives      3          1955

                        of the Gold Coast, to provide for the preservation

                        of the public Archives of the Gold Coast and

                        for purposes connected therewith. No. 35 of



“          “2673  An Ordinance to amend the Tema Development       3          1955

                        Corporation Ordinance, 1952. No. 36 of 1955


“          “2674  An Ordinance to amend the State Councils               4          1955

                        (Colony and Southern Togoland) ordinance

  1. No. 37 of 1955


“          “2675  An Ordinance to amend the state councils                 3          1955

                        (Ashanti) ordinance, 1952. No. 38 of 1955


“          “2676  An Ordinance to amend the Local Government        3          1955

                        ordinance. No. 39 if 1955


“          “2677  The Gold Coast Housing Corporation Ordinance      4          1955



“          “2678  Peace Preservation Ordinance                                                5          1955


“          “2679  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast                    2          1956

                        Library Board Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2680  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast                    4          1956

                        Library Board Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2681  An Ordinance to amend the Fruit Industry                5          1956

                        Regulation Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2682  An Ordinance to amend the Fruit Industry                5          1956

                        Regulation Ordinance. Second Insertion




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2683 An Ordinance to amend the Weights and                4          1956

                        measures ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2684  An Ordinance to amend the Weights and                  5          1956

                        Measures Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2685  An Ordinance to amend the Widows’ and                 5          1956

                        Orphans (African Officers) Pensions fund

                        Ordinance, 1955. First Insertion


“          “2686  An Ordinance to amend the pensions ordinance.       5          1956

                        First Insertion


“          “2687  An Ordinance to amend the Widows’ and                 5          1956

                        Orphans (African Officers) Pensions Fund

                        Ordinance, 1955


“          “2688  An Ordinance to amend the Pensions ordinance        5          1956

                        Second Insertion


“          “2689  An Ordinance to amend the Coconut Industry          4          1956

                        Regulation Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2690  An Ordinance to amend the Coconut Industry          4          1956

                        Regulation Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2691  An Ordinance to amend the Cocoa Industry             3          1956

                        (Regulation) Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2692  An Ordinance to amend the Cocoa Industry             4          1956

                        (Regulation) ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2693  An Ordinance to amend the midwives ordinance      4          1956

                        First Insertion


“          “2694  An Ordinance to amend the midwives ordinance      5          1956

                        Second Insertion


“          “2695  An Ordinance to amend the Explosives                     4          1956

                        ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2696  An Ordinance to amend the Explosives

                        ordinance. Second Insertion




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/2697 An Ordinance to amend the Industrial Schools       4          1956

                        and Borstal Institutions Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2698  An Ordinance to amend the Industrial Schools         4          1956

                        and Borstal Institutions ordinance.

Second Insertion


“          “2699  An Ordinance to provide for the validation and        4          1956

                        extension of tenure of office of the members of

                        certain local government councils. First Insertion


“          “2700  An Ordinance to provide for the validation and        4          1956

                        extension of tenure of office of the members of

                        certain local government councils.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2701  An ordinance to amend the Electoral provisions        4          1956

                        ordinance, 1953. First Insertion


“          “2702  An Ordinance to amend the Electoral provisions       4          1956

                        ordinance, 1953. Second Insertion


“          “2703  An ordinance to amend the Hospital Fees                  4          1956

                        ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2704  An Ordinance to amend the Hospital Fees                 4          1956

                        Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2705  An Ordinance to amend the Industrial                       4          1956

                        Development ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2706  An Ordinance to amend the Industrial                       4          1956

                        Development ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2707  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast                    4          1956

                        Marketing Board ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2708  An Ordinance to validate the making, levying           4          1956

                        and collection of certain rates by a council

                        established under the Municipal councils

                        ordinance, 1953. Firs Insertion


“          “2709  An Ordinance to validate the making, levying           3          1956

                        and collection of certain rates by a council

                        established under the Municipal councils

                        ordinance, 1953.


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2710 An Ordinance to provide for the control of             5          1956

                        prices at which goods may be sold for the

                        movement and sale of goods of which the sale

                        price is controlled and for purposes connected

                        therewith. First Insertion


“          “2711  An Ordinance to provide for the control of               4          1956

                        prices at which goods may be sold for the

                        movement and sale of goods of which the sale

                        price is controlled and for purposes connected

                        therewith. Second Insertion


“          “2712  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast Cocoa         4          1956

                        marketing Board Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2713  The Mineral Oil Taxation Ordinance, 1956                7          1956


“          “2714  The Beatrice James Alias Bassie Sam             1          1956

                        Deportation Order, 1956


“          “2715  An Ordinance to validate the making levying            4          1956

                        and collection of certain rates by a council

                        established under the Municipal Councils

                        ordinance, 1953. No. 1 of 1956


“          “2716  An Ordinance to amend the Weights and                  4          1956

                        measures ordinance. No. 2 of 1956.

No.2 of 1956


“          “2717  An Ordinance to amend the pensions ordinance        4          1956

                        No. 3 of 1956


“          “2718  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast Library       4          1956

                        Board Ordinance. No. 4 of 1956


“          “2719  An Ordinance to amend the Widow’s and                 4          1956

                        Orphan’s (African Officers) Pension Fund

                        ordinance, 1955. No. 5 of 1956


“          “2720  An Ordinance to amend the Fruit Industry                5          1956

                        Regulation Ordinance. No. 6 of 1956


“          “2721  An Ordinance to amend the Cocoa Industry             5          1956

                        (Regulation) Ordinance. No. 7 of 1956



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2722 An Ordinance to amend the Coconut Industry       5          1956

                        Regulation Ordinance. No. 8 of 1956


“          “2723  An Ordinance to amend the Explosives                     5          1956

                        Ordinance. No. 9 of 1956


“          “2724  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast Cocoa         5          1956

                        Marketing Board Ordinance. No. 10 of 1956


“          “2725  An Ordinance to amend the Industrial                       5          1956

                        Industrial Development Ordinance. No. 11 of



“          “2726  An Ordinance to amend the Midwives                      5          1956

                        ordinance. No. 12 of 1956


“          “2727  An Ordinance to amend the Hospital Fees                 5          1956

                        Ordinance. No. 15 of 1956


“          “2728  An Ordinance to amend the Industrial Schools         5          1956

                        and Borstal Institutions Ordinance.

No. 14 of 1956


“          “2729  An Ordinance to amend the Electoral provisions       5          1956

                        ordinance, 1953. No. 15 of 1956


“          “2730  An Ordinance to provide for the validation and        5          1956

                        extension of tenure of office of the members of

                        certain local government councils.

                        No. 16 of 1956


“          “2731  An Ordinance to amend the Administration              4          1956

                        (Foreign Employment) ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2732  An Ordinance to provide for the service of the          4          1956

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 30th June

  1. First Insertion


“          “2733  An Ordinance to amend the Royal West                    4          1956

                        African Frontier Force Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2734  An Ordinance to amend the Royal African

                        Frontier Force Ordinance. Second Insertion




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2735 An Ordinance for the removal of doubts as to        4          1956

                        validity of the title to certain public land in

                        Accra required for the purposes of an industrial                   

                        estate and for extending the time within which

                        claims for compensation in respect of the

                        acquisition of such land may be made.

                        First Insertion


“          “2736  An Ordinance for the removal of doubts as to           4          1956

                        validity of the title to certain public land in

                        Accra required for the purposes of an industrial                   

                        estate and for extending the time within which

                        claims for compensation in respect of the

                        acquisition of such land may be made.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2737  An Ordinance for the removal of doubts as to           4          1956

                        the validity of the title to certain public lands

                        required for the purposes of housing schemes.

                        First Insertion


“          “2738  An Ordinance for the removal of doubts as to           4          1956

                        validity of the title to certain public lands

                        required for the purposes of housing schemes.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2739  The Mineral Oil Taxation ordinance, 1956                 5          1956


“          “2740  The customs (Amendment) (No.3)                             1          1956

                        Regulations, 1956


“          “2741  An Ordinance to amend the State Councils               3          1956

                        (Colony and Southern Togoland) ordinance,

  1. No. 18 of 1956


“          “2742  An Ordinance to amend the Royal West African      2          1956

                        Frontier Force Ordinance. No. 19 of 1956


“          “2743  An Ordinance to amend the Time Determination      2          1956

                        Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2744  An Ordinance to amend the Administration              2          1956

                        (Foreign Employment) Ordinance.

Second Insertion



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/2745 An Ordinance to determine and regulate the           1          1956

                        privileges, immunities and powers of the

                        Legislative Assembly and of its members to

                        secure freedom of speech in the Legislative

                        Assembly, to regulate admittance to the

                        precincts of the Legislative Assembly to

                        give protection to persons employed in the

                        publication of the reports and other papers

                        of the Legislative Assembly and for purposes

                        incidental to or connected with the matters

                        aforesaid. No. 20 of 1956


“          “2746  An ordinance to amend the Time Determination       1          1956

                        ordinance. No. 21 of 1956


“          “2747  An ordinance to amend the coroners ordinance         3          1956

                        First Insertion


“          “2748  An Ordinance to amend the coroners ordinance.       3          1956

                        Second Insertion


“          “2749  An Ordinance to amend the Marriage ordinance.      2          1956

                        First Insertion


“          “2750  An ordinance to amend the Marriage ordinance        3          1956

                        Second Insertion


“          “2751  An ordinance to amend the patents registration         3          1956

                        ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2752  An ordinance to amend the patents registration         3          1956

                        ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2753  An Ordinance to amend the Police Force                   3          1956

                        ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2754  An Ordinance to amend the Police Force                   3          1956

                        ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2755  An Ordinance to amend the cocoa duty and              3          1956

                        and development funds ordinance. First



“          “2756  An Ordinance to provide for the service of the          3          1956

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 30th

                        June 1957. Second Insertion


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/2757 An ordinance to provide for the service of the        3          1956

                        Gold Coast for the year ending on the 30th

                        June 1957. Second Insertion


“          “2758  An Ordinance to amend the Tema Development       3          1956

                        Corporation Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2759  An Ordinance for the removal of doubts as to the     3          1956

                        validity of the title of certain public land in

                        Accra required for the purposes of an

                        industrial estate and for extending the time

                        within which claims for compensation in

                        respect of the acquisition of such land may

                        be made. First Insertion


“          “2760  An Ordinance for the removal of doubts as to the     3          1956

                        validity of the title of certain public land in

                        Accra required for the purposes of an

                        industrial estate and for extending the time

                        within which claims for compensation in

                        respect of the acquisition of such land may

                        be made. Second Insertion


“          “2761  An ordinance to amend the Mineral Oil                     3          1956

                        pre-emption ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2762  An Ordinance to amend the Time Determination      3          1956

                        Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2763  An Ordinance to amend the Administration              3          1956

                        (Foreign Employment) ordinance. Second



“          “2764  An Ordinance to amend the Mineral Oil                    2          1956

                        Pre-emption ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2765  An Ordinance to amend the Tema Development       2          1956

                        Corporation Ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2766  An Ordinance to provide for the extension of           3          1956

                        tenure of office of the members of Municipal

                        councils. No. 22 of 1956


“          “2767  An Ordinance to provide for the amendment of        3          1956

                        the Local Government Councils (Extension of

                        Tenure of office) ordinance, 1956. No.23 of 1956


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2768 An Ordinance to amend the Administration                        3          1956

                        (Foreign Employment) ordinance. No.24

                        of 1956


“          “2769  An Ordinance to amend the patents registration        3          1956

                        ordinance. No. 25 of 1956


“          “2770  An Ordinance to amend the Marriage ordinance       1          1956

                        No. 26 of 1956


“          “2771  An ordinance to amend the Tema Development        1          1956

                        Corporation Ordinance. No. 27 of 1956


“          “2772  An Ordinance for the removal of doubts as to           1          1956

                        the validity of the title to certain public land

                        in Accra required for the purposes of an

                        industrial estate and for extending the time

                        within which claims for compensation in

                        respect of the acquisition of such land may

                        be made. No. 28 of 1956


“          “2773  An Ordinance to amend the coroners ordinance        3          1956

                        No. 29 of 1956


“          “2774  An Ordinance to amend the Police Force                   3          1956

                        ordinance. No. 30 of 1956


“          “2775  An Ordinance to amend the Mineral Oil                    3          1956

                        Pre-emption ordinance. No. 31 of 1956


“          “2776  An Ordinance further to amend the Tema                  3          1956

                        Development Corporation Ordinance, 1952

                        First Insertion


“          “2777  An Ordinance to provide for the extension of           3          1956

                        tenure of office of the members of municipal

                        councils. Second Insertion


“          “2778  An Ordinance further to amend the Tema                  2          1956

                        Development Corporation Ordinance, 1952.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2779  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast                    3          1956

                        Agricultural Development Corporation

                        Ordinance, 1955. First Insertion


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2780 An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast                 3          1956

                        Housing Corporation Ordinance, 1955.

                        First Insertion


“          “2781  An Ordinance to amend the Industrial                       3          1956

                        Development Corporation Ordinance.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2782  An Ordinance to amend the Industrial                       3          1956

                        Development Corporation Ordinance.


“          “2783  An Ordinance to amend the Cocoa Duty and                        3          1956

                        and Development Funds Ordinance. Second



“          “2784  An Ordinance further to amend the Cocoa                3          1956

                        Marketing Board Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2785  An ordinance to amend the Gold Coast                     3          1956

                        Housing Corporation Ordinance, 1955.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2786  An Ordinance to provide for the amendment of        3          1956

                        the Local Government Councils (Extension of

                        Tenure of office) ordinance, 1956. Second



“          “2787  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal Code.              3          1956

                        Second Insertion


“          “2788  An Ordinance to provide for the amendment of        3          1956

                        the local government councils (Extension of

                        tenure of office) ordinance, 1956.

                        First Insertion


“          “2789  An Ordinance to provide for the extension of           3          1956

                        office of the members of municipal councils.

                        First Insertion


“          “2790  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal Code.              3          1956

                        First Insertion


“          “2791  An Ordinance further to amend the Cocoa                3          1956

                        Marketing Board Ordinance. Second Insertion



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/2792 An Ordinance to amend the Courts Ordinance       2          1956

                        First Insertion


“          “2793  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast                    3          1956

                        Agricultural Development Corporation

                        Ordinance, 1955. Second Insertion


“          “2794  An Ordinance to amend the Courts Ordinance.         3          1956

                        Second Insertion


“          “2795  An Ordinance to amend the West African                 2          1956

                        Cocoa Research Institute Ordinance.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2796  An Ordinance to amend the West African                 1          1956

                        Cocoa Research Institute ordinance. First



“          “2797  The Customs (Amendment of Duties) Resolution     1          1956

                        and Order, 1956


“          “2798  An Ordinance for the removal of doubts as to the     4          1956

                        validity of the title of certain public lands required

                        for the purposes of housing schemes. First



“          “2799  An Ordinance for the removal of doubts as to the     3          1956

                        validity of the title to certain public lands required

                        for the purposes of housing schemes. Second



“          “2800  An Ordinance to amend the state councils                 4          1956

                        (Ashanti) ordinance, 1952. (No.4 of 1952)

                        First Insertion


“          “2801  An Ordinance to amend the state councils                 3          1956

                        (Ashanti) ordinance, 1952 (No.4 of 1952)    

                        Second Insertion


“          “2802  An Ordinance to amend the State councils                3          1956

                        (Colony and Southern Togoland) First



“          “2803  An Ordinance to amend the state councils                 3          1956

                        (Colony and Southern Togoland) Ordinance

  1. Second Insertion


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2804 An Ordinance to amend the Local Government      3          1956

                        Ordinance (Cap. 64). First Insertion


“          “2805  An ordinance to amend the Local Government         3          1956

                        ordinance (Cap.64). Second Insertion


“          “2806  An Ordinance to amend the municipal councils         2          1956

                        ordinance, 1953 (No.9 of 1953) First Insertion


“          “2807  An Ordinance to amend the Municipal Councils       2          1956

                        ordinance, 1953 (No.9 of 1953) Second Insertion


“          “2808  An Ordinance to amend the Pensions Ordinance       3          1956

                        (Cap. 30) First Insertion


“          “2809  An Ordinance to amend the Pensions ordinance        3          1956

                        (Cap. 30) Second Insertion


“          “2810  An Ordinance to amend the Electoral provisions       2          1956

                        ordinance, 1953 (No.33 of 1953) First Insertion


“          “2811  An Ordinance to amend the Electoral Provisions       1          1956

                        ordinance, 1953 (No. 33 of 1953)

Second Insertion


“          “2812  An Ordinance to amend the West African Cocoa      1          1956

                        Research Institute Ordinance. No. 36 of 1956


“          “2813  An Ordinance to determine and regulate the                         1          1956

                        privileges, immunities and powers of the

                        Legislative Assembly and of its members to

                        secure Freedom of speech in the Legislative

                        Assembly to regulate the conduct of members

                        to regulate admittance to the precinds of the

                        Legislative Assembly to give protection to

                        persons employed in the publication of the

                        reports and other papers of the Legislative

                        Assembly and for purposes incidental to or

                        connected with the matters aforesaid.

                        No. 20 of 1956


“          “2814  An Ordinance to authorize the levying of tolls          4          1957

                        at bridges and drifts. First Insertion




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2815 An Ordinance to amend the excise ordinance         4          1957

                        1953 (No. 31 of 1953) and to repeal the Liquor

                        Traffic Ordinance (Cap. 219) First Insertion


“          “2816  An ordinance to amend the mining rights                  4          1957

                        regulation ordinance (Chapter 153)

                        First Insertion


“          “2817  An ordinance to amend the Gold Coast Cocoa          4          1957

                        Marketing Board Ordinance (Cap.186)

                        First Insertion


“          “2818  An Ordinance to amend the Vernacular                     4          1957

                        Literature Board Ordinance (Cap. 119)

                        First Insertion


“          “2819  An Ordinance to establish a Ghana Museum                         4          1957

                        and Monuments Board and to make provision

                        for the preservation of monuments, relics and

                        objects of archaeological, ethnographical or

                        historical interest. First Insertion


“          “2820  An ordinance to confer certain immunities on            7          1957

                        the representatives in the Gold Coast of

                        commonwealth countries and of the states

                        provinces, colonies and dependencies of

                        any of those countries, and on members of

                        the staffs of such representatives and on the

                        families of such representatives and of

                        members of their staffs and other persons

                        in the service of the governments of those

                        countries and for and for purposes connected

                        with the matters aforesaid.


“          “2821  An Ordinance to amend the savings Bank                 4          1957

                        Ordinance (Cap.217) First Insertion


“          “2822  An Ordinance to regulate the keeping and                 4          1957

                        auditing of public accounts and for matters

                        connected therewith. First Insertion


“          “2823  An Ordinance to establish an Agricultural Credit      4          1957

                        Board for the purpose of granting loans to

                        farmers. First Insertion



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2824 An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast Housing   3          1957

                        Corporation Ordinance, 1955. First Insertion


“          “2825  An Ordinance for making a second supplementary    4          1957

                        Appropriation for the public services of the Gold

                        Coast for the year ended on the 30th day of

                        June, 1956. First Insertion


“          “2826  An Ordinance to amend the Tema Development       4          1957

                        Corporation Ordinance, 1952. (No.35 of 1952)

                        First Insertion


“          “2827  An Ordinance to amend the Industrial                       4          1957

                        Development ordinance (Cap. 191). First



“          “2828  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast                    6          1957

                        Agricultural Development Corporation

                        Ordinance, 1955. (No. 10 of 1955)

                        First Insertion


“          “2829  An Ordinance to establish an Agricultural                 6          1957

                        Credit Board for the purpose of granting loans

                        to farmers. Second Insertion


“          “2830  An Ordinance to amend the savings Bank                 5          1957

                        Ordinance (Cap. 217) Second Insertion


“          “2831  An Ordinance to amend the Tema Development       5          1957

                        Corporation Ordinance, 1952 (No. 35 of 1952)

                        Second Insertion


“          “2832  An Ordinance to establish a Ghana Museum and      5          1957

                        Monuments Board and to make provision for

                        to preservation of monuments, relics and

                        objects of archaeological, ethnographical or

                        historical interest. Second Insertion


“          “2833  An Ordinance to regulate the Keeping and                6          1957

                        auditing of public accounts and for matters

                        connected therewith. Second Insertion


“          “2834  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast Housing     4          1957

                        Corporation Ordinance 1955.. First insertion



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2835 An Ordinance for making a second                                     6          1957

                        supplementary Appropriation for the public

                        services of the Gold Coast for the year ended

                        on the 30th day of June, 1956. Second Insertion


“          “2836  An Ordinance to authorize the levying of tolls          6          1957

                        at bridges and drifts. Second Insertion


“          “2837  An Ordinance to amend the Registration of              6          1957

                        Business Names Ordinance (Cap. 177)

                        First Insertion


“          “2838  The Bank of Ghana Ordinance, 1957                         10        1957


“          “2839  An Ordinance to amend the Companies                     6          1957

                        Ordinance (Cap. 193). First Insertion


“          “2840  An Ordinance to change the name of the Bank         6          1957

                        of the Gold Coast to “Ghana Commercial Bank”

                        to alter its capital structure and to amend the

                        Bank of the Gold Coast Ordinance. First



“          “2841  An Ordinance to authorize the levying of fees           6          1957

                        for passports, travel certificates visas and

                        entry permits. First Insertion


“          “2842  An Ordinance to amend the Achimota School           6          1957

                        Ordinance. First Insertion


“          “2843  An Ordinance to amend the Mining Rights               6          1957

                        Regulation Ordinance. (Chapter 153) Second



“          “2844  An Ordinance to amend the Industrial                       6          1957

                        Development Ordinance (Cap.191)   

                        Second Insertion


“          “2845  An Ordinance for the Control of Beggars                  6          1957

                        Destitutes. First Insertion


“          “2846  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast Cocoa         6          1957

                        Marketing Board Ordinance (Cap. 186).

                        Second Insertion



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/2847 An Ordinance to amend the Excise ordinance         6          1957

                        1953 (No.31 of 1953) and to repeal the Liquor

                        Traffic Ordinance (Cap. 219). Second Insertion


“          “2848  An Ordinance to confer certain immunities on           6          1957

                        the representatives in the Gold Coast of

                        commonwealth countries and of the states

                        provinces, colonies and dependencies of any

                        of those countries and on members of the

                        staffs of such representatives and on the

                        families of such representatives and of

                        members of their staffs and on other persons

                        in the service of the governments of those

                        countries and for purposes connected with

                        the matters aforesaid. Second Insertion


“          “2849  The Electoral Provisions (Registration)                      1          1957

                        (Amendment) Regulations, 1957.


“          “2850  Proclamation No. 1 of 1957                                        1          1957


“          “2851  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal Procedure       4          1957

                        Code (Cap. 10) First Insertion


“          “2852  An Ordinance to amend the Achimota School           5          1957

                        ordinance. Second Insertion


“          “2853  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast                    5          1957

                        Agricultural Development Corporation

                        Ordinance, 1955. (No.10 of 1955) Second



“          “2854  An Ordinance to amend the Road Traffic                  4          1957

                        Ordinance (No. 55 of 1952) First Insertion


“          “2855  An Ordinance to amend the Savings Bank                6          1957

                        Ordinance (Cap. 217) Second Insertion


“          “2856  An Ordinance for the Control of Beggars and           5          1957

                        Destitutes. Second Insertion


“          “2857  An Ordinance to change the name of the Bank         5          1957

                        of the Gold Coast to “Ghana Commercial Bank”

                        to alter its capital structure and to amend the

                        Bank of the Gold Coast Ordinance. Second



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2858 An Ordinance to amend the Vernacular                  3          1957

                        Literature Board Ordinance (Cap. 119)

                        Second Insertion


“          “2859  An Ordinance to repeal and re-enact with                  4          1957

                        modifications the Trustee Investment in Gold

                        Coast Government Securities Ordinance

                        (Cap. 208) First Insertion


“          “2860  An Ordinance to authorize the levying of fees           4          1957

                        for passports, travel certificates, visas and

                        entry permits. Second Insertion


“          “2861  An Ordinance to amend the Companies                     4          1957

                        Ordinance (Cap. 193). Second Insertion


“          “2862  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal Procedure       4          1957

                        Code. Second Insertion (Cap. 10)


“          “2863  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast                    3          1957

                        Housing Corporation Ordinance 1955.

                        Second Insertion


“          “2864  An Ordinance to amend the Road Traffic                  3          1957

                        Ordinance (No. 55 of 1952). Second Insertion


“          “2865  An Ordinance to repeal and re-enact with                  4          1957

                        modifications the Trustee Investment in Gold

                        Coast Government Securities Ordinance

                        (Cap. 208) Second Insertion


“          “2866  An Ordinance to confer certain immunities on           4          1957

                        the representatives in the Gold Coast of

                        Commonwealth Countries and of the States

                        and provinces of any of those countries, and on

                        members of the staffs of such representatives

                        and of members of their staffs and on other

                        persons in the service of the governments of

                        those countries and for purposes connected

                        with matters aforesaid. Second Insertion.


“          “2867  An Ordinance to amend the Local Government        3          1957

                        Ordinance (Cap. 64) No. 1 of 1957




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2868 An Ordinance to amend Vernacular Literature        5          1957

                        Board Ordinance (Cap. 119) No. 2 of 1957


“          “2869  An Ordinance to amend the state councils                 4          1957

                        (Ashanti) Ordinance, 1952 (No. 4 of 1952)

                        No. 3 of 1957


“          “2870  An Ordinance to amend Electoral Provisions             3          1957

                        Ordinance, 1953. (No. 33 of 1953)

                        No. 4 of 1957


“          “2871  An Ordinance to amend the Pensions Ordinance       3          1957

                        (Cap. 30) No. 5 of 1957


“          “2872  An Ordinance to amend the Courts Ordinance          4          1957

                        (Cap. 4) First Insertion


“          “2873  An Ordinance to make provision for the                    4          1957



“          “2874  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal Code               5          1957

                        (Cap. 9) First Insertion


“          “2875  The Bank of Ghana Ordinance, 1957                         5          1957


“          “2876  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast                    4          1957

                        Agricultural Development Corporation

                        Ordinance, 1955 (No. 10 of 1955)                            

                        No. 6 of 1957


“          “2877  An Ordinance for the removal of doubts as to           4          1957

                        the validity of the title to certain public lands

                        required for the purposes of housing schemes.

                        No. 7 of 1957


“          “2878  An Ordinance to amend the State Councils               4          1957

                        (Colony and Southern Togoland) Ordinance,

  1. No. 8 of 1952


“          “2879  An Ordinance to authorize the levying of fees           4          1957

                        for passports, travel certificates, visas and

                        entry permits. No. 9 of 1957


“          “2880  An ordinance to amend the Municipal Councils        5          1957

                        ordinance, 1953. No. 10 of 1957


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2881 An ordinance to establish an Agricultural                5          1957

                        Credit Board for the purpose of granting loans

                        of farmers. No. 11 of 1957


“          “2882  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal Procedure       4          1957

                        Code. No. 12 of 1957. (Cap. 10)


“          “2883  An Ordinance to repeal and re-enact with                  4          1957

                        modifications the Trustee Investment in Gold

                        Coast Government Securities Ordinance

                        (Cap. 208). No. 13 of 1957


“          “2884  An Ordinance to amend the Electoral Provisions       5          1957

                        Ordinance, 1953. No. 14 of  1957.


“          “2885  An Ordinance to amend the Local Government        5          1957

                        Ordinance. No. 15 of 1957


“          “2886  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast Cocoa         5          1957

                        Marketing Board Ordinance (Cap. 186)

                        No. 16 of 1957


“          “2887  An Ordinance to amend the Courts Ordinance          5          1957

                        (Cap. 4) No. 17 of 1957


“          “2888  An Ordinance to amend the Road Traffic                  5          1957

                        Ordinance (No. 55 of 1952) No. 18 of 1957


“          “2889  An Ordinance to change the name of the Bank         5          1957

                        of the Gold Coast to “Ghana Commercial Bank”

                        to alter its capital structure and to amend the

                        Bank of the Gold Coast ordinance.

                        No. 19 of 1957


“          “2890  An Ordinance to establish a Ghana Museum             5          1957

                        and Monuments Board and to make provision

                        for the preservation of monuments, relics and

                        objects of archaeological, ethnographical or

                        historical interest. No. 20 of 1957


“          “2891  An ordinance further to amend the Oaths                  4          1957

                        Ordinance. No. 21 of 1957





REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2892 An Ordinance to confer certain immunities             4          1957

                        on the representatives in the Gold Coast of

                        common-wealth countries and of the states

                        and provinces of any of those countries and

                        on members of the staffs of such representatives

                        and of members of their staffs and on other

                        persons in the service of the governments of

                        those countries and for purposes connected

                        with the matters aforesaid. No. 22 of 1957


“          “2893  An Ordinance to amend the Criminal Code.              4          1957

                        (Cap. 9) No. 23 of 1957


“          “2894  An Ordinance for making a second                            5          1957

                        supplementary Appropriation for the Public

                        Services of the Gold Coast for the year ended

                        on the 30th day of June, 1956. No. 24 of 1957


“          “2895  An Ordinance to amend the Companies                     6          1957

                        Ordinance (Cap. 193) No. 25 of 1957


“          “2896  An Ordinance, the Savings Bank Ordinance              5          1957

                        (Cap. 217) No. 26 of 1957


“          “2897  An Ordinance to amend the Municipal Councils       5          1957

                        Ordinance, 1953. (No. 9 of 1953) No. 27 of 1957


“          “2898  An Ordinance to amend the Registration of              5          1957

                        Business Names Ordinance (Cap. 177)

                        No. 28 of 1957


“          “2899  An Ordinance to amend the Achimota School           4          1957

                        Ordinance. No. 29 of 1957


“          “2900  An Ordinance to amend the Gold Coast Housing     4          1957

                        Corporation Ordinance, 1955. No. 30 of 1957


“          “2901  An ordinance to amend the Mining Rights                4          1957

                        Regulation Ordinance (Chapter 153)

                        No. 31 of 1957


“          “2902  An Ordinance to amend the Tema Development       4          1957

                        Corporation Ordinance, 1952 (No. 35 of 1952)

                        No. 32 of 1957



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2903 An Ordinance to amend the Industrial                    4          1957

Development Ordinance (Cap. 191)

No. 33 of 1957


“          “2904  An Ordinance to make provision for the                    5          1957

                        jurisdiction of and procedure in the court of

                        Appeal. No. 35 of 1957


“          “2905  An Ordinance for the control of Beggars and                        5          1957

                        Destitutes. No. 36 of 1957


“          “2906  An Ordinance to regulate the keeping and                 5          1957

                        auditing of public accounts and for matters

                        connected therewith. No. 37 of 1957


“          “2907  An Ordinance to amend the Excise Ordinance,         5          1957

  1. (No. 31 of 1953) and to repeal the Liquor

                        Traffic Ordinance. (Cap. 219) No. 38 of 1957


“          “2908  An Ordinance further to amend the Excise                5          1957

                        Ordinance, 1953. (No. 31 of 1953)

No. 39 of 1957


“          “2909  An Ordinance to provide for the setting up of           6          1957

                        an Armed Forces Council. No. 40 of 1957


“          “2910  Noting-up Instructions. No. 5.                                    1          1957

                        The amendments contained in the booklet cover

                        the period 9th October, 1956 to 31st March, 1957


“          “2911  Noting up Instructions. No. 4                                     1          1957


“          “2912  Noting up Instructions. No. 3                                     1          1957


“          “2913  Ghana Amateur Sports Council (Amendment)          1          1957

                        Act, 1957


“          “2914  Deportation (Othman Larden and Amadu Baba        1          1957



“          “2915  Ministerial and Speakers Salaries (Amendment)        1          1957

                        Act, 1957


“          “2916  Ghana Cocoa Marketing Board (Amendment)          5          1957

                        Act, 1957


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2917 Emergency Powers Act, 1957                                  5          1957


“          “2918  Ghana Library Board (Amendment) Act, 1957         4          1957


“          “2919  Prisons (Amendment) Act, 1957                                4          1957


“          “2920  Immigration Act, 1957                                               6          1957


“          “2921  Deportation (Othman Larden and Amadu)                4          1957

                        Act, 1957


“          “2922  Electoral Provisions (Amendment) (No. 2)                6          1957

                        Act, 1957


“          “2923  Rent Control (Amendment) Act, 1957                       5          1957


“          “2924  Statue Law (Amendment) Act, 1957                         5          1957


“          “2925  Hotel Proprietors Act, 1957                                        6          1957


“          “2926  Ministerial and Speakers Salaries (Amendment)        4          1957

                        Act, 1957


“          “2927  Ghana Cocoa Marketing Board (Amendment)          2          1957

                        (No. 2) Act, 1957


“          “2928  1957 – 1958 Appropriation Act, 1957                        6          1957


“          “2929  Courts (Amendment) Act, 1957                                 4          1957


“          “2930  Stamp (Amendment) Act, 1957                                 4          1957


“          “2931  Governor – General’s Household (Salaries)               4          1957

                        Act, 1957


“          “2932  Royal Style and Titles Act, 1957                                4          1957


“          “2933  Deportation Act, 1957                                                            3          1957


“          “2934  International Bank, Fund and Finance                       8          1957

                        Corporation Act, 1957


“          “2935  Electoral Provision (Amendment) Act, 1957             4          1957


“          “2936  Ghana Nationality and Citizenship Act                      5          1957


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2937 Forests (Amendment) Act, 1957                              4          1957


“          “2938  Building Societies (Amendment) Act, 1957              4          1957


“          “2939  Light Dues (Amendment) Act, 1957                          5          1957


“          “2940  Ghana Cocoa Marketing Board (Amendment)          4          1957

                        (No. 2) Act, 1957


“          “2941  Merchant Shipping (Transitory Provisions) Act,        5          1957



“          “2942  Ghana Amateur Sports Council (Amendment)          5          1957

                        Act, 1957


“          “2943  Avoidance of Discrimination Act, 1957                     4          1957


“          “2944  Golden Stool of Ashanti (Detention and                   4          1957

                        Deportation of Desecrators) Repeal Act, 1957         


“          “2945  Royal West African Frontier Force (Amendment)     5          1957

                        Act, 1957


“          “2946  Trees and Timber (Amendment) Act, 1957                4          1957


“          “2947  Land Planning and Soil Conversation                                    4          1957

                        (Amendment) Act, 1957


“          “2948  Electoral Provisions (Amendment) (No. 3)                5          1957

                        Act, 1957


“          “2949  Stool Lands Boundaries Settlement (Amendment)    5          1957

Act, 1957


“          “2950  Governor-General’s Household (Salaries)                  5          1957

                        (Amendment) Act, 1957


“          “2951  Light Dues (Amendment) (No.2) Act, 1957              4          1957


“          “2952  Builders Brigade Board Act, 1957                             4          1957


“          “2953  Interpretation Act, 1957                                             4          1957


“          “2954  Local Government (Amendment) Act, 1957              4          1957



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2955 Statue Law (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1957          4          1957


“          “2956  Widows and Orphans (Overseas Officers)                 4          1957

                        Pension Fund (Amendment) Act, 1957


“          “2957  Coco-nut Industry Regulation (Amendment)                        6          1958

                        Act, 1958


“          “2958  Education (Southern Ghana and Ashanti)                  6          1958

                        (Amendment) Act, 1958


“          “2959  Supplementary Appropriation (1956-57) Act,            5          1958



“          “2960  Excise (Amendment) Act, 1958                                 5          1958


“          “2961  Premium Bonds Act, 1958                                         5          1958


“          “2962  Holy Trinity church, Accra, (Amendment)                 5          1958

                        Act, 1958


“          “2963  Public and Bank Holidays Act, 1958                         5          1958


“          “2964  Akim Abuakwa (Stool Revenue) Act, 1958               4          1958


“          “2965  Oaths (Amendment) Act, 1958                                  5          1958


“          “2966  Lotteries Act, 1958                                                     5          1958


“          “2967  Courts (Amendment) Act, 1958                                 5          1958


“          “2968  Visiting Forces (British Commonwealth)                   5          1958

                        (Amendment) Act, 1958


“          “2969  Private Hospitals and Maternity Homes Act,             4          1958



“          “2970  Ghana Red Cross Society Act, 1958                          5          1958


“          “2971  Commissioners of Assize and Civil Pleas Act,           5          1958



“          “2972  Fruit Industry (Regulation) Act, 1958                        5          1958


“          “2973  Contingencies Fund Act, 1958                                   2          1958


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2974 Vernacular Literature Board (Dissolution)               2          1958

                        Act, 1958


“          “2975  House of Chiefs Act, 1958                                         1          1958


“          “2976  Electoral Provisions (Amendment) (No. 2)                1          1958

                        Act, 1957


“          “2977  1957-58 Appropriation Act, 1957                              1          1958


“          “2978  The Deportation Act, 1957                                         1          1958

                        The Adamu Sokoto Deportation Order, 1958


“          “2979  Preventive Detention Act, 1958                                 4          1958


“          “2980  Legal Practitioners Act, 1958                                     3          1958


“          “2981  Research Act, 1958                                                     3          1958


“          “2982  1958-59 Appropriation Act, 1958                              2          1958


“          “2983  Customs (Amendment) Bill                                        1          1958


“          “2984  Ghana Cocoa Marketing Board (Amendment)          1          1958

                        (No. 2) Act, 1957


“          “2985  Air Transport Authority (Withdrawal of Ghana)       2          1958



“          “2986  Civil Aviation Bill                                                       1          1958


“          “2987  Income Tax (Amendment) Bill                                   1          1958


“          “2988  Governor-General’s Household (Salaries) Act           1          1958



“          “2989  Regional Assemblies Act, 1958                                  2          1958


“          “2990  Local Courts Act, 1958                                              2          1958


“          “2991  Councils (Northern Territories and Trans Volta/        6          1958

                        Togoland) Dissolution Act, 1958


“          “2992  Housing Schemes (Acquisition of Land)                    6          1958

                        Act, 1958


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/2993 Juvenile Offenders Act, 1958                                  5          1958


“          “2994  Book and Newspaper Registration Act, 1958                        6          1958


“          “2995  Cocoa Duty and Development Fund                          6          1958

                        (Consolidation) Act, 1958


“          “2996  Air Transport Authority (Withdrawal of Ghana)       5          1958

                        Act, 1958


“          “2997  The Takoradi Port and Harbour (Amendment)          1          1958

                        Regulations, 1958


“          “2998  The Public and Bank Holidays Act, 1958                  1          1958


“          “2999  Ashanti Stool Lands Act, 1958                                  4          1958


“          “3000  Medical and Dental Act, 1958                                   4          1958


“          “3001  Customs (Amendment) Act, 1958                              5          1958


“          “3002  Town and Country Planning Act, 1958                      6          1958


“          “3003  Income Tax (Amendment) Act, 1958                         6          1958


“          “3004  Civil Aviation Act, 1958                                            5          1958


“          “3005  Deportation (Amendment) Act, 1958                                    5          1958


“          “3006  Deportation  (Indemnity) Act, 1958                           5          1958


“          “3007  Municipal Councils (Tenure of Office) Act,               5          1958



“          “3008  Arts Council of Ghana Act, 1958                               5          1958


“          “3009  Oaths (Amendment)(No.2) Act, 1958                        5          1958


“          “3010  Medical and Dental (No.2) Act, 1958                                    5          1958


“          “3011  Constitution (Repeal of Restrictions) Act, 1958        5          1958


“          “3012  Ghana Holding Corporation Act, 1958                      2          1958


“          “3013  Industrial Relations Act, 1958                                    5          1958


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3014 Hire Purchase Act, 1958                                          6          1958


“          “3015  Togoland (Assimilation of Law) Act, 1958                6          1958


“          “3016  Ghana Housing Corporation Act, 1958                      4          1958


“          “3017  Joint Provincial Council (Dissolution) Act, 1958       5          1958


“          “3018  Legal Practitioners (Amendment) Act, 1958              5          1958


“          “3019  World Health Organization (Protection) Act, 1958   4          1958


“          “3020  Ghana Holding Corporation Act, 1958                      3          1958


“          “3021  The Lotteries Act, 1958                                              1          1958


“          “3022  Pension (Amendment) Act, 1958                               5          1958


“          “3023  Local Industries (Customs Duties Relief) Act,          5          1958



“          “3024  Labour Registration Act, 1958                                   5          1958


“          “3025  Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance) Act,             5          1958



“          “3026  Criminal Code (Lotteries) Act, 1959                          3          1959


“          “3027  Public Accounts Act, 1959                                         3          1959


“          “3028  Constitution (Amendment) Act, 1959                                    5          1959


“          “3029  House of Chiefs (Amendment) Act, 1959                 4          1959


“          “3030  Ahafo-Ano Local Court Act, 1959                            4          1959


“          “3031  Municipal Rating Act, 1959                                       3          1959


“          “3032  National Food and Nutrition Board Act, 1959          4          1959


“          “3033  Forces (Ghana Regiment) Act, 1959                          5          1959


“          “3034  National Assembly (Disqualification) Act, 1959        5          1959


“          “3035  Police Force (Amendment) Act, 1959                        5          1959


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3036 Chiefs (Recognition) Act, 1959                               4          1959


“          “3037  Local Government (Amendment) Act, 1959              5          1959


“          “3038  Contingencies Fund (Amendment) Act, 1959           5          1959


“          “3039  Liquor Licences Act, 1959                                         5          1959


“          “3040  Brong Ahafo Region Act, 1959                                 3          1959


“          “3041  Municipal Councils (Abolition of Traditional 5          1959

                        Members) Act, 1959


“          “3042  Local Courts (Amendment) Act, 1959                       5          1959


“          “3043  Law Reform (Civil Wrongs) Act, 1959                      5          1959


“          “3044  Referendum Act, 1959                                               5          1959


“          “3045  Income Tax (Amendment) Act, 1959                         5          1959


“          “3046  Guarantee Corporation Act, 1959                              5          1959


“          “3047  Supplementary Appropriation (1957-58) Act,            6          1959



“          “3048  Industrial Development (Amendment) Act, 1959      5          1959


“          “3049  Waterworks (Amendment) Act, 1959                                    5          1959


“          “3050  World Meteorological Organization (Protection)       5          1959

                        Act, 1959


“          “3051  Midwives (Amendment) Act, 1959                            5          1959


“          “3052  Road Traffic (Amendment) Act, 1959                       5          1959


“          “3053  Municipal and other councils (Disqualification          5          1959

                        for membership) Act, 1959


“          “3054  Companies and Registration of Business Names       5          1959

                        (Amendment) Act, 1959


“          “3055  Stool Lands (Validation of Legislation) Act,                         3          1959



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3056 Stool Property (Recovery and Validation) Act        2          1959



“          “3057  Investigation of Crime Act, 1959                               2          1959


“          “3058  Protected Timber Lands Act, 1959                            2          1959


“          “3059  Casino Licensing Act, 1959                                        2          1959


“          “3060  Petroleum (Amendment) Act, 1959                           2          1959


“          “3061  Medical and Dental Act, 1959                                   2          1959


“          “3062  Houses of Chiefs (Amendment No.2) Act, 1959       2          1959


“          “3063  Criminal Code (Amendment) Act, 1959                    2          1959


“          “3064  Offences Against the State (False Reports)               2          1959

                        Act, 1959


“          “3065  Appropriation (1959-60) Act, 1959                            1          1959


“          “3066  Development Fund (Members Contributions)            1          1959

                        Act, 1959


“          “3067  Volta Region Act, 1959                                              1          1959


“          “3068  Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act, 1959                        2          1959


“          “3069  College of Technology, Science and Arts,                 2          1959

                        (Amendment) Act, 1959


“          “3070  Ministerial Offices (Registration) Act, 1959              2          1959


“          “3071  Teachers Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1959               2          1959


“          “3072  Royal Powers Act, 1959                                             2          1959


“          “3073  Chiefs (Recognition) (Amendment) Act, 1959          3          1959


“          “3074  Cocoa Duty and Development Funds                        3          1959

                        (Amendment) Act, 1959


“          “3075  Ghana/Israel Trade and Payments Agreement           3          1959

                        Act, 1959


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3076 Flag and Arms Protection Act, 1959                       2          1959


“          “3077  Statutory Instrument Act, 1959                                  3          1959


“          “3078  Pioneer Industries and Companies Act, 1959                        2          1959


“          “3079  Members of Parliament (Gratuities and Pensions)      3          1959

                        Act, 1959


“          “3080  Criminal Code (Amendment) (No.2) Act, 1959         3          1959


“          “3081  Merchant Shipping (Transitory Provision)                  3          1959

                        (Amendment) Act, 1959


“          “3082  Income Tax (Amendment) (No.2) Act, 1959             3          1959


“          “3083  Statutory Corporations Act, 1959                              2          1959


“          “3084  Sedition Act, 1959                                                      1          1959


“          “3085  Extradition Act, 1959                                                 2          1959


“          “3086  Stool Property (Recovery and Validation)                 3          1959

                        (Amendment) Act, 1959


“          “3087  Building Societies (Amendment) Act, 1959              3          1959


“          “3088  Companies (Amendment) Act, 1959                          3          1959


“          “3089  District Magistrates (Extended Jurisdiction)              3          1959

                        Act, 1959


“          “3090  St. John Council of Ghana Act, 1959                         4          1959


“          “3091  Deportation (Amendment) Act, 1959                                    2          1959


“          “3092  Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act,            2          1959



“          “3093  Spirits (Distillation and Licensing) Act, 1959            1          1959


“          “3094  Achimota School (Amendment) Act, 1959                4          1959


“          “3095  Representation of the People (Women Members)      4          1959

                        Act, 1959


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3096 Ghana Amateur Sports Council (Amendment)        3          1959

                        Act, 1959


“          “3097  Income Tax (Amendment) (No.3) Act, 1959             3          1959


“          “3098  Casino Revenue Act, 1959                                         3          1959


“          “3099  Education (Committee and Board Abolition)                        2          1959

                        Act, 1959


“          “3100  Official Publications Act, 1959                                  2          1959


“          “3101  Income Tax (Amendment) (No.4) Act, 1959             2          1959


“          “3102  Bridge Tolls Act, 1959                                               2          1959


“          “3103  Pensions (Special Provisions) Act, 1959                     3          1959


“          “3104  Ministers of Ghana Act, 1959                                                4          1959


“          “3105  Treason Act, 1959                                                       4          1959


“          “3106  West African Examinations Council                          4          1959

                        (Amendment) Act, 1959


“          “3107  Stool Lands Control Act, 1959                                  4          1959


“          “3108  Natural Assembly Act, 1959                                      3          1959


“          “3109  Local Industries (Customs Duties Relief)                  4          1959

                        Act, 1959


“          “3110  Forest Offences (Compounding of Fines)                  2          1959

                        Act, 1959


“          “3111  Kumasi Municipal Council (Validation of                  3          1959

                        powers) Bill


“          “3112  Stamp (Amendment) Act, 1960                                 1          1960


“          “3113  Houses of Chiefs (Amendment) Act, 1960                1          1960


“          “3114  Native Courts (Validation of Proceedings)                1          1960


“          “3115  Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1960                              1          1960


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/3116 Representation of the People (Women                     1          1960

                        Members) Act, 1960


“          “3117  Ghana Supply Commission Act, 1960                        1          1960


“          “3118  Supplementary Appropriation (1958-59)                    1          1960   

                        Act, 1960


“          “3119  Tema Corporation (Amendment) Act, 1960               1          1960


“          “3120  Rifle Clubs (Dissolution) Act, 1960                           1          1960


“          “3121  Forest Improvement Fund Act, 1960                         1          1960


“          “3122  Presidential Elections Act, 1960, Act 1                      2          1960


“          “3123  Land Development (Protection of Purchasers)           2          1960

                        Act, 2. Act, 1960


“          “3124  Rent Control (Amendment) Act, 1960, Act 3                        3          1960


“          “3125  Research Act, (Repeal) Act, 1960. Act 4                   1          1960


“          “3126  The Criminal Code (Amendment) Act 1960              1          1960

                        Act 5


“          “3127  Labour (Amendment) Act, Act 6                               2          1960


“          “3128  Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act, 1960                        2          1960

                        Act 7


“          “3129  The Presidential Affairs (Amendment) Act               3          1960

                        1960, Act 8


“          “3130  Labour Registration Act, 1960, Act 9                                    3          1960


“          “3131  Labour (Amendment) Act, 1960, Act 10                   2          1960


“          “3132  International Development Association Act,             1          1960

                        1960, Act 11


“          “3133  The International Bank Fund and Finance                 2          1960

                        Corporation (Amendment) Act, 1960, Act 12


“          “3134  Customs Preventive Service (Reconstruction)            2          1960

                        Act, 1960, Act 13


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3135 Development Loans, Act, 1960, Act 14                  2          1960


“          “3136  The Local Loans (Amendment) Act, 1960                 3          1960

                        Act, 15


“          “3137  Widow and Orphans (African Officers)                     3          1960

                        Pension Fund (Repeal) Act, 1960, Act 16


“          “3138  Currency Act, 1960 Act, 17                                       3          1960


“          “3139  Coroners Act, 1960, Act, 18                                       3          1960


“          “3140  Foreign Tribunals Evidence Act, 1960, Act 19          3          1960


“          “3141  Judgments (International Enforcement) Act,                         3          1960

                        1960, Act 20


“          “3142  Horse-racing Board of Control Act, 1960, Act 21     3          1960


“          “3143  Extradition Act, 1960, Act 22                                                3          1960


“          “3144  Public Holidays Act, 1960, Act 23                             3          1960


“          “3145  The Casino Licensing (Amendment) Act, 1960         2          1960

                        Act 24


“          “3146  Contracts Act, 1960 Act 25                                        2          1960


“          “3147  Notaries Public Act, 1960 Act 26                               2          1960


“          “3148  The Stool Lands Act, 1960 Act 27                             2          1960


“          “3149  Pioneer Industries and Companies                             5          1960

                        (Amendment) Act, 1960 Act 28


“          “3150  Criminal code (Cap.9) -  Criminal Code                     1          1960

                        (Act 29) Act 29


“          “3151  Criminal Procedure Code, 1960 (Cap 10)                  2          1960

                        Act, 30


“          “3152  Lotteries and Betting Act, 1960 Act 31                     2          1960


“          “3153  Legal Profession Act, 1960 Act 32                            2          1960



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3154 The Town and Country Planning (Amendment)      2          1960

                        Act, 1960. Act 33


“          “3155  Presidential Affairs Act, 1960, C.A.2                                    2          1960


“          “3156  Cabinet and Ministers Act, 1960 C.A.3                     1          1960


“          “3157  Interpretation Act, 1960 C.A.4                                  1          1960


“          “3158  Civil Service Act, 1960, C.A.5                                   1          1960


“          “3159  State Property and Contracts Act, 1960. C.A.6         1          1960


“          “3160  Acts of Parliament Act, 1960 C.A. 7                         1          1960


“          “3161  Constitution (Consequential Provisions) Act,                        1          1960

  1. C.A. 8


“          “3162  Judicial Service Act, 1960. C.A 10                            1          1960


“          “3163  Regions of Ghana Act, 1960, C.A 11                                    1          1960


“          “3164  Oaths Act, 1960, A.C.A. 12                                       1          1960


“          “3165  The Constitution                                                         1          1960


“          “3166  National Assembly (Amendment) Act, 1961.                        3          1961


“          “3167  Bridge Tolls Act, 1961. Act 40                                  2          1961


“          “3168  Statutory Corporations Act, 1961. Act 41                 2          1961


“          “3169  Bills of Lading Act, 1961. Act 42                              2          1961


“          “3170  Wild Animals Preservation Act, 1961                        1          1961


“          “3171  Statistics Act, 1961. Act 37                                        1          1961


“          “3172  Cabinet and Ministers (Amendment) Act 1961         3          1961

                        Act, 36


“          “3173  The Federation of Nigeria Act, 1961. Act 35             2          1961


“          “3174  The Pensions (Special Provisions) Act, 1961              1          1961

                        Act, 39


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/3175 Apprentices Act, 1961. Act 45                                1          1961


“          “3176  Volta River Development Act, 1961. Act 46             2          1961


“          “3177  Volta River Development Act, 1961. Act 46             4          1961


“          “3178  Electricity Act, 1961. Act 48                                      4          1961


“          “3179  The Customs (Amendment) Act, 1961, Act 49          4          1961


“          “3180  The Income Tax (Amendment) Act, 1961, Act 50     3          1961


“          “3181  State Proceedings Act, 1961, Act 51                         4          1961


“          “3182  The Minerals Duty (Amendment) Act, 1961              4          1961

                        Act 52


“          “3183  Workmen’s Compensation (Amendment) Act           5          1961

  1. Act 53


“          “3184  Local Government Act, 1961, Act 54                                    3          1961


“          “3185  Bills of Exchange Act, 1961, Act 55                          4          1961


“          “3186  Emergency Powers Act, 1961, Act 56                       4          1961


“          “3187  Merchant Shipping (Liability of Ship owners 4          1961

                        and others) Act 1961, Act 57


“          “3188  Public Order Act, 1961, Act 58                                  2          1961


“          “3189  Public Collections Act, 1961, Act 59                         2          1961


“          “3190  The Ghana Legion (Amendment) Act 1961               2          1961

                        Act 60


“          “3191  The Republic of South Africa Act 1961. Act 61        2          1961


“          “3192  Ghana Nationality Act, 1961. Act 62                         3          1961


“          “3193  Administration of Estates Act, 1961                          2          1961


“          “3194  Pharmacy and Drugs Act, 1961                                  2          1961


“          “3195  The Merchant Shipping (Transitory Provisions)         1          1961

                        (Amendment) Act, 1961. Act 65                               


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3196 Purchase Tax Act, 1961. Act 67                              3          1961


“          “3197  Property Tax Act, 1961, Act 69                                 3          1961


“          “3198  Compulsory Savings Act, 1961, Act 70                     3          1961


“          “3199  Exchange Control Act, 1961. Act 71                         2          1961


“          “3200  The Republic of Cyprus Act 1961, Act 72                 3          1961


“          “3201  Book and Newspaper Registration Act, 1961                        3          1961

                        Act 73


“          “3202  The Sierra Leone Act 1961, Act 74                            2          1961


“          “3203  Foreign Enlistment Act, 1961, Act 75                        1          1961


“          “3204  Cinematograph Act, 1961, Act 76                              2          1961


“          “3205  Akpeteshi Act, 1961, Act 77                                      1          1961


“          “3206  Football Pools Authority Act, 1961, Act 78              1          1961


“          “3207  Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and             3          1961

                        Technology, Kumasi Act, 1961, Act 80


“          “3208  Chieftancy Act, 1961. Act 81                                                1          1961


“          “3209  The Criminal Code (Amendment) Act, 1961             2          1961

                        Act 82


“          “3210  Diseases of Animals Act, 1961, Act 83                      1          1961


“          “3211  The Bank of Ghana (Amendment) Act, 1961                        3          1961

                        Act 84


“          “3212  Copyright Act, 1961. Act 85                                      3          1961


“          “3213  National Assembly Act, 1961. Act 86                        2          1961


“          “3214  The University of Science and Technology,               1          1961

                        Kumasi (Amendment) Act 1961, Act 88


“          “3215  Ghana Cocoa Marketing Board (Amendment)          1          1961

                        Act, 1961. Act 89


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3216 The Industrial Development and Ghana                  1          1961

                        Agricultural Development Corporation

                        Ordinances (Repeal) Act, 1961. Act 90


“          “3217  Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act 1961.             1          1961

                        Act 204


“          “3218  Atomic Energy Commission Act, 1963, Act 204       1          1961


“          “3219  The Compulsory Savings Act 1961                            1          1961


“          “3220  Volta River Project (Supplementary Provisions)        1          1962

                        Act, 1962. Act 96


“          “3221  The Stamp (Amendment) Act, 1962. Act 97             2          1962


“          “3222  The Pioneer Industries and Companies                      1          1962

                        (Amendment) Act, 1962. Act 98


“          “3223  The Forest Offences (Compounding of Fines)           2          1962

                        (Amendment) Act, 1962. Act 99


“          “3224  Guarantee Corporation (Liquidation) Act 1962         2          1962

                        Act 100


“          “3225  State Secrets Act, 1962. Act 101                               2          1962


“          “3226  The Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment)             2          1962

                        (No.1) Act 1962, Act 102


“          “3227  The Presidential Affairs (Amendment) Act, 1962     2          1962

                        Act 103


“          “3228  Adoption Act, 1962, Act 104                                     2          1962


“          “3229  Armed Forces Act, 1962. Act 105                             2          1962


“          “3230  Trustees (Incorporation) Act, 1962, Act 106              2          1962


“          “3231  The Farm Lands (Protection) Act, 1962, Act 101      2          1962


“          “3232  The Criminal Code (Amendment) Act, 1962,            2          1962

                        Act 108


“          “3233  The Rents (Stabilization) Act 1962, Act 109             2          1962


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3234 The Income Tax (Amendment) Act, 1962,              2          1962

                        Act 110


“          “3235  Insurance (Temporary Provisions) Act 1962              3          1962

                        Act 111


“          “3236  Telecommunications Act, 1962. Act 112                   2          1962


“          “3237  Control of Prices Act, 1962. Act 113                         2          1962


“          “3238  Public Officers Act 1962. Act 114                             2          1962


“          “3239  Ports Act, 1962, Act 115                                            3          1962


“          “3240  Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) (No.2)        1          1962


“          “3241  Visiting Forces Act, 1962. Act 117                            1          1962


“          “3242  Arms and Ammunition Act, 1962, Act 118               1          1962


“          “3243  The Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act,              1          1962

  1. Act 119


“          “3244  The Ghana Holding Corporation (Repeal) Act           1          1962

  1. Act 120


“          “3245  Public Property (Protection) and Corrupt                   1          1962

                        Practices (Prevention) Act, 1962, Act 121


“          “3246  Land Registry Act, 1962. Act 122                             1          1962


“          “3247  Administration of Lands Act, 1962. Act 123                        1          1962


“          “3248  Concessions Act, 1962, Act 124                                1          1962


“          “3249  State Lands Act, 1962, Act 128                                 1          1962


“          “3250  Minerals Act, 1962, Act 126                                      1          1962


“          “3251  Prisons Act 1962. Act 128                                          1          1962


“          “3252  Savings Bank Act, 1962. Act 129                              1          1962


“          “3253  The Armed Forces (Amendment) Act 1962               1          1962

                        Act 131


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3254 The Preventive Detention  (Amendment) Act,        1          1962

  1. Act 132


“          “3255  The Interpretation (Amendment) Act, 1962,              1          1962

Act 133


“          “3256  The Local Government (Amendment) Act, 1962       1          1962

                        Act 134


“          “3257  The Ghana Agricultural Produce Marketing               1          1962

                        Board (Amendment) Act 1962. Act 135


“          “3258  The Government Agents (Transfer of Functions)       1          1962

                        Act, 1962. Act 136


“          “3259  Sale of Goods Act, 1962, Act 137                             1          1962


“          “3260  The Purchase Tax Amendment) Act, 1962,                1          1962

                        Act 138


“          “3261  The Criminal Procedure (Amendment) (No.3)           1          1962

                        Act, 1962, Act 139


“          “3262  The Criminal Code (Amendment) (No.2)                   1          1962

                        Act 1962. Act 140


“          “3263  The Lotteries and Betting (Amendment) Act                        1          1962

  1. Act 141


“          “3264  The Forests Improvement Fund (Amendment)          1          1962

                        Act, 1962. Act 144


“          “3265  The Interpretation (Amendment) (No.2) Act             1          1962

                        1962, Act 145


“          “3266  The Purchase Tax (Amendment) Act, 1962               1          1962

                        Act 146


“          “3267  The Purchase Tax (Amendment) (No.2) Act              2          1962

                        1962, Act 147


“          “3268  The Diplomatic Immunities Act, 1962 Act 148         2          1962


“          “3269  The Purchase Tax (Amendment) (No.3) Act,             2          1962

  1. Act 149


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3270 Entertainments Duty Act, 1962. Act 150                2          1962


“          “3271  Registration of Business Names Act, 1962                1          1962

                        Act 1851


“          “3272  Incorporated Private Partnership Act, 1962.              1          1962

                        Act 152


“          “3273  Insolvency Act, 1962. Act 1953                                 1          1962


“          “3274  Manufacture and Sale of Spirits Act 1962                 1          1962

                        Act 154


“          “3275  The Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1963. Act 155        3          1963


“          “3276  Wholesale Fish Marketing Act 1963. Act 156           2          1963


“          “3277  The Criminal Code (Amendment) (No.3) Act            2          1963

                        1963, Act 157


“          “3278  Tema Development Corporation Act, 1963                2          1963

                        Act 158


“          “3279  The Tema Corporation (Ejectments) Act, 1963          2          1963

                        Act 159


“          “3280  Aliens Act, 1963 Act 160                                           3          1963


“          “3281  The Lands (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1963       2          1963

                        Act 161


“          “3282  The Judicial Service (Amendment) Act 1963.            2          1963

                        Act 162


“          “3283  National Investment Bank Act, 1963. Act 1963        2          1963


“          “3284  The National Omnibus Services Act 1963.                 2          1963

                        Act 163


“          “3285  The Public Order (Amendment) Act, 1963                2          1963

                        Act 165


“          “3286  The Legal Profession (Amendment) Act, 1963          2          1963

                        Act 166



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3287 The Minerals Duty (Amendment) Act 1963            2          1963

                        Act 167


“          “3288  The Rents (Stabilization) (Amendment) Act,             2          1963

  1. Act 168


“          “3289  The Statutory Corporations (Customs Duties)           2          1963

                        Act, 1963. Act 169


“          “3290  Chartered Accountants Act, 1963. Act 170               1          1963


“          “3291  The Local Government (Amendment) Act,                1          1963

  1. Act 171


“          “3292  Capital Investments Act, 1963. Act 172                    1          1963


“          “3293  Compulsory Savings Act, 1963. Act 173                   1          1963


“          “3294  Territorial Waters and Continental Shelf Act,            1          1963

  1. Act 175


“          “3295  Workmen’s Compensation Act 1963. Act 174           1          1963


“          “3296  Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act             1          1963

  1. Act 177


“          “3297  Income Tax (Amendment) Act, 1963. Act 178          1          1963


“          “3298  Bodies Corporate (Official Liquidations) Act,           3          1963

  1. Act 180


“          “3299  Ghana Airways Corporation Act, 1963. Act 181       1          1963


“          “3300  Merchant Shipping Act, 1963. Act 183                      1          1963


“          “3301  The Chieftaincy (Amendment) Act, 1963.                 1          1963

                        Act 185


“          “3302  Bank of Ghana Act, 1963. Act 182                            1          1963


“          “3303  The Tema Development Corporation (Repeal)           3          1963

                        Act, 1963. Act 190


“          “3304  Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1963             3          1963   

                        Act 191


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3305 Lands (Statutory Way Leaves) Act 1963.               1          1963

                        Act 186


“          “3306  The Development Fund (Members Contributions)     1          1963

                        (Repeal) Act, 1963, Act 187


“          “3307  The Labour (Amendment) Act, 1963, Act 188          1          1963


“          “3308  Newspaper Licensing Act, 1963, Act 189                  1          1963


“          “3309  The Punishment of Habitual Criminals Act,               2          1963

  1. Act 192


“          “3310  The Book and Newspaper Registration                      3          1963

                        (Amendment) Act 1963. Act 193


“          “3311  Post Office Act, 1963. Act 194                                  2          1963


“          “3312  The Purchase Tax (Amendment) Act 1963                3          1963

                        Act 195


“          “3313  Compulsory Savings (Abolition) Act 1963                1          1963

                        Act 196


“          “3314  Income Tax (Amendment) (No.2) Act, 1963.                        1          1963

                        Act 197


“          “3315  The Teachers’ Pensions (Amendment) Act 1963       1          1963

                        Act 198


“          “3316  The Preventive Dentention (Amendment)                  1          1963

                        Act, 1963. Act 199


“          “3317  The Horse-Racing Board of Control (Dissolution)     1          1963

                        Act, 1963. Act 200


“          “3318  The Horse-Racing Commission Act, 1963.                1          1963

                        Act 201


“          “3319  Security Service Act, 1963 Act 202                           1          1963


“          “3320  The Local Government (Amendment) (No.2)            2          1963

                        Act, 1963. Act 203


“          “3321  Atomic Energy Commission Act 1963. Act 204        1          1963


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3322 Standard Assessments Act, 1963. Act 205              1          1963


“          “3323  Property Tax Act, 1963, Act 206                               3          1963


“          “3324  The Customs (Amendment) Act, 1963, Act 207        2          1963


“          “3325  The Excise (Amendment) Act, 1963. Act 208           2          1963


“          “3326  Airport Tax Act, 1963. Act 209                                 2          1963


“          “3327  Hotel Customs Tax Act, 1963. Act 210                     3          1963


“          “3328  Excess Profits Tax Act, 1963. Act 211                      1          1963


“          “3329  The Foreign Travel (Exit Permits) Act, 1963              1          1963

                        Act 211


“          “3330  The Companies Code (Amendment) Act, 1963         1          1963

                        Act 213


“          “3331  The Incorporated Private Partnerships                        1          1963

                        (Amendment) Act, 1963. Act 214


“          “3332  The Statue Law Revision Act, 1963. Act 215            1          1963


“          “3333  The Chieftaincy  (Amendment) Act, 1963                 1          1963

                        Act 216


“          “3334  The illiterates’ protection (Amendment) Act,             1          1963

  1. Act 217


“          “3335  Imports (Regulation and Imposition of Act Fees)      1          1963

                        Act, 1963. Act 218


“          “3336  Fire Services Act 1963. Act 219                                 2          1963


“          “3337  Rent Act, 1963. Act 220                                            1          1963


“          “3338  Prisons Act, 1963. Act 221                                         1          1963


“          “3339  The Pharmacy and Drugs (Amendment) Act,                        1          1963

  1. Act 222


“          “3340  The Criminal Procedure (Amendment) (No.2)           1          1963

                        Act, 1963. Act 223


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3341 Consular Fees Act, 1964, Act 231                           2          1964


“          “3342  Statutory Corporations Act, 1964. Act 232               2          1964


“          “3343  The Visiting Forces (Amendment) Act, 1964                        2          1964

                        Act 233


“          “3344  Armed Forces (Special Provisions) Act, 1964            2          1964

                        Act 234


“          “3345  Oil in Navigable Waters Act, 1964. Act 235              2          1964


“          “3346  The National Omnibus Services Authority                 2          1964

                        (Amendment) Act, 1964. Act 1964, Act 236


“          “3347  The Courts (Amendment) Act, 1964, Act 237           2          1964


“          “3348  Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1964.            1          1964

                        Act 238


“          “3349  Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1964             2          1964

                        Act 224


“          “3350  Criminal Code (Amendment) Act, 1964. Act 228     1          1964


“          “3351  The Law Officers Act, 1964. Act 225                                    1          1964


“          “3352  The Legal Profession (Amendment) Act, 1964          2          1964

                        Act 226


“          “3353  The Cabinet and Ministers (Amendment) Act           2          1964

  1. Act 227


“          “3354  The National Assembly (Amendment) Act 1964.      2          1964

                        Act 229


“          “3355  Corrupt Practices (Preventions) Act 1964.                 1          1964

                        Act 230


“          “3356  Loan (Bearer Bonds) Act, 1964, Act 239                  1          1964


“          “3357  Official Seals Act, 1964, Act 246                              2          1964


“          “3358  The Currency Act, 1964, Act 242                              1          1964



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3359 Chieftaincy (Amendment) Act, 1964, Act 243       2          1964


“          “3360  Habeas Corpus Act, 1964. Act 244                            2          1964


“          “3361  The Judicial Service (Amendment) Act, 1964            2          1964

                        Act 245


“          “3362  The Electoral Provisions (Amendment) Act, 1964     1          1964

                        Act 241


“          “3363  Preventive Detention Act, 1964, Act 240                  1          1964


“          “3364  The Lotteries and Betting (Amendment) Act,           1          1964



“          “3365  The Standard Assessments (Amendment) Act,          1          1964

  1. Act 248


“          “3366  The Entertainment Duty (Amendment) Act, 1964     1          1964

                        Act 252


“          “3367  The Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment)             1          1964

                        (No.2) Act, 1965. Act 272


“          “3368  The Interpretation (Amendment) Act, 1965.              1          1964

                        Act 256


“          “3369  Sales Tax Act, 1965, Act 257                                     1          1964


“          “3370  The Purchase Tax (Amendment) Act, 1965.              1          1964

                        Act 258


“          “3371  Foreign Travel Tax Act 1965. Act 259                       1          1964


“          “3372  Property Tax (Amendment) Act, 1965, Act 260        1          1964


“          “3373  Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act,            1          1964

  1. Act 261


“          “3374  Courts (Amendment) Act 1965, Act 262                   1          1965


“          “3375  The Prisons (Amendment) Act 1965, Act 263           1          1965


“          “3376  The Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1965, Act 264      1          1965



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3377 The Aliens (Amendment) Act, 1965, Act 265         1          1965


“          “3378  The Education (Amendment) Act, 1965, Act 266     1          1965


“          “3379  The Capital Investments (Amendment) Act, 1965     1          1965

                        Act 267


“          “3380  Betting Tax Act, 1965. Act 268                                 1          1965


“          “3381  The Hotel Customers Tax (Amendment) Act,            1          1965

                        1965, Act 269


“          “3382  Trade Marks Act, 1965, Act 270                                1          1965


“          “3383  Estate Duty Act, 1965, Act 271                                 1          1965


“          “3384  The Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment)             1          1965

                        (No.2) Act 1965. Act 272


“          “3385  The Courts (Amendment) (No.2) Act, 1965              1          1965

                        Act 275


“          “3386  The Customs (Amendment) Act, 1965, Act 274        1          1965


“          “3387  The Excise (Amendment) Act, 1965, Act 275           1          1965


“          “3388  Local Government (Amendment) Act, 1965              1          1965

                        Act 276


“          “3389  The Presidential Affairs (Amendment) Act, 1965     1          1965

                        Act 277


“          “3390  The Mines and Minerals (Conservation and               1          1965

                        Development) Act, 1965


“          “3391  Social Security Act, 1965. Act 279                            1          1965


“          “3392  Anatomy Act, 1965, Act 280                                     1          1965


“          “3393  The Judicial Service (Amendment) Act, 1965            1          1965

                        Act 281


“          “3394  Bank of Ghana (Amendment) Act, 1965, Act 282    1          1965




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3395 The National Omnibus Services Authority              1          1965

                        (Dissolution) Act, 1965. Act 283


“          “3396  Police Service Act, 1965. Act 284                              1          1965


“          “3397  The International Bank, Fund and Finance                1          1965

                        Corporation (Amendment) Act, 1965, Act 285


“          “3398  Agricultural Credit and Co-operative Bank Act,       1          1965

  1. Act 286


“          “3399  The Ghana Agricultural Produce Marketing               1          1965

                        Board (Repeal) Act, 286


“          “3400  Insurance Act, 1965, Act 288                                     1          1965


“          “3401  Capital Gains Tax Act, 1965. Act 289                       1          1965


“          “3402  Electoral Provisions Act, 1965                                   1          1965


“          “3403  The Currency (Amendment) Act, 1965, Act 294       1          1965


“          “3404  The Workmen’s Compensation (Amendment)           1          1965

                        Act, 1965, Act 295


“          “3405  The Minerals (Control of Smuggling)                         1          1965

                        (Amendment) Act, 1965, Act 296


“          “3406  Maintenance of Children Act, 1965. Act 297                        1          1965


“          “3407  The Control of Prices (Amendment) Act, 1965         1          1965

                        Act 298


“          “3408  Industrial Relations Act, 1965. Act 299                     1          1965


“          “3409  National Assembly Act, 1965. Act 300                      2          1965


“          “3410  Public Conveyancing Act, 1965                                 1          1965


“          “3411  The Civil Service (Amendment) Act, 1965                1          1965

                        Act 303


“          “3412  The Capital Gains Tax (Amendment) Act, 1965        1          1965

                        Act 304



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3413 The Telecommunications (Amendment) Act,          1          1965

                        1965, Act 308


“          “3414  The Entertainments Duty (Amendment) Act,                        1          1965

                        1965, Act 308


“          “3415  The Hotel Customers Tax (Amendment) (No.2)        1          1965

                        Act, 1965. Act 309


“          “3416  Prevention and Control of Pests and Diseases of       1          1965

                        Plants Act, 1965. Act 307


“          “3417  Ghana Water and Sewage Corporation Act 310        1          1965

                        Act, 1965. Act 310


“          “3418  Stamp Act, 1965. Act 311                                          2          1965


“          “3419  The Local Government (Amendment) (No.2)            1          1965

                        Act, 1965. Act 305


“          “3420  Africa Defence (Ghana) Act, 1965, Act 313             2          1965


“          “3421  Tolls Act, 1965. Act 314                                            1          1965


“          “3422  The Aliens (Amendment) Act, 1965, Act 265           1          1965


“          “3423  National Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)           1          1965

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 9


“          “3424  National Liberation Council (Forfeiture of                 1          1965

                        Assets) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 23


“          “3425  National Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)           1          1966

                        (Amendment) (No.5) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 24


“          “3426  Local Government (Interim Administration)              1          1966

                        Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D2 26


“          “3427  Nana Amoako Atta IV (Withdrawal of                     1          1966

                        Recognition) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D. 29


“          “3428  Criminal Code 1960 (Amendment) Decree, 1966      1          1966

                        N.L.C.D 28




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3429 National Liberation Council Dissolution and           1          1966

                        Forfeiture of Assets) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 27


“          “3430  Preventive Detention Act, 1964 (Repeal) Decree      1          1966

  1. N.L.C.D 30


“          “3431  National Liberation Council (Administrative             1          1966

                        Committee) (Appointment) Decree, 1966.

                        N.L.C.D 31


“          “3432  Bank Accounts Decree (Application to First              1          1966

                        Ghana Building Society) Decree, 1966.

                        N.L.C.D 32


“          “3433  Judicial Service Act, 1960 (Amendment)                   1          1966

                        Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 39


“          “3434  National Liberation Council (Protective Custody)     1          1966

                        (Amendment) (No.3) Decree 1966. N.L.C.D 42


“          “3435  Criminal Procedure (Special Criminal Division)         2          1966

                        (Abolition) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 43


“          “3436  National Liberation Council (Protective)                    2          1966

                        Custody (Amendment) (No.4) Decree, 1966.

                        N.L.C.D 44


“          “3437  National Liberation Council (Auditor-General’s        2          1966

                        Functions) (Amendment) (No.5) Decree, 1966

                        N.L.C.D 45


“          “3438  National Liberation Council (Auditor-General’s        2          1966

                        Functions) (Amendment) (No.2) Decree, 1966

                        N.L.C.D 46


“          “3439  Criminal Code, 1960 (Amendment) (No.2)                2          1966

                        Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 47


“          “3440  National Liberation Council (Defamation By                        1          1966

                        C.P.P Newspapers, ETC) Decree, 1966.

N.L.C.D 50


“          “3441  National Liberation Council (Defamation By                        1          1966

                        C.P.P Newspapers, ETC) (Amendment)

                        Decree, 1966, N.L.C.D 50


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3442 Ghana Educational Trust (Dissolution)                    2          1966

                        Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 52


“          “3443  National Liberation Council (Protective                     1          1966

                        Custody) (Amendment) (No.6) Decree, 1966

                        N.L.C.D 53


“          “3444  Textile Designs (Registration) Act (Amendment)      2          1966

                        Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 54


“          “3445  Pensions (Special Provisions) Act 1959,                     2          1966

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 55


“          “3446  National Liberation Council (Legal Committee)        2          1966

                        (Appointment) (Amendment) Decree, 1966

                        N.L.C.D 56


“          “3447  National Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)           2          1966

                        (Amendment) (No.7) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D



“          “3448  Judicial Service Act, 1960 (Amendment) (No.2)       2          1966

                        Decree 1966. N.L.C.D 58


“          “3449  Natural Liberation Council (Political Committee)      1          1966

                        (Appointment) Decree, 1966, N.L.C.D 59


“          “3450  National Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)           1          1966

                        (Amendment) (No.8) Decree 1966. N.L.C.D 60


“          “3451  Income Tax Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 78                      1          1966


“          “3452  National Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)           1          1966

                        (Amendment) (No.10) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 79


“          “3453  National Liberation Council (Prohibition of               1          1966

                        Transfers of Assets) (Amendment) Decree,

  1. N.L.C.D 80


“          “3454  Ghana National Constitution Corporation                  1          1966

                        (Assets and Liabilities) Decree, 1966

                        N.L.C.D 85


“          “3455  Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1963                         1          1966

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 86


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3456 Interpretation Act, 1960 (Amendment) (No.2)        1          1966

                        Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 87


“          “3457  Moneylenders Ordinance (Amendment) Decree        2          1966

  1. N.L.C.D 88


“          “3458  Television Licensing Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 89        1          1966


“          “3459  Control of Prices Act, 1962 (Amendment)                1          1966

                        Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 90


“          “3460  National Liberation Council (Protective                     1          1966

                        Custody) (Amendment) (No.9) Decree, 1966

                        N.L.C.D 91


“          “3461  National Liberation Council (Prohibition of               1          1966

                        Rumours) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 92


“          “3462  Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Decree        1          1966

  1. N.L.C.D 93


“          “3463  Nadeco Limited (Dissolution and Transfer of            1          1966

                        Assets and Liabilities) Decree, 1966.

                        N.L.C.D 94


“          “3464  Guinean Nationals Custody Decree, 1966                 3          1966

                        N.L.C.D 98


“          “3465  National Liberation Council (Expediting                   3          1966

                        Committee) (Appointment) Decree, 1966

                        N.L.C.D 99


“          “3466  Television Licensing (Amendment) Decree                3          1966

  1. N.L.C.D 100


“          “3467  National Liberation Council (Investigation and         3          1966

                        Forfeiture of Assets) (Amendment) Decree, 1966

                        N.L.C.D 101


“          “3468  Newspapers Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 107                   2          1966


“          “3469  Tema Development Corporation Miscellaneous         2          1966

                        Provisions) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 108




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3470 Law Enforcement (Powers of the Army) Decree    2          1966

  1. N.L.C.D 109


“          “3471  Trade Unions (Amendment) Decree 1966,                 2          1966

                        N.L.C.D 110


“          “3472  National Liberation Council (Protective Custody)     1          1966

                        (Consolidation) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 111


“          “3473  Ghana Academy of Sciences (Amendment)              2          1966

                        Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 118


“          “3474  State Security Decree 1966. N.L.C.D 119                 1          1966


“          “3475  Bills of Exchange (Amendment) Decree, 1966          1          1966

                        N.L.C.D 120


“          “3476  Courts Decree, 1966 (N.L.C.D 84)                            1          1966

                        (Commencement) Instrument, 1966. L.I 522


“          “3477  National Liberation Council (Kwame Nkrumah         1          1966

                        University of Science and Technology)

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 39


“          “3478  National Liberation Council (Dissolution of              1          1966

                        the Ex-Political Detainers Organisation)

                        Decree 1966. N.L.C.D 34


“          “3479  Customs and Excise Regulations, 1966 (L.F 504)     1          1966

                        (Amendment) Decree 1966. N.L.C.D 63


“          “3480  Telecommunications (Amendment) Decree                1          1966

  1. N.L.C.D 64


“          “3481  Extradition Act, 1960 (Amendment) Decree,                        1          1966

  1. N.L.C.D 65


“          “3482  National Liberation Council (Investigation and         1          1966

                        Forfeiture of Assets) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 72


“          “3483  National Liberation Council (Consequential and       1          1966

                        Transitory Provisions) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 73


“          “3484  Interpretation Act, 1960 (Amendment) Decree         1          1966

  1. N.L.C.D 74


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3485 Natural Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)          1          1966

                        (Amendment) (No.9) Decree 1966. N.L.C.D 75


“          “3486  National Liberation Council (Courts Vacation)          1          1966

                        Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 76


“          “3487  Central Co-operative Council (Dissolution)               1          1966

                        Decree 1966. N.L.C.D 77


“          “3488  National Liberation Council (Protective Custody)     1          1966

                        (Amendment) (No.7) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 69


“          “3489  Foreign Travel (Exit Permits) Act, 1963 (Repeal)      1          1966

                        Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 70


“          “3490  Social Security Act, 1965 (Amendment) Decree       1          1966

  1. N.L.C.D 71


“          “3491  Ghana (Reduction of Taxation) Decree, 1966.           1          1966

                        N.L.C.D 5


“          “3492  National Liberation Council (Oaths) Decree,             1          1966

  1. N.L.C.D 6


“          “3493  National Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)           1          1966

                        Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 7


“          “3494  Currency Act, 1964 (Amendment) Decree, 1966       1          1966

                        N.L.C.D 8


“          “3495  National Liberation Council (Prohibition of               1          1966

                        Transfer of Assets) Decree 1966. N.L.C.D 40


“          “3496  National Liberation Council (Protective Custody)     1          1966

                        (Amendment) (No.2) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 41


“          “3497  National Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)           1          1966

                        (Amendment) (No.10) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 79


“          “3498  National Liberation Council (Prohibition of               1          1966

                        Transfers of Assets (Amendment) Decree,

  1. N.L.C.D 80


“          “3499  National Liberation Council (Protective Custody)     1          1966

                        (Amendment) (No.8) Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 81


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3500 Special Commissioner For Redeployment of           1          1966

                        Labour Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 82


“          “3501  Judicial Service Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 83                1          1966


“          “3502  Courts Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 84                              1          1966


“          “3503  Horse Racing Commission (Dissolution)                    1          1966

                        Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 113


“          “3504  Atomic Energy Commission Act, 1963                      1          1966

                        (Amendment) Decreee, 1966. N.L.C.D 114


“          “3505  Football Pools Authority (Amendment) Decree,        1          1966

  1. N.L.C.D 115


“          “3506  Nadew Limited (Dissolution and Transfer of                        1          1966

                        Assets and Liabities) (Amendment) Decree,

  1. N.L.C.D 116


“          “3507  Social Security Act, 1965 (Amendment) (No.2)        1          1966

                        Decree, 1966. N.L.C.D 117


“          “3508  National Investment Bank Act, 1963                        2          1967

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 121


“          “3509  Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Decree, 1967       2          1967

                        N.L.C.D 122


“          “3510  Courts (Amendment) (No.2) Decree 1967.                2          1967

                        N.L.C.D 123


“          “3511  State Lands (Accra Hospital) Instrument, 1964         2          1967

                        Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 124


“          “3512  Electricity Corporation of Ghana Decree, 1967         2          1967

                        N.L.C.D 125


“          “3513  Special Commissioner for Redeployment of              1          1967

                        Labour (Amendment) Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 126


“          “3514  Telecommunications (Amendment) (No.2)                1          1967

                        Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 127




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/3515 Chieftaincy (Amendment) Decree, 1967.                1          1967

N.L.C.D 128


“          “3516  National Liberation Council (Investigation                2          1967

                        and Forfeiture of Assets) (Amendment) Decree

  1. N.L.C.D 129


“          “3517  Public Property (Protection) and Corrupt                   2          1967

                        Practices (Prevention) Act, 1962 (Amendment)

                        Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 130


“          “3518  Armed Forces Act, 1962 (Amendment) Decree         1          1967

  1. N.L.C.D 131


“          “3519  National Liberation Council (Protective Custody)     1          1967

                        (Consolidation) (Amendment) Decree, 1967.

                        N.L.C.D 132


“          “3520  National Liberation Council (Protective Custody)     1          1967

                        (Consolidation) (Amendment) (No.2) Decree,

  1. N.L.C.D 133


“          “3521A. Civil Service (Amendment) Decree, 1967.              1          1967

                        N.L.C.D 134


“          “3521B.  National Liberation Council (Protective                 2          1967

                        Custody) (Consolidation) (Amendment) (No.3)

                        Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 135


“          “3522  Chieftaincy (Amendment) (No.2) Decree, 1967        1          1967

                        N.L.C.D 136


“          “3523  Courts (Amendment) Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 137    2          1967


“          “3524  Armed Forces Act, 1962 (Amendment) (No.2)         2          1967

                        Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 138


“          “3525  National Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)           2          1967

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 139


“          “3526  Bank Ghana Act, 1963 (Amendment) Decree,          1          1967

  1. N.L.C.D 140


“          “3527  National Liberation Council (Protective Custody)     1          1967

                        (Consolidation) (Amendment) (No.4) Decree,

  1. N.L.C.D 141


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3528 National Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)         1          1967

                        (Amendment) (No.2) Decree, 1967


“          “3529  Legal Profession (Amendment) Decree, 1967            1          1967

                        N.L.C.D 143


“          “3530  National Liberation Council (Protective Custody)     2          1967

                        (Consolidation) (Amendment) (No.5) Decree

  1. N.L.C.D 144


“          “3531  University College of Cape Coast Decree 1967         1          1967

                        N.L.C.D 145


“          “3532  National Liberation Council (Protective Custody)     1          1967

                        (Consolidation) (Amendment) (No.6) Decree

  1. N.L.C.D 146


“          “3533  Currency (Amendment) Decree 1967.                        1          1967

N.L.C.D 147  


“          “3534  Southern Rhodesia Sanctions Decree, 1967               1          1967

                        N.L.C.D 148


“          “3535  Constitutional Commission (Amendment)                 1          1967

                        Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 149


“          “3536  Consular Relations Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 150        1          1967


“          “3537  Law Officers Act, 1964 (Amendment) Decree          1          1967

  1. N.L.C.D 151


“          “3538  Kwame Nkrumah Properties Decree, 1967.               2          1967

                        N.L.C.D 154


“          “3539  Passports and Travel Certificates Decree, 1967         2          1967

                        N.L.C.D 155


“          “3540  Medical and Dental Act, (Amendment) Decree         2          1967

  1. N.L.C.D 156


“          “3541  Labour Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 157                           2          1967


“          “3542  Constitutional Commission Decree (Amendment)     1          1967

                        Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 158



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3543 Building Societies Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 159       1          1967


“          “3544  National Liberation Council (Protective Custody)     2          1967

                        Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 161


“          “3545  National Liberation Council (Prohibition of               1          1967

                        Transfers of Assets) (Amendment) Decree,

  1. N.L.C.D 162


“          “3546  National Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)           1          1967

                        (Amendment) (No.3) Decree 1967. N.L.C.D 163


“          “3547  Central Advisory Committee on Youth Decree         1          1967

  1. N.L.C.D 171


“          “3548  National Liberation Council (Protective Custody)     1          1967

                        (Consolidation) (Amendment) (No.9) Decree

  1. N.L.C.D 172


“          “3549  African Development Bank (Immunities and             2          1967

                        Privileges) Decree 1967. N.L.C.D 173


“          “3550  National Liberation Council (Investigation and         2          1967

                        Forfeiture of Assets) (Amendment) (No.2)

                        Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 174


“          “3551  National Liberation Council (Prohibition of               1          1967

                        Transfers of Assets) (Amendment) Decree,

  1. N.L.C.D 175


“          “3552  National Liberation Council (Bank Account)             1          1967

                        (Amendment) (No.5) Decree 1967. N.L.C.D 176


“          “3553  Restriction of use of Military Uniforms and              1          1967

                        Equipment Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 177


“          “3554  Armed Forces Acct, 1962 (Amendment) (No.2)        1          1967

                        Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 178


“          “3555  National Liberation Council (Protective Custody)     1          1967

                        (Consolidation) (Amendment) (No.10) Decree

  1. N.L.C.D 179


“          “3556  Kwame Nkrumah Properties (No.2) Decree               1          1967

  1. N.L.C.D 180


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3557 The Insurance Act, 1966 (Amendment) Decree      1          1967

  1. N.L.C.D 181


“          “3558  Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) (No.2)        1          1967

                        Decree, 1967. N.L.C.D 152


“          “3559  The Representation of the People Decree, 1968         1          1968

                        N.L.C.D 255


“          “3560  Incomes Commission Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 256    2          1968


“          “3561  National Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)           1          1968

                        (Amendment) (No.6) Decree 1968. N.L.C.D 260


“          “3562  Customs and Excise Tariff Regulations 1966                        1          1968

                        (L.I.504) (Amendment) Decree, 1968.

N.L.C.D 261


“          “3563  Cocoa (Local Duty) Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 262       1          1968


“          “3564  Purchase Tax (Amendment) Decree 1968.                 1          1968


“          “3565  National Liberation Council (Prohibition of               1          1968

                        Transfers of Assets) (Amendment) Decree,

  1. N.L.C.D 264


“          “3566  Income Tax (Amendment) Decree, 1968.                  1          1968

                        N.L.C.D 265


“          “3567  National Liberation Council (Investigation                1          1968

                        and Forfeiture of Assets) (Amendment) (No.2)

                        Decree 1968. N.L.C.D 266


“          “3568  Hotel Customers Tax Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 267     1          1968


“          “3569  Volta River Development Act 1961,                          1          1968

(Amendment) Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 268


“          “3570  Civil Service (Amendment) (No.20) Decree              1          1968

  1. N.L.C.D 269


“          “3571  Representation of the People (Amendment)              1          1968

                        Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 270




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3572 National Liberation Council (Prohibition of            1          1968

                        Transfers of Assets) (Amendment) Decree,

  1. N.L.C.D 271


“          “3573  National Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)           1          1968

                        (Amendment) (No.7) Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 272


“          “3574  Elections and Public Officers Disqualification           1          1968

                        (Amendment) (No.3) Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 273


“          “3575  National Liberation Council (Prohibition of               1          1968

                        Transfer of Assets) (Amendment) Decree, 1968.

N.L.C.D 274


“          “3576  National Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)           1          1968

                        (Amendment) (No.8) Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 275


“          “3577  Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Decree,       1          1968

  1. N.L.C.D 276


“          “3578  Courts (Amendment) Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 277    1          1968


“          “3579  Cocoa Industry (Regulation) (Consolidation)            1          1968

                        Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 278


“          “3580  Arts Council of Ghana (Amendment) Decree            1          1968

  1. N.L.C.D 279


“          “3581  Cocoa Purchasing Company Limited (Loans)            1          1968

                        Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 280


“          “3582  Declaration of Customary Law (Dagomba State)      1          1968

                        Decree 1968. N.L.C.D 281


“          “3583  Ghana Commercial Bank Decree, 1968.                     1          1968

                        N.L.C.D 282


“          “3584  State Security (Amendment) Decree, 1968                1          1968

                        N.L.C.D 283


“          “3585  Sales Act 1965 (Amendment) Decree 1968.              1          1968

                        N.L.C.D 284


“          “3586  Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1965             1          1968

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 285


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3587 Ghana Industrial Holding Corporation                    1          1968

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 286


“          “3588  Chieftaincy (Amendment) (No.2) Decree, 1968        1          1968

                        N.L.C.D 287


“          “3589  Law Reform Commission Decree, 1968                     1          1968

                        N.L.C.D 288


“          “3590  Central Advisory Committee of youth                       1          1968

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 289


“          “3591  Southern Rhodesia Sanctions Decree, 1968               1          1968

                        N.L.C.D 290


“          “3592  Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences Decree           1          1968

  1. N.L.C.D 291


“          “3593  Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Decree,           1          1968

  1. N.L.C.D 292


“          “3594  Council for Scientific and Industrial Research           1          1968

                        Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 293


“          “3595  Ghana Timber Marketing Board (Recovery of           1          1968

                        Loans) Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 294


“          “3596  Demolition of Unauthorised Structures                      1          1968

                        (Accra-Tema City Council Area) Decree

  1. N.L.C.D 295


“          “3597  Declaration of Customary Law (Dagomba                 1          1968

                        State) (Repeal and Revocation) Decree, 1968

                        N.L.C.D 296


“          “3598  National Liberation Council (Investigation and         1          1968

                        Forfeiture of Assets) (Amendment) Decree,

  1. N.L.C.D 297


“          “3599  Security Service Act, 1963 (Repeal) Decree              1          1968

  1. N.L.C.D 298


“          “3600  Constituent Assembly (No.2) Decree 1968.               1          1968

                        N.L.C.D 299



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3601 Pharmacy and Drugs Act, 1961 (Amendment)        1          1968

                        Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 300


“          “3602  Importers (Regulation and Imposition of Fees)          1          1968

                        Act, 1963 (Amendment) Decree, 1968.

N.L.C.D 301


“          “3603  National Advisory Committee of the National          1          1968

                        Liberation Council (Dissolution) Decree,

  1. N.L.C.D 302


“          “3604  Ghana Commercial Bank (Amendment) Decree        1          1968

  1. N.L.C.D 303


“          “3605  Constituent Assembly (No.2) Decree, 1968               1          1968

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 304


“          “3606  Estate Duty Act, 1965 (Amendment) Decree                        1          1968

                        1968, N.L.C.D 305


“          “3607  Workmen’s Compensation Act 1963                          1          1968

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 306


“          “3608  Mineral Oil Taxation Ordinance (Amendment)          1          1968

                        Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 307


“          “3609  The Minerals Act and Regulations (Amendment)      1          1968

                        Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 308


“          “3610  Territorial Waters and Continental Shelf Act             1          1968

                        1963 (Amendment) Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 309


“          “3611  National Tourist Corporation Decree, 1968.               1          1968

                        N.L.C.D 310


“          “3612  Constitutional Commission (Amendment)                 1          1968

                        Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 311


“          “3613  Chieftaincy (Amendment) (No.3) Decree, 1968        1          1968

                        N.L.C.D 312


“          “3614  Ghana Manpower Board Decree 1968.                      1          1968

                        N.L.C.D 313




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/3615 Importers (Regulation and Imposition of fees)        1          1968

                        Act 1963 (Amendment) Decree 1968.

N.L.C.D 314


“          “3616  The Minerals Act and Regulations (Amendment)      1          1968

                        (No.2) Decree 1968. N.L.C.D 315


“          “3617  Constituent Assembly (Commencement of                1          1968

                        Proceedings) Proclamation Decree, 1968

                        N.L.C.D 316


“          “3618  Labour (Amendment) Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 317    1          1968


“          “3619  Civil Service (Amendment) (No.3) Decree,               1          1968

  1. N.L.C.D 318


“          “3620  Oaths (Prison Officers) Decree 1968.                         1          1968

N.L.C.D 319


“          “3621  Demolition of Unauthorised Structures (Cities          1          1968

                        and Municipal Councils Area) Decree, 1968

                        N.L.C.D 320


“          “3622  Compulsory Savings Act 1963 (Amendment)            1          1968

                        Decree, 1968, N.L.C.D 321


“          “3623  Civil Liability Act, 1963 (Amendment) Decree         1          1968

  1. N.L.C.D 322


“          “3624  Ghanaian Enterprises Decree, 1968. N.L.C.D 323     1          1968


“          “3625  Ghana Institute of Languages Decree, 1969              1          1969

                        N.L.C.D 324


“          “3626  Special Surcharge on Imported Goods Decree,          1          1969

  1. N.L.C.D 325


“          “3627  Customs and Excise Tariff Regulations 1966             1          1969

                        (L.I 504) (Amendment) Decree, 1969.

N.L.C.D 326


“          “3628  Social Security Act, 1965 (Amendment) Decree       1          1969

  1. N.L.C.D 327


“          “3629  Trade Marks Ordinance (Amendment) Decree          1          1969

  1. N.L.C.D 328


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3630 Council For Scientific and Industrial Research       2          1969

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1969


“          “3631  Sports Council of Ghana Decree, 1969.                     2          1969

N.L.C.D 330


“          “3632  Labour Decree (Amendment) Decree 1969.               1          1969

                        N.L.C.D 331


“          “3633  Elections and Public Offices Disqualification            2          1969

                        Decree 1969. N.L.C.D 332


“          “3634  Ghana Nationality (Amendment) Decree, 1969         1          1969

                        N.L.C.D 333


“          “3635  Builders Brigade (Recovery of Funds                                    1          1969

                        Misappropriated) Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 334


“          “3636  Operation of State Housing Corporation                    1          1969

                        (Recovery of Properties) Decree, 1969.

                        N.L.C.D 335


“          “3637  Police Service Act, 1965 (Amendment) Decree         1          1969

  1. N.L.C.D 336


“          “3638  Omnibus Services Authority Decree, 1969                1          1969

                        N.L.C.D 337


“          “3639  Legal Profession Act (Amendment) Decree,              1          1969

  1. N.L.C.D 338


“          “3640  General Kotoka Trust Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 339    1          1969


“          “3641  Atomic Energy Commission Act, 1963.                     1          1969

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 340


“          “3642  National Liberation Council (Proclamation)               1          1969

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 341


“          “3643  Labour (Amendment) Decree, 1969.                          1          1969

N.L.C.D 342


“          “3644  Builders Brigade (Recovery of Funds                        1          1969

                        Misappropriated) (Amendment) Decree, 1969

                        N.L.C.D 343


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3645 Minerals Act and Regulations (Amendment)          1          1969

                        Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 344


“          “3646  Political Parties Decree 1969. N.L.C.D 345               1          1969


“          “3647  Functions of Commissioner for Justice Decree,         1          1969

  1. N.L.C.D 346


“          “3648  Political Parties (Amendment) Decree, 1969              1          1969

                        N.L.C.D 347


“          “3649  Public Service Wages and Salaries Decree, 1969.      1          1969

                        N.L.C.D 348


“          “3650  National Liberation Council (Consequential and       1          1969

                        Transitory Provisions) (Amendment) Decree

  1. N.L.C.D 349


“          “3651  Representation of the People (Amendment)              1          1969

                        Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 350


“          “3652  Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment)                    1          1969

                        Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 351


“          “3653  State Proceedings Act (Amendment) Decree             1          1969

  1. N.L.C.D 352


“          “3654  Investigation and Forfeiture of Assets                       1          1969

                        (Further Implementation of Commissioners

                        Findings) Decree 1969. N.L.C.D 354


“          “3655  State Law Revision Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 355       1          1969


“          “3656  Fruit Industry Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 356                1          1969


“          “3657  Architects Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 357                      1          1969


“          “3658  Prohibited Organisations Decree, 1969                      1          1969

                        N.L.C.D 358


“          “3659  International Bank, Fund and Finance                       1          1969

                        Corporation (Amendment) Decree, 1969.

                        N.L.C.D 359


“          “3660  Hospital Fees Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 360                 1          1969


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3661 Pharmacy and Drugs Act 1961 (Amendment)         1          1969

                        Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 361


“          “3662  Ghana Boxing Board of Control Decree, 1969          2          1969

                        N.L.C.D 362


“          “3663  Representation of the People (Amendment)              2          1969

                        (No.2) Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 363


“          “3664  Apprentices Act (Amendment) Decree, 1969                        2          1969

                        N.L.C.D 364


“          “3665  Criminal Code (Amendment) Decree, 1969.              2          1969

                        N.L.C.D 365


“          “3666  National Liberation Council (Restoration of              2          1969

                        Police Awards) Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 366


“          “3667  Nurses and Midwives (Accra) Schools Decree,         2          1969

  1. N.L.C.D 367


“          “3668  Labour (Amendment) Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 368    2          1969


“          “3669  Purchase Tax (Amendment) Decree, 1969.                2          1969

                        N.L.C.D 369


“          “3670  Customs and Excise Tariff Regulations, 1966           2          1969

                        (L.I 504) (Amendment) (No.2) Decree, 1969

                        N.L.C.D 372


“          “3671  Merchant Shipping Act, 1963 (Amendment)             1          1969

                        Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 372


“          “3672  National Assembly (Amendment) Decree, 1969        1          1969

                        N.L.C.D 373


“          “3673  National Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)           1          1969

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 374


“          “3674  Minerals Duty (Amendment) Decree, 1969               1          1969

                        N.L.C.D 375


“          “3675  Excess Profits Tax (Amendment) Decree, 1969         1          1969

                        N.L.C.D 376



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3676 Income Tax (Amendment) Decree, 1969                 1          1969

                        N.L.C.D 377


“          “3677  Functions of Commissioner for Justice                       1          1969

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 378


“          “3678  Local Government Act (Amendment) Decree           1          1969

  1. N.L.C.D 379


“          “3679  Constituent Assembly (Amendment) Decree,            1          1969

  1. N.L.C.D 380


“          “3680  Ghana Institute of Management and Public               1          1969

                        Administration Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 381


“          “3681  Public Elections Regulations (Approval) Decree        1          1969

  1. N.L.C.D 382


“          “3682  Minerals Duty (Amendment) (No.2) Decree,             1          1969

  1. N.L.C.D 383


“          “3683  Liquor (Permitted Hours) Provisional Regulation      1          1969

                        Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 384


“          “3684  Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (Amendment)        1          1969

                        Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 385


“          “3685  Release of Persons From Custody Decree                  1          1969

  1. N.L.C.D 386


“          “3686  National Museum Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 387          1          1969


“          “3687  Statutory Corporations (Commissioners                     1          1969

                        Responsibility) Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 388


“          “3688  Public Order (Yendi Area) Decree, 1969                   1          1969

                        N.L.C.D 389


“          “3689  Investigation and Forfeiture of Assets (Further         1          1969

                        Implementation of Commissions Findings)

                        (No.2) Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 390


“          “3690  Ghana Water and Sewerage Corporation Act,           1          1969

                        1965 (Amendment) Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 391



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3691 Beggars and Destitutes Decree 1969. N.L.C.D       1          1969



“          “3692  Public Service Commission Decree 1969.                  1          1969

                        N.LC.D 393


“          “3693  Bank of Ghana Act, 1963 (Amendment) Decree       1          1969

  1. N.L.C.D 394


“          “3694  Private Hospitals and Maternity Homes                     1          1969

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 395


“          “3695  Public Order (Yendi Area) (Amendment) Decree      1          1969

  1. N.L.C.D 396


“          “3696  Criminal Code (Amendment) Decree, 1969.              1          1969

                        N.L.C.D 398


“          “3697  Scouts and Guides Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 399        1          1969


“          “3698  Investigation and Forfeiture of Assets (Further         1          1969

                        Implementation of Commissioners Findings)

                        (No.3) Decree 1969. N.L.C.D 400


“          “3699  National Council for Higher Education Decree         1          1969

  1. N.L.C.D 401


“          “3700  Civil Service Act (Amendment) Decree, 1969           1          1969

                        N.L.C.D 402


“          “3701  Kwame Nkrumah Properties (Amendment)               1          1969

                        Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 403


“          “3702  Ghana Institution of Engineers Decree, 1969.           1          1969

                        N.L.C.D 404


“          “3703  Estate Duty Act (Repeal) Decree, 1969.                    1          1969

                        N.L.C.D 405


“          “3704  Constitution (Consequential and Transitional            1          1969

                        Provisions) Decree, 1969. N.L.C.D 406


“          “3705  Newspaper Licensing (Repeal) Act, 1970,                 1          1970

                        Act 319



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3706 Prohibited Organisations Decree 1969 (Repeal)      1          1970

                        Act, 1970. Act 320


“          “3707  The Special Surcharge on imported Goods                1          1970

                        (Amendment) Act, 1970. Act 321


“          “3708  The State Housing Corporation (Ejectment)              1          1970

                        Act 1970, Act 322


“          “3709  The Restriction on Transfer of Assets Act, 1970       1          1970

                        Act 323


“          “3710  Grains Development Board Act, 1970, Act 324        1          1970


“          “3711  The Hospital Fees Decree, 1969 (Amendment)          1          1970

                        Act, 1970. Act 325


“          “3712  The Bast Fibres Development Board Act, 1970         1          1970

                        Act 326


“          “3713  Ghana Library Board Act, 1970. Act 327                  1          1970


“          “3714  Factories, Offices and Shops Act 1970                      1          1970

                        Act 328


“          “3715  National Service Corps Act 1970. Act 329                1          1970


“          “3716  The Taxation Act 1970, Act 330                                1          1970


“          “3717  Liquor Licensing Act 1970, Act 331                          1          1970


“          “3718  West African Examinations Council Act, 1970         1          1970

                        Act 332


“          “3719  The Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment)             1          1970

                        Act, 1970. Act 333


“          “3720  Ghanaian Business (Promotion) Act, 1970                 1          1970

                        Act 334


“          “3721A  The Loans Act, 1970. Act 335                                 1          1970


“          “3721B  The Presidential Elections Regulations, 1970          2          1970

                        C.I. 8



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3722 Commission of Inquiry (Greater-Accra                    2          1970

                        Region) Instrument, 1970. C.I 5


“          “3723  Presidential Election (Challenge) Rules, 1970            2          1970

                        C.I 10


“          “3724A  Ghana Tourist Corporation Act, 1970, Act 349      1          1970


“          “3724B  National Vocational Training Act, 1970.                 1          1970

                        Act 351


“          “3725  Centre for Civic Education Act, 1970. Act 353         1          1970


“          “3726  Commission of Inquiry (Tax Review)                        1          1970

                        (Amendment) Instrument, 1970 C.I 4


“          “3727  National Assembly (Prorogation) Instrument             1          1970

                        1970 C.I 6


“          “3728  Second Session of Parliament (Commencement)       1          1970

                        Instrument, 1970. C.I 7


“          “3729  Presidential Election Instrument, 1970. C.I 9                        1          1970


“          “3730  The Presidential Elections (Amendment)                   1          1970

                        Regulation, 1970. C.I 11


“          “3731  Supreme Court Rules 1970. C.I 13                             1          1970


“          “3732  Civil Service Disciplinary Code Regulations, 1          1971

  1. C.I. 17


“          “3733  The Manufacturing Industries Act, 1971                   1          1971

                        Act, 356


“          “3734  The Foreign Exchange (Export Bonus) Act,              1          1971

                        1971, Act 357


“          “3735  The Statutory Declarations Act, 1971. Act 389         1          1971


“          “3736A  Chieftaincy Act 1971. Act 370                                1          1971


“          “3736B  Courts Act 1971, Act 372                                        1          1971




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3737  Commission of Inquiry (Greater Accra Region)     1          1971

                        (Amendment) Instrument, 1971. C.I 14


“          “3738  Commission of Inquiry (Duffuor Traditional             2          1971

                        Area) Instrument, 1971. C.I 16


“          “3739  Third Session of Parliament (Commencement)          1          1971

                        Instrument, 1971. C.I 19


“          “3740  Professional Bodies Registration Regulations            1          1971

  1. C.I. 20


“          “3741  Fundamental Human Rights Enforcement                 1          1971

                        (Procedure) Rules, 1971. C.I 21


“          “3742  Auditor General (Disallowance and Surcharge          1          1971

                        Appeal) Rules 1971. C.I 22


“          “3743  Commission of Inquiry (Tax Review)                        1          1971

                        (Amendment) Instrument, 1971. C.I 23


“          “3744  Commission of Inquiry (Duffuor Traditional             1          1971

                        Area) (Amendment) Instrument, 1971. C.I 24


“          “3745  Commission of Inquiry (Lands Department)              1          1971

                        Instrument, 1971. C.I 25


“          “3746  Commission of Inquiry (Samreboi Disturbances)       1          1971

                        Instrument, 1971


“          “3747  Chieftaincy (National and Regional Houses of          1          1972

                        Chiefs) Procedure Rules 1972. C.I 27


“          “3748  Diamonds Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 32                                    1          1972


“          “3749  National Redemption Council Forfeiture of               2          1972

                        Assets (Amendment) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 33


“          “3750  National Council for higher Education                       1          1972

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 34


“          “3751  Centre for Civic Education (Dissolution)                   1          1972

                        Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 35




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3752  Cambell Commission (Dissolution) Decree,                        1          1972

  1. N.R.C.D 36


“          “3753  Service Payments Allocation Tax (Repeal) Decree                1          1972

  1. N.R.C.D 41


“          “3754  Foreign Exchange Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 44                       1          1972


“          “3755  Armed Forces (Amendment) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 45      1          1972


“          “3756  Prisons Service Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 46                            1          1972


“          “3757  National Service Corps (Dissolution) Decree, 1972               1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 47


“          “3758  Progress Party and Justice Party Clubs (Dissolution)             1          1972

                        Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 48


“          “3759  Audit Service Decree 1972. N.R.C.D 49                               1          1972


“          “3760  Criminal Code (Amendment) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 50     1          1972


“          “3761  Ghana Export Promotion Council (Amendment) Decree       1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 51


“          “3762  Commission of Inquiry (Award of Import Licenses,             1          1972

                        Government Contracts, Etc) Decree, 1972.

                        N.R.C.D 52


“          “3763  Criminal Code (Amendment) (No.2) Decree, 1972.              1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 53


“          “3764  Limitation Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 54                                    1          1972


“          “3765  Commission of Inquiry (Award of Import Licenses,             1          1972

                        Government Contracts, Etc) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 55


“          “3766  Licensed Buying Agents Control Decree, 1972.                    1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 56


“          “3767  Aluminium Industries Commission Decree, 1972.                 1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 57


“          “3768  Affairs of State Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 58                           1          1972



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3769 State Proceedings Decree 1972. N.R.C.D 59          1          1972


“          “3770  First Ghana Building Society Decree, 1972.              1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 60


“          “3771  Public Services Commission (Amendment)                1          1972

                        Decree, 1972


“          “3772  National Association of Local Government               1          1972

                        Councils (Dissolution) Decree, 1972.

N.R.C.D 62


“          “3773  Cocoa Industry and Ghana Cocoa Board                  1          1972

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 63


“          “3774  Council for Law Reporting Decree, 1972                  1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 64


“          “3775  Foreign Travel (Exit Permits) (Repeal) Decree           1          1972

  1. N.R.C.D 65


“          “3776  Investigation and Forfeiture of Assets                       1          1972

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 66


“          “3777  National Redemption Council (Defamation               1          1972

                        by Newspapers) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 67


“          “3778  Public Order Decree 1972. N.R.C.D 68                     1          1972


“          “3779  Foreign Exchange (Amendment) Decree                   1          1972

  1. N.R.C.D 69


“          “3780  Removal Articles (Exemptions) Act, 1971                 1          1972

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 70


“          “3781  Omnibus Services Decree 1972. N.R.C.D 71             1          1972


“          “3782  Electoral Commission Decree, 1972.                          1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 72


“          “3783  Commission of Inquiry (Award of Import                 1          1972

                        Licences Government Contracts Etc)

                        (Amendment) Decree 1972. N.R.C.D 73


“          “3784  Pensions (Amendment) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 74   1          1972


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3785 Architects (Amendment) Decree, 1972                   1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 75


“          “3786  Petroleum Products Decree 1972. N.R.C.D 76          1          1972


“          “3787  Fees (Petroleum Products and Other Articles                        1          1972

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 77


“          “3788  Private Security Organisations (Revocation               1          1972

                        of Licenses) (Repeal) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 78


“          “3789  Foreign Exchange (Amendment) (No.2) Decree        1          1972

  1. N.R.C.D 79


“          “3790  Special Union Unit Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 80          1          1972


“          “3791  Patents Registration (Amendment) Decree,               1          1972

  1. N.R.C.D 81


“          “3792  Cattle Development Board (Amendment) Decree     1          1972

  1. N.R.C.D 82


“          “3793  Commission of Inquiry (Bribery and Corruption)      1          1972

                        (Powers of Commission) Decree, 1972.

                        N.R.C.D 83


“          “3794  Customs (Amendment) (No.2) Decree, 1972.            1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 84


“          “3795  Commission of Inquiry (Award of Import                 1          1972

                        Licences, Government Contracts Etc) Decree

  1. N.R.C.D 85


“          “3796  Ghana Tourist Corporation (Amendment)                  1          1972

                        Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 86


“          “3797  Fisheries Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 87                          1          1972


“          “3798  Legal Profession (Amendment) Decree, 1972            1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 88


“          “3799  Natural Redemption Council (Control of                   1          1972

                        Publications) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 89


“          “3800  Subversion Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 90                       1          1972


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3801 Medical and Dental Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 91      1          1972


“          “3802  National Council for Higher Education                      1          1972

                        (Amendment) (No.2) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 92


“          “3803  Subversion (Amendment) Decree, 1972.                    1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 93


“          “3804  Commission of Inquiry (Award of Import                 1          1972

                        Licenses, Government Contracts Etc)

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 94


“          “3805  Insurance (Amendment) Decree, 1972.                      1          1972

 N.R.C.D 95


“          “3806  Mortgages Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 96                       1          1972


“          “3807  Taxation (Amendment) Decree, 1972                                    1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 97


“          “3808  Passports (Cancellation) Decree, 1972.                      1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 98


“          “3809  Seeds (Certification and Standards) Decree              1          1972

  1. N.R.C.D 100


“          “3810  Courts (Amendment) Decree, 1972                            1          1972.

N.R.C.D 101  


“          “3811  Hotel Customers Tax (Amendment) Decree              1          1972

  1. N.R.C.D 102


“          “3812  Excess Profits Tax (Abolition) Decree, 1972             1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 103


“          “3813  Customs (Amendment) Decree 1972.                        1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 104


“          “3814  Entertainments Duty (Amendment) Decree               1          1972

  1. N.R.C.D 105


“          “3815  Retailers Registration Decree 1972.                           1          1972

N.R.C.D 106  




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3816  Purchase Tax and Sales Tax (Amendment) 1          1972

                        Decree. N.R.C.D 107


“          “3817  Medical and Dental (Amendment) Decree,                1          1972

  1. N.R.C.D 108


“          “3818  National Redemption Council (Control of                 1          1972

                        Publications) (Repeal) Decree, 1972

                        N.R.C.D 109


“          “3819  Ghana Supply Commission (Amendment)                 1          1972

                        Decree 1972. N.R.C.D 110


“          “3820  Commission of Inquiry (T.U.C) Funds)                     1          1972

                        (Further Implementation of Commission’s

                        Finding) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 111


“          “3821  Lands Commission (Amendment) Decree, 1972        1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 112


“          “3822  State Housing Corporation (Ejectment) Act              1          1972

                        (Application to Tema Development Corporation)

                        Decee, 1972. N.R.C.D 113


“          “3823  Custom and Excise Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 114       1          1972


“          “3824  Ghana Commercial Bank Decree, 1972                      1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 115


“          “3825  Commission of Inquiry (Greater-Accra Region)        1          1972

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 116


“          “3826  Nurses and Midwives Decree, 1972.                          1          1972

N.R.C.D 117


“          “3827  Aluminium Industries Commission                            1          1972

(Amendment) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 118


“          “3828  Prices and Incomes Board Decree 1972,                    2          1972

                        N.R.C.D 119


“          “3829  Statutory Corporation Act, 1964 (Amendment)        2          1972

                        Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 120




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3830 Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment)                 1          1972

                        Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 121


“          “3831  Income Tax (Refund of National Development         2          1972

                        Levy) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 122


“          “3832  Cattle Development Board (Amendment) (No.2)      1          1972

                        Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 126


“          “3833  Social Security Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 127              1          1972


“          “3834  University of Cape Coast (Amendment)                    1          1972

                        Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 128


“          “3835  Identity Cards Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 129               1          1972


“          “3836  Gazette Notice under Section 9 of the                       1          1972

                        Insurance (Amendment) Decree, 1972

                        N.R.C.D 130


“          “3837  Subversion (Amendment) (No.2) Decree, 1972         1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 131


“          “3838  Mining Operations (Government Participation)         1          1972

                        Decree 1972. N.R.C.D 132


“          “3839  National Liberation Council (Prohibition of               1          1972

                        Transfers of Assets ) Decree 1966

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 133


“          “3840  Ghana Nationality (Amendment) Decree 1972          1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 134


“          “3841  Bank for Housing and Construction Decree,             1          1972

  1. N.R.C.D 135


“          “3842  Loyalty Group of Companies (Forfeiture)                  1          1972

                        Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 136


“          “3843  Courts (Amendment) (No.2) Decree, 1972                1          1972

                        N.R.C.D 137


“          “3844  Local Administration (Amendment) Decree,             1          1972

  1. N.R.C.D 138



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3845 Timber Operations (Government Participation)       1          1972

                        Decree, 1972. N.R.C.D 139


“          “3846  Ghana Education Service (Amendment) Decree        1          1972

  1. S.M.C.D 63


“          “3847  Nationality Weekly Lotto (Amendment) Decree       1          1976

  1. S.M.C.D 83


“          “3848  Consular Fees (Amendment) Decree 1977.                1          1977

                        S.M.C.D 86


“          “3849  Institute of Professional Studies (Management)        1          1977

                        Decree, 1977. S.M.C.D 88


“          “3850  Armed Forces (Amendment) Regulations, 1977        1          1977

                        C.I. 29


“          “3851  Ghana National Playing Fields Board                        1          1978

(Amendment) Decree, 1978. S.M.C.D 145


“          “3852  Price Control (Amendment) Decree, 1978                 1          1978

                        S.M.C.D 146


“          “3853  Union Government (Civil Proceedings) (Repeal)       1          1978

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1978. S. M.C.D 147


“          “3854  Bank of Ghana ( Amendment) Decree, 1978             1          1978

                        S.M.C.D 148


“          “3855  Sefwi Bekwai Stool Property (Restoration)               1          1978

                        Decree, 1978. S.M.C.D 149


“          “3856  National Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)           1          1978

                        Decree, 1966 (Amendment) Decree, 1978.

                        S.M.C.D 150


“          “3857  National Film and Television Institute Decree,          1          1978

  1. S.M.C.D 151


“          “3858  National Investment Bank Act 1963                          1          1978

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1978. S.M.C.D 152


“          “3859  Yo-Na Skin Property (Seizure) Decree, 1978             1          1978

                        S.M.C.D 158


REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3860 Lands Commission (Amendment) Decree,              1          1978

  1. S.M.C.D 159


“          “3861  Electoral Commission (Amendment) Decree             1          1978

  1. S.M.C.D 160


“          “3862  Voluntary Association (Prohibition) Decree               1          1978

  1. S.M.C.D 161


“          “3863  Managed Input Delivery and Agricultural                 1          1978

                        Services Project Executive Committee Decree

  1. S.M.C.D 165


“          “3864  Pensions (Amendment) Decree 1978.                        1          1978

S.M.C.D 166


“          “3865  Chieftaincy (Committees of the National and            1          1978

                        Volta Regional Houses of Chiefs) Membership

                        Continuation Decree, 1978. S.M.C.D 187


“          “3866  Custom House Agents (Licensing) Decree, 1978       1          1978

                        S.M.C.D 188


“          “3867  Electoral Commission (Amendment) (No.3)              1          1978

                        Decree, 1978. S.M.C.D 189


“          “3868  Rent Tax (Amendment) Decree, 1978.                       1          1978

S.M.C.D 190  


“          “3869  Representation of the People (Amendment)              1          1978

                        Decree, 1978. S.M.C.D 191


“          “3870  Night Club Licensing (Amendment) Decree              1          1978

                        1978  S.M.C.D 192


“          “3871  Hotels and Restaurants (Taxation) (Amendment)      1          1978

                        Decree, 1978. S.M.C.D 193


“          “3872  Income Tax (Amendment) Decree, 1978                   1          1978

                        S.M.C.D 195


“          “3873  Pensions (Amendment) (Repeal) Decree, 1978          1          1978

                        S.M.C.D 185




REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3874  Presidential and Members of Parliament                 1          1979

                        (Elections) (Amendment) Decree, 1979.

                        A.F.R.C.D 1


“          “3875  Presidential Elections (Challenge) Decree, 1979        1          1979

                        A.F.R.C.D 2


“          “3876  Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (Special          1          1979

                        Courts) Decree 1979. A.F.R.C.D 3


“          “3877  Armed Forces Revolutionary Council                        1          1979

                        (Consequential and Transitory Provisions)

                        Decree, 1979. A.F.R.C.D 4


“          “3878  Rent (Amendment) Decree, 1979. A.F.R.C.D 5        1          1979


“          “3879  Armed Forces Revolutionary Council                        1          1979

                        (Establishment) Proclamation 1979


“          “3880  Armed Forces Revolutionary Council and                 1          1979

                        In-coming peoples national party administration

                        Joint Planning Commission Decree, 1979.

                        A.F.R.C.D 7


“          “3881  Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (Special          1          1979

                        Tribunal and Other Matters) Decree, 1979

                        A.F.R.C.D 23


“          “3882  Ghana Nationality (Amendment) Decree, 1979         1          1979

                        A.F.R.C.D 42


“          “3883  Public Agreements (Review) Committee                   1          1979

                        Decree, 1979. A.F.R.C.D 43


“          “3884  Standards (Amendment) Decree 1979                       1          1979

                        A.F.R.C.D 44


“          “3885  Preventive Custody (Release) Decree, 1979              1          1979

                        A.F.R.C.D 45


“          “3886  Committee of Inquiry (Indebtedness to the               1          1979

                        State as a result of Findings of Committees

                        and Commission of Inquiry) Decree, 1979

                        A.F.R.C.D 46



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/3887 Economic Plants Protection Decree, 1979.              1          1979

                        A.F.R.C.D 47


“          “3888  Investigation and Forfeiture of Assets                       1          1979

                        (Amendment) (No.3) Decree 1979.

A.F.R.C.D 48


“          “3889  Government Loans (Repayment) Decree 1979          1          1979

                        A.F.R.C.D 49


“          “3890  State Housing and Tema Development                      1          1979

                        Corporation (Ownership of Houses) Decree

  1. A.F.R.C.D 50


“          “3891  Rent (Amendment) (No.3) Decree, 1979.                  1          1979

                        A.F.R.C.D 51


“          “3892  Forfeiture  of Assets (Noe Drevici and                      1          1979

                        others ) Decree, 1979. A.F.R.C.D 52


“          “3893  Local Profession (Amendment) Decree, 1979            1          1979

                        A.F.R.C.D 53


“          “3894  Forfeiture of Assets and Disqualification                   1          1979

                        (Ayeh-Kumi and W.M Halm) Decree, 1979 


“          “3895  Transfer of Shares and other proprietary                    1          1979

                        Interest (Fatal of Companies) Decree, 1979

                        A.F.R.C.D 55


“          “3896  Constitution (Consequential and Transitional            1          1979   

                        Provision) Decree 1979. A.F.R.C.D 56


“          “3897  Transfer of Shapes and Merger (Auto Parts               1          1979

                        and Sapan Motors) Decree 1979. A.F.R.C.D 57


“          “3898  Government Contracts (Protection) Decree               1          1979

  1. A.F.R.C.D 58


“          “3899  Transfer of Shares and Other Proprietary                   1          1979

                        Interests (Direct Group of Companies)

                        Decree, 1979. A.F.R.C.D 59


“          “3900  Transfer of Shares and Merger (Kowus Motors         1          1979

                        Kassbohrer Ghana Limited and Ghana

                        Assembly Plant) Decree 1979. A.F.R.C.D 60



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/3901 Administration of Lands (Amendment) Decree      1          1979

  1. A.F.R.C.D 61


“          “3902  State Lands (Amendment) Decree 1979.                   1          1979

                        A.F.R.CD 62


“          “3903  Trade Prohibition Companies and Directors)             1          1979

                        Decree. A.F.R.C.D 64


“          “3904  Trade Prohibition (Companies and Directors)            1          1979

                        (No.2) Decree, 1979. A.F.R.C.D 65


“          “3905  Ghana National Commission on Children                  1          1979

                        Decree, 1979. A.F.R.C.D 66


“          “3906  The Hotels and Restaurants (Taxation) Act,              1          1979

  1. Act 393


“          “3907  The Beer and Stout (Special Tax) (Repeal)                1          1979

                        Act, 1979, Act 394


“          “3908  The Cigarettes (Special Tax) (Repeal) Act,                1          1979

                        1979, Act 395


“          “3909  Appropriation (Provisional Estimates) Act                 1          1979

  1. Act 396


“          “3910  The Customs and Excise (Amendment) Act,             1          1979

  1. Act 397


“          “3911  Land Title Registration Law, 1986.                            3          1986

                        P.N.D.C.L 152


“          “3912  The Kumasi Town Council (Extension & Valida-      1          1953

 tion) Ordinance, No. 38 of 1953


“          “3913  The Loans (Amendment) Ordinance, No.39 of 1953 1          1953


“          “3914  The Gold Coast Agricultural Development Corpora- 1          1955

tion Ordinance No. 10 of 1955


“          “3915  The West African Institute for Oil Palm Research     1          1955

                         (Gold Coast Status) No. 11 of 1955

“          “3916  Deportation (Othman Larden & Amadu Baba) Act, 1          1957

                        1957, Supplement to Ghana Gazette dated 23/8/57



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS

MAG22/3/3917 Prisons (Amendment) Act, 1957, Supplement to    1          1957

                           Ghana Gazette dated 23/8/57


“          “3918 Governor-General’s Household (Salaries)                  1          1957

                        (Amendment) Act, 1957 Supplement to Ghana

                        Gazette dated 18/12/57


“          “3919  Vernacular Literature Board (Dissolution) Act,         2          1958

                        1958, Supplement to Ghana Gazette dated 29/7/58


“          “3920  National Liberation Council (Protective Custody)     1          1966

                        (Amendment) (No. 6) Decree, 1966 N.L.C.D. 53


“          “3921 National Liberation Council (Protective Custody)      1          1966

                        (Consolidation)(Amendment) (No. 4) Decree,

1967 N.L.C.D. 141


“          “3922  Stamp Act, 1965 (Amendment) Decree, 1967           1          1967

N.L.C.D. 160


“          “3923  National Liberation Council (Bank Accounts)           1          1968

                        (Amendment) Decree, 1968


“          “3924 The Native Courts (Ashanti) Ordinance (Cap. 80)      5          1949

                        The Native Courts (Manso) (Variation) Order, 1949

                        No. 12 of 1949


“          “3925 The Native Courts (Ashanti) Ordinance (Cap. 80)      11        1949

                        The Native Courts (Atwima No. 2 Area)

 (Variation) Order, 1949 No. 13 of 1949


“          “3926 The Native Courts (Ashanti) Ordinance (Cap. 80)      1          1949

                        The Native Courts (Ekoreye Area) (Variation)

Order, 1949 No. 8 of 1949


“          “3927 The Native Courts (Ashanti) Ordinance (Cap. 80)      3          1949

                        The Native Courts (Attabubu-Wiase) Order, 1949

                        No. 11 of 1949


“          “3928 The Native Courts (Ashanti) Ordinance (Cap. 80)      4          1949

                        The Native Courts (Non-Confederacy) (Cancellation)

Order, 1949 No. 10 of 1949


“          “3929 Order by the Chief Commissioner made under the     6          1949

Kumasi Town Council Ordinance, 1943 No. 9 of 1949



REF. CODE   (INCLUDING FORMER REF. CODE)               VOL.              DATE        REMARKS


MAG22/3/3930 The Criminal Code (Amendment) Ordinance,         1          1950

   1950 No. 1 of 1950


“              “3931 The Native Courts (Ashanti) Ordinance (Cap. 80) 2           1952

   The Native Courts (Ashanti) Procedure (Amend-  

   ment) Rules, 1952 No. 33 of 1952

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